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Show ' UQUOB8. ETC;' and Iawglrrt af 'tha UornwuCkuich, Satha&r, htOurTerritbrial Boom It TdtobixyntiBE - WOTICEOFRCIrtOVAL. i If; J AME8fl,;KI WBAUL,;:; T'.y,- -' ''- aa-duat- ry. . y .' ft :?' ' v-- . ' , .. it ' . , ... - - ..- . .1 WAva - "tf'S av ife - ,4 a ' . V- - t lasting Udkfof peotecting the mining ' Ifel ift-w- r A'TTORKXT-AT-IJkW6, .rvviuriir gat a cent from it. V A. OunUk a Ou1 kook. Salt Lakeei City. ? JUI 9ADDLE !)Thii untruthful declaration must have B Work vU :SjJ v. t heea filchttdl from a idatajhant : to I the i j 8;4.J0NA880N( ;.vJ? V v.fA.-spertaining tothe Mw'fnnttieipal ite fjty j' effsct'mado by Belegata Cannon to tUm is this dtr.V Amid ; the i march ot am 8sIS BroUiem' late atrPtak. i the Wiudiingten iVf quite P? o. r w.;iav Bank, i ' 'JM J if" s Important eveatijwtteh 7rowd;ach a rejMrter of the races tly. It la bad enough ; whan uuiu x n f with sUrtlingttyullrIfcSBad puk b;v Hoe4, t d apirod aad Mmmn legislators ahow in r.Turos.I V mats of jerttadap iato .. A 6 Alii? FO RD;;-Af .lUj ' . ..lx 'j&'Jr.fiS pertainef mt thought, wa ara apt toiloas (xcuaahte ignorance Jn maUara ' Tautor, Praotleal : 'fMemlitmTnw.. lairs cmnmon : and to ; ' 'i "Mi r liriaUkaa s atflda ing of rayenue usage ead;opportuni-tie; ' '.f i eight f WV ' ' ATT ' Westrra ever '. Mala ldoea ., rv1'.i' ;?.Cr.v ; Building, i lost . But wemust remember that in levying and : collecting taxes. i But talon Tuegrsph Dfics. A few doors below'; tha" Palate Bath Hotua. ; men and when . 'r Onumcbl street, la prepared and la .o. , inspired urhil loo wxbtlag empires toUer. aad apoetbs, who : a. lt y A turning cut .the fall aadd tha atash of amasaad tread of have tor yean fastened theoaselves like Csos. X,. Omoassec .; Hinas K. Xuiu fe;. , ' JOHN v should not b w intent in leeches on the body politic as legislators, i A- - a i w' Ol Lew R I kaiohm, : derives no inthe asaert that Territory IA TTOuimimw swUMlsctim amts. Usfaaiag to the tick ; ot the telegraph rf PLEASURE UT ANNOUNCING TO 21. Ho. U Mala Street, Salt latetrltsh. ' that aanoonceith haws as tot forget come from the mines, the matter assumes Io at; a fuml law SuiBW. Qin special i to the Suit Late pnhlie that be tee re-i S nobler peculiar importance. are . Good' that ouimItss Sts giumhtcMt at tha LoWaat Poasible moved his place of twins from the DelmuB-tention to Load and Mining Msttere. Motsrr eogngnd ntb ' Jl tt.Prtres. ", " Work of : eoaatractiag empire. Duties p Mowthe fact la, .for aaven or ; eight lb UBca. ; of dollars tiwnaanda eoniiacutively, discharged iaeonaection with pasting yean AHD BIPAIBIXG DONE. aCLKAHIHG II K N N ET T dfc .H A R K N E 8 8 V TO THB OADDlJE.V- BOCK,; ' iV t .... JilS-t- f events relating to trarlivei and acta, like in payment of direct taxation on mines over ' Ofies tbe A 5r TTOWKTATW. the minute aeeretioaa of insect builders in this Territory have' bem poured Into banUughoiw of T. B. lonss. Main street. Sait Lake Cur. t. Twe doors south of Wells, Fsigo ACo.s. olBee. of wwal t foundation; and habitable the Territorial and county treasuries, V?v v, :r,' jsi-t- f .vu1 V Six. ? seven Emma the on thrf corner years ago Islands in the Pacific, laj JiVJ.WIcKWIQHT, w. ' atones and moulds tha institutions of mine was asaeweed at some millions of ri iU"doer TTOiah4T-U.