OCR Text |
Show pilBggaiilUMBnmwnilttiMliroaimromtomttqMtlfW Ew.- V", ' . N - v?' -:-- ?'''&, ,':'! v: A.' ..'jjj.--- U,.. i:'-.v':ri.- rtCiSagwgiW .' , ?; if. A-''-' a uij:xjniwawJ.V . t .;.- .: ;7--,- - .- ?K4-?-:- y'.vi - '-' X ' ;.- r ';4:t'?V-- v&- MttBtlT?? ItCllUTWt THE DAILY : IHDEPERDEUT salt Lakacity.Utah. ; 'r ' Iff. : w " COUNCIL. "S' Council mot at 10 A.f m.; puvraaftftto V3.,J V-f. TUESDAY..... .FEBBUABY19,1878 n4iyomenL BoIl oiled and a quotum pcooenk.,: .T'-- ' OFFICIAL DIRECTOR. Thurber prosentad a petition from Wm. Morrison sni 150 often, vly-T- y- i.r K-V-- -i i v i:f. - ;v;- :.? . ', H? ? :&''?:; r : t - ' . I -:r - r- i, v;'" v: XL . ' .iti-- . yt r dtisonsof PinU oountj, foruspprqpti FOB VTA B I ntion of $3,000 to open a wagon pond . Bom ry, Tan a Oao. Ommst. Lari T. Lwktj, Illinois through UatjitaIo Cnnjon. Bead and litwUty Michael IhMllir. minute referred to thio Committee on Claims OUf mtlc, k tlmnofli Kick ' Aaaoetata Joatfaes. iFhlUy V (juob Btmwi,wri end Appropriations. opncaas -- ' . WHITED ITATS6 Alnliii; . J- - ; Wtaeooala Vi. fI Ian. Hoviid, Mich Marshal...... . Klin hall HolUvtai Cal BocolTcrr.fi. land Otiicn.. Boom B. Bone, 111 ltojrfoior C.tUand OOco..Borhov Lewis, Taan 7 - TEUIUIOBIAL OITICXRS 1 ...Geo. Q. Cannon Delegate to twraaa ....... ...... Auditor Clojton ... ....... ...... ........Wm. Treaaaier. ..James dock aueriutendenf of Dtet.Sehaola.. ..O. H. Bingo Oi j waa received from the House announcing the adoption! of a memorial to Congress asking for an of $1,181,087.88 to r reimburse the Tenitocy for; lose indured during the Indian ware of 18617. Bead and adopted.: The Committee on hill Judiciary, to whom waa referred; afaun-murelating to divorces, reported that ae the bill had been superseded by H. F. No. 8, father action was unneoee-carand therefore recommended that it be rejected.. Keport received and bill eo disposed of. The committee to whoea waa referred the petition of Hphriam Powell, Maying that his name be changed to iTphnam Brettel Bolton, presented a bill, C. F. No. 88, to regulate the same and recommended its passage. Bead thrertimes, passed and cetft to the House for, their ' concurrence. Bocess till 8 p. M. 7 ; J.: Aftai Session resumed at 8 p. ar. A ....kutfXiiku V. ft. Attorney knresyor Otmttl H. A Col lectori. .......... A nmagt 5 TO EVERY SUESCniOER OF THIS PAPER! ChmalaUacoraB Kkrcaat " i y; ' Ornci Dint ImrnMiT, 15, utLui CSty, retaniry 1W7S. Cerrected daily by McCornlck A Os., Bashars. GOLD. ... ...... ....... flBli Buying............ Opened Closed. . .loilf Belling SILVEB. gold; 1.16 l.U currency. l.lli Sjw York Balt Lake .101 .109 eazrancy ZXAD. ... .gUUfper ton currency FUA.Ti 1MCO BTOQK MABKBT, AM In Fiaxcui o, February 1911 a. m. ... down Point, SB; O Prise, iw, idVirgin!.., 22 ; Justice, 11 B; Alta, 8fc; ;1 nllion,9.au; McCracken, 4 5tfj tiptop, 9B; Mexican. B; upnir.Sj, Ok SB ;UfeK, 10? ; Exchequer, aaaeaemeutdcliit nent, 9 B : latijo, lAU : B k B, IS; Belcher, 4.9 Hoaay, 1 ; Ward. 1. ?ur-k- ' a - a liiii-trUl- . Opbir.SI S.B SIM CN Urstcin, U W Uuuld Cuiry, 9B 45 B A B. 10 t California. -- ; M Savage. 11', 910 Con Virginia, 40 Cludlar. MB 9S0 373435 93 B 99 370 H A X. lOBbS 975 thrown Point,' SB M Jacket, lu Skbf richer. 4.05 4.N Nevada. 4.10 4 100 Bn 11 ion, 9.6a sm faxci.eiji.er, xfck.S6l.49. M itrrraian. 37o 1SB lCgUteh. 10B iaijiwit,wi Swear, SB 9.60 93S oi Luhmi. Alta. SB vt S S7S 340 Julia, 3.303.19 Caledonia XB 9 Hill. 3.09 9.90 10T 330 Mew York. 1.70 l.TabS 170 Senator, 3)4 70 Andaa. 63 Word. 951 93UO 130 00 Leviathan. 40 700 31 Con Virginia. 49 70 Savaire, 11?, 100 Ward. 1 1070 M Star 1.60 IB IAS Mtl Tmjan, JjU S Silver, S 150 Skate. JOc 110 A1U, 0 In .b 3i Uphir.Sl B CO Cwu ibia, 39 1H California. .7 M as Justice. ii!i -- . -- - Adjourned tin B 1A0 1.40 IAS 7u ii Prixe. 13 1U Argsute, SO 595 5 650 100 1MM avejii. 3 7.103.15 Luiluwmeiit, 70 . 3.3U 65 - Bellelale.es . JH3 75 SU 990 90 930 30 900 ICO i.pj LadloD and Qentlomen -; ' - Intb.Imto Adopted. Bechtel, 9Hb 10a 2105 Lae la, 3.10 343 J.lSbS IS M White, 6 BtMntorftkalrioerutiMttaB - ,s E TEASPOONS AND CUTTER-KNIFtor SUrerww at mee. tptbvf wttb t CO, eut-InSU(b S yea- afnvXraiiTMHi .i aaam is Salt, oiitkyaot eaee.eeuatyaad Slate.- Addteee all eedate to v. i- IkilUtf Si , f. case of oroaknaaa or Jlaaaaa of any kisd or character which ha nadertakas and tails to cam. Ho would therafom say to tha unfortunate who may mad this notlca. that yon am treading upon dangerous ground when you long. complaint. .ea auy ha la tha Amt stags; - - . snf-Aftarn- trm y- was received from ;the Council announcing the approval of that hidy of the memorial prase nted by Mr. Young i a relation to tho Indian war. Mr. Face X have a dim reoolleetion that the bill oa elections was sevSral weeks ago referred to tho Coomitteo on Elections. I would inquirgjvhetfaer that committee is still in exktdSce and what has become of the bilLr: ... Mr. Fisher The aajbritjof thft.mm. HAS! 10j Alta StihS Siltev TMIeram Bwllae is Middle-Age- MISCELLANEOCA. I!, ECLECTIC - S' DAlLlL-INDEPENDEN-T. DAILY IHDEPEftbEtlT, g-r- rsiuim ..4 ji 09 XTKBY . MoBwn, BWvit r . The aim of tha XCLXCT1S Is ta ha wlthoat being dull, and antcrtela. tag without bring trivial. While each number contains somcthlbg to Interest tveay nirmbar of tha family , ritcla.lt addresses itself pap tlcnlsrly to that gnat body of latelliRMit madrra who saoh i.'; A.BwMoawaU i - - aa amnam '- ? meat.. ; . 1. 4 y .. '. ' r:'..-... Its Editorial Columns - Write ue rV - f f, ; ' jf f , t Past Secerning Zi 3 4 Minins Gorrespondence- - S' other magazine In m artistically Ulna (rated aa the Eclectic. Each number con- tolas a Fine Steel Engraving oa bobm latnrcri nraelly object of general a portrait --end each vol antes twwvo eonteln ' y more oT them eagrav- -' Inge, which rre :,f . executed Xa the Iteri manner by the best xrtteta. Theee evtnfe ere ot permxneat velue, .. .. add much to tho at--; udlrnctiveiteee of the fOTHo 0 CTOR ArraigemeBls have been made with goad sad reliable eomepoadeate la the several relative to the mining lnte csmpe for lettere cate, sad naught of Importance transpiring at the mtlleand mine wlu be enfferaa to paae without mention la the column ef the- DS nuk ' oe---f- - riXDKXT. A. B. . SPIN NET-- ; IBOCEBT . 