- x OOce third 'A ETC: LIQDOK8, nnnuai "', i . texvpf 912,00; A asst of Um Oaam t Bank. whaf iato be the great andpopulou dtdlars. making an MI, to' the results Other mines, such as the Winnaarack, 81 Biatitoi Vtalb T ' ' v 'un Vk. ' to from and week Eareks, $1,000 of others, election a of our municipal paid ago WIIITIi llOtlHE'" ' ' V PERMANENTLY . CUBED NO HUMBUO r :? Balt Late Cit. Utah, BY ONE MONTH! USAGE OP DR. as of vital importance ,bi; oouaeci ion $3,000; in t&xes yearly. That .waa the A'TTOBSi H a ? 'V 4 j it.. . INPAM4BLE' PIT jau POWDEBM.CELEBRATED with the problem we are wrestling with era of apaculative prtcea,l and fancy To oisH saSccere that three ' M E-- M, BARNUM, A. ' ij.' . ,V; v.; K'?: powders will do all we claim for them, ws will in this Territory and as ( affording na mines. Now that mines are down to send POST PAID, a FREE TRIAL them mail. by bed-roc- k Xa I i Salt tete City BOX. As Dr.- Goulard la the only physician prices, assessments fall in pro- ATTOBNET-AT-L4W- , both encouragement;, and discourage- - f tt Ottec Building. Zr'V tus" v'1', ,. , ' ever made f; diaeaae has that a this v'.g falsiaxid f if theca j but spenslstndy. portion, sapiont men. and as to our knowledge thousands have been : PERMANENTLY CUBED by the use of three .'-To thoae whoare thoroughly in earn-e- at fying legislators, who seem to be IgnorI;- WE V.' A PER. POWDERS. WILL GUARANTEE ower J..M.HOL4JUID. M. D. bl; In their efforts to break the power of ant of the sources of supplies for their jc MANENT core in every case, or REFUND YOU ; Acute mod ALL MONEY EXPENDED. All suflferere 9 the ecclesiastical ring that b iutherto own bread and batter, will take the Homeopathic physician. should give these Powdirs an early Mai, and treated. auconsrally i fj t,; AsaciMwr's to Ho. trouble to the side ofBce, 7S, cutranuc to cuuvliiocd m be of their enratire powers. go TajrUir Houm. ruled this Territory with rod of iron, Price for large bos is 00, or four boxre for LARaEANDFULl.'tTOCK. f f ho practical detcrml nationof a respect they will fiad from $10,000 to $20,000 sent IOajO. by mail to any part of the United ' ' i ; States or Canada, on receipt of pnee, or by ex55;; J RORAWFORD,'; able portion of the Mormon membership in this connty alone derived from the D.:C. O. ?Address, ' J'.el ESTIST, Aeceod South St.', over the Poet press, u:usv, in this city to asaert their - independence tax on 'mines last year.VH;,;,;.1 ASH AC BOBRINS, :;fv i &&: s. Of the very best brnnu. M0 VWe Fulton Y street. word the N. are told in that ballot-boy Brooklyn. inspired v--' is most significant at the v;;:, and encouraging: But it la olsoducour-agin- g "Iks oxknowelh his owner and the ass his SUFFERERS FROM TOOTH-ACH- E. SV: ' .d' to know at the same time, that the mister's crib;", but here are .legislative B. JL CLAWSON. Dentist. Einporiain will extract teeth with the great, FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC and liberal element gave anu, one. might say supernatural sun, eat poaaiOleeare: . Call and eee him. Bewem-lie- r, seem where know who to the crib' don't