'k, QT02IS OTOBft AmOOXBY T.S r'-r- I if ytKtX ; " . V ' .. r-- ). .,..'1.--- . ;s - . .V' v? 4'yf$r The Local .Pepartmeht r s - 4 V-- . II KBARRBY OTREBT, A. w:. '.-- K - . V- f - s si a the if1'1? - s''1. . -' J fn V V--; Te this department of intellectual the Bcterito given lugrvepnce than eellvily ether aiagariaeln the world net nay , exrinrively Mteattto. i, - e. : 'Cb - Aolo '1S - T; S . ' , i, 4 h 4 i Ff. 'S' Mv.'jii : ii i xy ; E. y & -"- h 4 i-j t- ' ... . . - - ,.m - -- V : ?o ' - y' V BECAUSE 7v ' ? On Copy, n year. a Copy, alx months One Copy .three munthe AS?J!2,l5i5rom,'t 't SS IkDd BtFMA' by 819.60 . a.S6 fejN carrier..... nted 4. V. J r 3T Ye . ; v JOHN x. mt G. F. . ' CULMER, FELTOY, Pnbllnber ,r ,r; n 'addbess 'i J yy ."-- V.' i SU8S6RlPTIOlV$ M :5; Part y-- or f, 'l'-- , K)- - A :' TtRMS ' ' . " BECAU8E T'JVASCKttnnt V 'b a rival.' " BECAU8E ,I. "ni C iff - X. f. 1 TCTVft, Single coptee, SSesato; one $g la advance; two copies, ft av coplea. iso. Trlal i siteripttoaTfrr'ilweo Tha ilectlc and any other $4 pnb- rnonthe, Item tion to one address, , or Xalectto and Korth Americas Bevtew, 810. Postage ftw to SU nxbaartbam. i , ' 'i -- . hands ef a eorpnef eOrieat fteperte will lie replete with Home m,iM im pabllc may roafldentlSook for latolll gent mention of every fiaeldnt of' the day worthy of mention. A a a local rupee the 1KDB, rXXDEXT will be roftad wltheet Bclftncc. vy f : " ! Are In charge O! able eM experienced jourael late, who la the treatment of Xatlonel end loea maitere will eeenine a thoroughly lndependen ton, favoring ao party or lenoml nation, pot lltlcal or Rllpou, except to tha extent that lta virtuee may reoommena. Pnxe . ' r the Agsoefated Press. G , ; aa. r: TELEGRAPHIC NBW8 1 le, T .4, wi StMl Enirtirinii. I : ' . - . & ,a ' Departments j- Thor-wag- - .'! i It will Every Day aaafala All the . VA.LVEHjBE' ' - . . ' UTAH; - . V J CHEAPEST! - hot--tie- '7' IN NEWSPAPER , X. genlto-artnar- A s, ' BEST - . - . Where Thev Are tlv ... . Gall or Address ld Con-stantinop- Cl TEA POT STORE -- :l'i- - (Mob Literature, Dolenoeend Art l- ! rf THE BUY YOUR xxrsi ! ;, at OndeeaU, O. MERCHANDISE. OESEBAL There am: who nm tranhlodwlth too fNquoat avseuation of tha bladder, often accompanied by a alight smarting or baralag sensation, and a weakening of tha system In n manner the patient cannot account for. On axamlnlagtha urinary deposits s ropy sediment win often bo found, and soma, times small particles of albumen will appear, XkUf orflal or tha color te of a thin and mllklsh hue, again " V' v; V" , to adark- and torpid appearance. changing Them am many man who dia of this difficulty ignorant of too canao, which Is the second stags of seminal weakness. Dr. 8. will guarantee a perfect cars in all each cases, and a healX. fri. A' thy recto atlon of the organs. 