aecond v r.u flour, Anporiiun BuiUtiug. this minority so little of . . ' feed nor the nature of. its supplies. they tha at and polls. support i,w7l y Tha best fn the dty. J, AK True, it would havabeenbetter and mors , j Even wore it true that uo direct .tax BOOT.MAXXSL to P dour north of (humors consistent for tha " conservative " Mor- was levied on mines,' smelters and quarts buildJng.vTry Uoyd'a buote.jLl, mons to ! have presented a ticket with a mills In the Territory, the j immense; adri i' My ' Gentile representation thereon, lrat as vantages : accruing j to this people " FRAN E,'-KFOOT Acts was hardly probability of elect-h- g directly and indiredly! through and;, by A SSaYEB. Main street. Salt Late City, three S'i.'A JI'I doom math of Malt Ante-- Bouse. Special bed. cannot our ques-tion.mining industry,'; for princiattention paid to sample 'bottles and all PJ n e $?CI K ihr Rif any such ticket, thefight jTU Kine-teutof our exports con- klmte of "bulliou.". Samples seat from a ple and for ulterior result could have promptly attended to; and returns ' been mads on tha issue presented. In sist of mineral products Eight millions uu following cUy. Chargra reammable. Jl-t-f on hiteLt ....Always '' I dollars of return last ini for these J year stead of. meeting' these Mormon gentleJ ; SALT ' LODGE NOi i men half way and at least doubling the products furnished the sinews of war, in qJ:. ''mV; i vote cast against theChurch party, they connection with every branch of businewi ; PEMPLE OF HONOR, vllbsts v? ' ? t GOKSU'tIPTiON erjf Wed-foe snd judge 3rTy. yowrelvre. : ' V'."' vVr evening at 7 odork.at Clalers hall. Our railroads are snp X;. sesday in this Territory. wars Jaunted with; biding Vwvskeads, . t'. of East Tciuple and Third Mouth atreuta, 'Vjjg and ware hot hiaurttiy. sustained at the portetl by the minesT Our farmers find VUitiu Templars cordially invited to attend. Gomwx, W. C. T.! iuitt : i a mKrket and for 'j. profitable . Locts Xku:t-Winrressing ,J. poiia. .. 'in'll .w,f' There is neither, good .faith not good their r; surplus I products St their doon. V :v ' ,, J " Alt snflHrere from this disease that u snxtena policy in' such action. .'Whatever of in Beal estate in city and couaty ia double SdENTENhIAL RKTURANtT to be cured should tty 1 ML KfMHNF.KM as' : the in value of result thia a restaurant industry! TUEBEls iathereaT of danby PUWDEliH, These dividual disappointment or private grit-fran are the tiou known will that saloon, powders EVA.8. onlyprepara landlords ly,JOE Merchants and a rich Don't forget this fs.trwhen j reap there might be in the, opposition move "' couKtltutioually rare CONMUMPriOX and sU dbMwre of the ou require-Square . Deal. UYSTEUd IN THROAT AND LtNGB indued, so strong is VAt;i-T- S ALI ! ment (and tberowill be always raoro or harvest through' our mining population!.-I- EVEKk STYLE; our faith In them, and also to convince yon tin i as" food token ; into the human ' . leas of these matters short, we are no will forward to every humbug; they lit, political broils) sufferer, post paid.