4 The Editorial Department, .am Literary All letters or communications strictly ' cosh Kotlova, fortign Literary Hotea, Sc ten tie, deuMal. Medicines, peeked so aa not to excite ....r Art and Varieties, and am ,,,. nent by express. If full description of curiosity, made aa comprehensivethey and ease la given. ' aoutplcte aa possihla. , ' Office Hoars 10 to 4 sad 9 to A from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation free.Sundaysh examination and advice, ft, i . I: paypoxtal and packing charges, so that th Men. d I J am allowed thlx 9S.SS Beer- rtMa paper mm labors order sad vend for th Cot oat lBOKSaa s .. ? em berwtth . !.' i - ; mittee were prepared to report, but ae C Paint. SM there was some oppoaitfam qr the minor10 Califorala, 9S ity. the majority gave wey. Mr. Hatch moved that aHoommitteee Aftor the Beard. be required to report on or before Wedsao - r. Tthnrr is, UrglnU. 33; Ward. 96; 1.30 IK; nesday Mr Carrington 7. object to this Prlxa, UK; M fttar. 914;KiMay. Mexican. 13V W$. He Tiptop. 9M tion. I am not in favor o) this hurrying and booting and driving and spurring and gagging. , The Committee whigdnjijmJ cannot by pouibfyreport r' : tbntdify; we want more time. Mr. Milner To rny poritire know- Now Tark Btocka. Hew Tom, Pehmaiy' ISSilver ban 1 IS savenhacke, grdd; allver coin, HW1 1 clooed; heavy, dosed, the subject having received final lij; money consideration. A bill was prepared and received tha approval of four out of firs -- .WeHa. u- -. Erie! of the committee as early aa last Friday. ?l x T OnL-UiltMr. Carrington I,. could say more about this subject, but! don't want to. Mr. Hatchs motion was carried, and BaaaUlas Wke Stody Tbelr Ow: House la. adjourned till 10 a. K. on Tues' : L V ; . day.. j, We wish to call, yonr attention to ' the Mewed Meet fact that wa am selling all of oar choice and tk Why Awsy.'.:;; warranted pnmsrtkJea of Whiskies, Brsmlles-GinLoxixnr, February 18. In the House Bnms, Cordials, ChsmpagBss, CSslUbmls of Lords this afternoon, ih; reply to a nd Imported Wines of tha flneei Brands, question of Lord Granville, Lord Derby d expressly for rsmlly Use, which wa sell replied that Admiral Hornby moved the cheaper than tha cheapest, qnallty eoosldamd ieet to Httdania Bay on account d there and better 3fm B. OsnninaJBIood and Wooirs Bottled letter anchorage Fortm. Joales Stone Ala. Cantrell k Cuehraa. (elegraphia communication with and there Wera no further Ginger Ale. Copenhagen. Bt, Xxiale and Mil wan advices regarding the Bnwitn advaaee kee Bear always la stock at the Occidental. on Constantinople, but. information had ACER mmPHY, Pwprtatom. seen received regarding the possible odvance on Gallipoli, but. Government bad not had time to consider itl'i '.A Dtanbled AMenasetb1 OPFOSTTB THE SEXPlil Haiitax, February 18. The Gororn-J- 1 meat steamer JTauflald, from France, ar-- 1 rived this morning, and reported that I ' BauLid