-- FREE TRIAL BoX. ''rv'-.1furnishes for the body!, it was grounded in detrrmi ned oppoui system We don't want your mitey until yon are perBEAL ESTATE AGENCIES. fectly aaliaffed of their .ratetlvc powers,'. If tion to priestly; dictation and therefore iw "the financial nutriment from the M klnda of yonr life is worth Baring, dont delay In giving r0Sz0 mines bustains the body permeates and three deserved recognition at the hands of all as; they .wiu sorely trial, a 1:, cure c&Y" ytm. ' real .opponents of such diciatimu vThe pdlitie. As this gnrst industry lengthens Price, for feme box. it.N, sent tie any part of eordsVnd a United States W Onslaiiatll. Mt rect-ip-t its the tha it stakes, strengthens; chnreh erty take advontageof the m iv-v',..45- f'of Address,:;'. ,. price. influence .V'of ' the bigoted, intolerant of are and In eoy qnaLtlty under five pineneis Z ..will decrease! and " jnbUont over the jmhtyTotocast'at piftst and legislator 860 Ynlton street. Brookiirn, X. Y,; , Aheady.fsir-minde- d .. than eleetionrepresentieg it as; al fair eventually disHiar; and I members fof the v. ; .'! JSDV measure of the ' Strength of ; the ahti- ; dominant like Milne . Mr, r.Snd party, j ALE . and WAGNERS BEEB Church and Statoparty GUN. MABOETTS THE ' Outside parties "accept the vote .and others in and out of the Legislatare. se Z:rf ' to follow the lead of the Carring? Tot ;. .weir Mf ;TV the commenta of the Church m organ . . .... who tonian bulla are . the butting against ju'sRfei the true measure and real significance of f v ' o' ;t.f5, locomotive. Year by year this mining . elehe independentaud progressive . ment in this city.i Howfalxe and incon- -. overahodowing interest will incrimiee, till i.. elusive ; such ; assumptions f are, we all this commonwealth I will become ; the this richest Unio&kf' State in proportion know. From 1500 , to 1800 votes could "f. I.,, BTAMW FOR GUtflllLAIK riP' Have the preanre to offer to their H OT & FANCY D R I NC S But before so! have been easily poHed ragainat the to its popuLition ' ,N choice selection of consummation Is .reached,; the a T ..!a5 PARKERBRifS eletirarttokethadtherabMnauiiited ""v ,y? moles of At bate' a church the Ur. and 4 ' ' political 'f ton rally of opponents, Monnohand non-- most retire within ; the dim ' WEST MERIDEN.CT. flWRincwft religious Mormom.' We regret that- such f is rally "Property; " S . j, , of their appropriate caves 'and 'emmewm ai vp light r.i was not made. would have victory , .s . .4. find suicidal 'must K,.,. BcflidfHeni-vElssaiB policy been the feinilt;, a moral victory i more : y, .i'v . ,,, ';.. .. i ; ' r - real frequently than those of namcrical its congenial home in the limbo of oni lost earth. things F'; : 1): Fine Co(tage majorities. .ftf rVrt J?r X? W. . .! v'fcj .f; 9T0k9rcr!AtiJiw:ofiM' ixtths ws. JX raten BaUdtng; Salt Late Ott MB nnuMurAbiKOinunciFiu o h' i 'r ' ?.. Ob vnVi nbsnno Inna ;edf torixl m , - I- . !. ,dit'-J- - .: TAILOR BILLS. . - f : -- 'r . t s - - y-Asa- " ;TI t bech-groan- - . - . ei e V OISTEBPABLOBI r I . s1 . . jy, . ... . irV-r- v. a;:jfisher ; Maiivi 8j"a tiV .; - . ; yfy'; 1 "T--J . ; ' '. . - ' ' ,nt , fr.i -- . 1. - . t. - ; VI-- ' - i'ft "t . ' ' ' , - S GEHT3 FURHi8Hina3, & Jk V- - - 'f a -- ! 4a . . OTOCKV otucx! IMMENSE . ' ' - ;r ' .. ' . tfr i. r . of Qualities and rices." ' JvV- - s : A''' ; o;;oe35B , .. . J- - v 4 1 i-- IMMENSE OTOChf. A Mil Juki ME OTUCa I ; ; ' L-.'