Cmr, Utah- ' last Thursday, she fell in with the steamer Hibernian in s 'disabled condition, I having broken her shaft on the 8th fas -It is ft quiet,, dean, airy, comfortable stant. . The Hibernian wae under sail,; where the traveler and tourist making for Queenstown. The mails and a portion of tha possangws waro traiui-- : can find rest. i One block from Main street and three ferred to the Newfield. blocks from UtoBaifroad Station. .Thstgentoas VHMnwt 'iV Either pi act car or omhibu will teke CoMTAxnvomjt; Febroary 18. The I Bnssians have withdrawn from the I you totLg House. Bamidie ndonbt,'bf the Constantinople u TO DAY. PER 81.00 Une;ofdefonce,ooenpied,onFridfty Themdrs to the Bnaemn troops are not ' ? ?. toooss the hncs of dssiarcetkm fixed Special rates' hiy taeweek. JDKN F, 0Jipin 7)iriftt; Jn!-'- f g ilUvernoieg . ..rtlSOM-Ti - A message Con Virginia, 99B 99 Califnra la. 9SI3 37 B 30 Grand Priza, 13T4 Imparlal, TO SS Bella tale, 10? Balltoa, AS0 BAB, ISM -- Kouloa. Tiptop, 3B 935 DefTara, 40 9U0 Xew Ooao, l mi 'Mexican, 134 14 1S5 Exchequer, 3.49 90 59 no BOpblr.ASB Hill 9.90 t wank ft JO, wbk year Sieavcrvet labial aasravad ayen nm in gved etyla-f- tyi despair work apoa your ImaglnsHon, bat avail youxvalf of tha benaflelal raaolts of hie treatment befom yonr easels hoyoad the roach of nmdlcal skill, or before grim - death hatrias you to a pmmatam $f grave. ff. - .. nl MO i Aa xt ra weum inwAvib Hdklu It Ilffivl Set e( 6tJM w . is 9)00 Mudce, XU 35, wvl N Cyau, W5 150 Bodie,w SU !? , 1 In1epnlica. Silver Prixe. 75 Hay, 65 75 eu err t - House met pursuant to adjournment. Come and be Healed. A message waa , received from the I it auttam not what j Council announcing concurrence of d eatlafy ymuielvea whether the Doctor that body in the House amendment to II cu. understands yonr case. If he eaa cure yon ha I t F. No. 11, a bill to regulate criminal will tail yun so; if not, ha will ! acaasnnleanhslacoafldantofeghctlBgacam. procedure. 'e I ..'Mr. Young presented a memorial to YOUPJC f1EH Cougresa praying for an appropriation of Who may ba snffning from the effect of yoafh-fto reimlmme the militii foilius or lodisrmtlon will do well to stsII fof1,121.037.38 this Territory for expenses incurred I ihcmoelvaa of tbtfs, tho areatcat boon avar iaid Youug America, 70 65 60 Horaet, eat the Mtewtag'SkwOrWi CUV.wmlSin wlverwam eedariOiand send BiLv plmTiae OaSM Eiai Wmet, Oaeiaaatl, to Kteu Oou i .K at 19 a. m. to-da- y THE HOUSE , J Nmi - . Hu?. 10B l.l MaubatUn, 1345 ,K W Mr. Thatcher a bill for an act ing claimants of lands, and moved ft reference to the Committee on Judiciary with instruction to print, if they deemed advisable.. Bead and so referred. The Conference Committee to whom was referred section $ of C. F. No. 10, the bill amending city . charters, ported that the joint committee had greed to let the section remain; in ; the ml and strike out the words by ordi-ce.'