- - s , Alvsyi to bo Vend in Srir SSstaUishinoRt, sad. iLeneel liiiUy SoUdt as ZijpeflticB atid Cab ison L.t- - - . .' , ' ' & CKNE88 - GOU-LAKD- . , I I 01'UCK s 1;-- , . - .1 iA, - FALLING ! ., f i. vv.j-- ' OTOCX ,, -- - . ; s ' t v . ? sv Invite the attention of eanfol buyers for the Retail or Family Trade to the T MMEV8B lMMAXME - v. v j 'V'1' 'iVx 3 , I. FITS EPILEPSY, : t- ' i m' " I : s. . i.; - A . v ; i 5; -- infr.' . e',1 ' ... J v- CARPET8, CL0THINB.HAT8 - . - K 'V . - ', 1J5n, lEIndfa; fiupFlfea. Grocoriesp ' w rr ' . 1 BG8TOFWORK. - n A, v - ; , ' ' ?;' s' ""i r b - : " I;DY", Cdod, . -I- - u:L:.v?'k,r otK'1! ' - 1 r- '' i.V.y ' T-IAW. -A- ' w ; ' ACEfiiS -.v s . , fl Por Gala. Powder Company Blast- For Strauss' . Conulm Rlvvad Blanket Lined Coats. Hunt-ing mno Sporting Powders.- ?. .-T Ot-fle-e. - JXS-t- . - - D - , v w - - - - . - cr ' 1,1 DA non-Morm-on self-asserti- ' , . , SKSMJ - 'L- - . ' , J - - A - ,, ! i i liquors r . ,i .. j y. . Blasting Powder, Fum, Func Lignt.ra,. Myers Mining v ng , J' - . : - . -- and Overall. ' - x, Vot ;lng Coats, . MARYSVILLE MILLS California Blankets, Undershirts, Drawers and Fiannils. 1. ? : I'-'.-.,- vA'TUlL - A - , . - hs die-lanc- Of Staple and Fancy coods. Teas, e - V a : . V, jlf , Js 1,1,1 x - , i . ;, . r - a life-blo- ESUH - ' . Plcklea,;,... i4, iwr'k..,.....- -, 8 hawfs,' Ladlae :.'iv Cot8, Flannels, Unsors . - a :vz;v c i . . . .. Zts-,- W - (W- - . 1, .. x'.j ' uVl t , ,t yi. . . ..v . MASE A 8PECIALTY 0F FA.V.ILY ; RACE. .V T-f- f - ! od O f ; Blankets; " A - I , : a 5 t j, f ? ; - . - - ? Hams Bacon, Lard, Currants, Raps, Waterproofs Furs, Nubias extracts, Cand ies, ;; Raisina, unit Goods, Scat fs. Mans ' and Canned Coods ' tlT and Boys Cl lliLig. of Every Kind. E c.'"! tu ?s '" P08ITIVELY;CURED. . I';,';?;-!c, i.' Wt;1.. - s. '4 , ". - - V , s 8.TOCK - - - ji P?o iVf A FU LL r. Cotiees, Sugars, Tobacco, Saucea,;; - A'Kw ; j.-- i'll f b , . i , ' . , rs ? v . ,H .... ..... v ... . - - ' - . - u- - fst zt . c arxsiB ! r- - if - far-seei- ng S5 .- PARKR re-fu- "h 'A' ' d n e'bea m - vrV-o-- t ' .... '.ev A' mt ' ..' . M E RC '': f?, , ' ; ' ; ..aaaaaoweW. A i V , - - ao ein a -- p. - v. I ; v!; ttH D I S E ! ? .A - - ; v.- - . CrocerieNy Dry Goods, Boots &.8hcMi8v Hats ft Caps, Hardware, Etc,, Etc. vlkr "j , ;r:VV-- We . - ; " y-- ' - '..C ll nn ft!1 P ' V.W . - - .. j - . v Ap ' . : - " '? -- r- - Onr btock roaipriae sa fnil assertment of k de-sira- ble ? i. v I-.- ' peof.. M'V Tj r v"1::-.'- ' . -- dat;ivie .V . K; 1!AXA& ' RlAvC EfrE ; G r : : l - JtHN i' f' to "F , sFcefffscas sc. .s 4 ' airAiiV'ia 6 acvsur' ' Aezxzh v"'. szm v Di DAY Estate. W-tf- - . - . r . is g r? . call special attention of the Jobbing and Family Trade to our Immense Stock aadlme ' ( , Frtene. (hll and examine fur yvnreelvea, and save umiit. . HF Agency for Mme. Demureete Bellable - 1 Fnttanm,""'";;', 1.L - t thrir-narrow- , - - - fnlisg Better Owor lf. y dr-- sK: ,or, . ' , h' -- ,z. v - ; - r . . -- V - ; to-da- i 7 the... . ff1 , . ,. - 'ex-om- ple ! V--- . Jfcl , - v: - . ss ' r s ''.' ,s- sad Eefotiiti. l - - . V "!-- . . 