- V Beport received and adopted. The Committee on Education, to whom waa referred C. F. No. 33,' a' bill for the regulation and rapport of district schools, reported tha same back with amend-- 1 ments.' Beport receivad. ; x . . The committee to whom waa referred O 1' that portion of the Oovemor's message relaung to the codification of laws, ve- rnrtcd ; that it waa the opinion of the committee that the fi:nancial oondhion of the Territory would not justify the expense; that the step was premature, owing to the fact that the laws had not bern sufficiently tested ak to adaptability, unless Congress should grant the appeal of the people of this Territory and admit Utah as a State. A message was receivad from the House announcing their approval in Council resolutions authorizing the TREATS ALL CHROI1IO AND SPECIAL: DISEASES. Auditor 4 public uxxnmU to nnt th. rooms fat the Deseret Bank building for Territorial offiees. C. F, No. 33, a bill for the establish ment and support of District schools, I waa token up, slightly amended and passed his second reading, and a new copy ordered engrossed. iharyoasm appreaShhig tha last. If yea A - message was received from the I am bordering anon tba last, sad am snArlas 1 some or all of its ULefiects. vemamlwr that if I fat. House, Announcing the paaaage that wall haowaaaa faander of the Montreal 1C. pemtat la pracraatlnatloa tha time mast body of H. F. No. 37, A bill fog an act I K--l Madleal IaaMtato. and late proprlatoc of the yon eome whan tha moot skillful physician can ran-dto incorporate the city of Richfield. yon no matatenco; when tha door of hope aaueeedgea-eonUnae- a tba ha closed against nm; whan aoanaalof Bill readand referred to the Committee to treat Chraalo will mercy can brine yoa mUf. In bo cam has the on Municipal Corporations and Town-site- s. aadMvam Dlaotao wiik nnparallalad see- - Doctor failed of success. Than la laot SO 1 ! -- Con, 45 30 Patcb. 3.40 Mr Leupird, :S Wl UlU. Ml 30 Belle. 1 91-- v - r i ' KkE.SK 30 V:Ipt. Knrvka si Alpe. 3 HC Ucluitiiit. Tni wklck yea am fegaina to send, and tbaBUrarwara latb StSShSSlSi. Afteraeea Board. Ji 13u S5 1 luo U hdui, 5B So Ska tea, Jim loo , r nmwmm Don't ae - : U1 Exchequer. 4. v SILVER TEASPOONS AflD BUTTER-KNIF- E evtlHe la tebeeeiiavet erltki are nT the tbvfauflaf'lM niiiAil viid hniiitUMWttVw ymna mm to ba engraved. ordore Uet to send yonr initial or namawlth . B . aw Imperial, 70r 10 Alpha. US 1C 300 PI NNEY&rO. wd we have ennda arrangameats with the !w ri Varca S10 D R. S t . Tork... ........ ...... 900 per lb gold Vow thalNtalhal a valnaMo-nn- ch MDWErARY AMD STOCKS nxtra fMaSUnr Plated Bet of Battre-Kaithat retails at tiJwrriH,uIuniiMtKtttkO silver Plated and BmienKnia e Mltal JYMLmMwaqTMblMoJtbU yaper.andaGlft tliataU sbouM S ceM at onon. rellable eMewtaMlahad tri .. .V1 L " tSPic.1 ii- . - . M iS- - - s 7, V ' - - . ' .A " "jt . . j. X y.r X W i l'X tad lithty af fHI IXDXPEfDXBT. gait Strtot :C.V .;V? X. natoaUaaa V.Uv.-VtV- tig,, h ' 7irtt rScutii ;:kV Atom alt bai . HU, lb'ktt( Zii 'Xy " - talnlNfi ' r'hjSi i Icukdr fv:, i |