1 .M V f - - . ' of-Rocorc- is' kV-- " -. - v-v-- - - - -' - . iL, - : . .. -- - y Is' PT7-- ,vi - : - - t fonign holders of a bonds feel alarmed and wish to pay , : the trade balances! in favor of --this ckran- -; y in bonds so much be bettor.' With proper eneouragement tbe petqrie'of this country, Bk ! tbose of ,Fronce, aro able .c6tongbaa4 pairioticl enonh. toabsorb die entire nationsi debt isud. pay for the . evidences Qf if in legal tender, belt ailver, v-' , BMrrj Chicaoo, Fobrnary 1 ec lS. The Depertmcnt eaine icto posscisdon -- Foat-offi- ce onj Saturday afternoon of.;. $5,000 of Canadian moaejfwhich was stolen on its way;, from ; Bell . h Smithera,, Kew York agents of. the bank of Montreal,' to Kurt lJcnton, ; Montana, V last-- . Angad.! Several pievioue arreste fur the robbery have beru made ? but- all , have jmvcd fruitless, Thesu bilU were in the hMa of Abe Lipmsn, a pawnbroker, who was ' The ailver oeeanhas marked its lowest negotiating for them- with a stranger for-- I rum N ubraskn," who called himself Han U tide, its flood. wIB lepd us ou.to mon snd who claimed to have "ftm by ... vlt J utone. the bills honestly, .1 v ; ; JJfV V - V- The Fretsidcni has approved iheouit The Forte has t informed ; the Foeera resnlntion Ueclaring the reduction of 4the. thm UntinuJU, have again awd ..the ; frontier . nemr Arte Albania. ew.dieriWl spirits foexpcdienr. - - ' : ,(iA. ' f. yf - - SSfSEilR f-- Mg 1 , S ? ed s v fi j. - AND SCBTEYOB-NOT- A. AND:. BEAL EHTATE-BAtOKEB LAND " AGENT.? . ' ARB ATTUINEYKti' if-'-. v .;$ V r v . - u W mm ''! : ,Uv 'TAEE YOUR FOB WOB1 m . ex s I 9Wm T - - ' jf S'V ' 9 ' At enr Store, opposite the Poet Office, we here ths finest slock cf ' ,T(, h , - ; ; - , I ' - ?i s are ns low as" is consistent, end oar sooda . invite the reanera of TUB- INDEPENDENT aiaa. all the rest of mankind, to call and examine car stuck. ."" i.. Omr prices , S - - G&WSA tis faction Jaim or,jrjM WAl KER BR OTHER S & COMP ANY OppoBilo Post Office, Balt ESTABLISHED 1.1876 13AY ' The Public of Salt Lake - Here ad far' appreciated onrcffbrta to '( 1 - f . ' : if;V- - Ak- - v . v - , H . . t '!. - " . ' .1 J & CO., CUIfSoEHlH ' si:- : - :'' ' arebbawsMseedkydse FASHION, ; i',' S'-lf'- fc'! i; , . T. WtelesabTanlRvUM Dbslcre In Ctahand l - , THOM AS .a.'! . - W s , GItfl -- lhr ; . VeretRhles. -. i'i Id . -- .. : - - -- .. ' HILL--Cler- - ' '.- f k. ,; ! J ! 'hm-ct-'V- Jhf - lift . a- - , --' T1 i' 1 ' i i.A - ft - fr, jU' ", More than double our Sf1 vrsnandi !' - - With tailoring, that oaf present premiere are Ihr too null tor our Increasing trade. 7 Having effected a teae tor n term of yaare fur' the whole of tiie bonding we bopo to pat mftaelvea in is porltiun. with oar increased facilitire to - 7ii E. ' . ; rt j ;.j. J - v 1, . a v v '; ;v-- - - ?' v icrr-mvcui:- ; z, - A - 4 a ;a.;v- . , FOBlkff; - "'-- -- 7sT. . a f ent BuBlne8.fe;v j - - ' soy, & V-- f . .1 i, - - 47 e- , ; yj J - - U' Vo ' ' vvvrt,, "V.V ; ' - - , . .r . ,. .v a-- ,, i w g$Mt " - , -. V , - . o.j V.V pres- - Dsneral Oraeerirt, . .v; Oentlemen kava- - no omhIob to go cithar gi!f East or Wvst for their clothing to prove tha fact. Rock. SpringBy V, - r , ; ,.v . ' -- SVV .'.GeMMV' s . 7V.'- -' Main sc; Opposite Waiker House; vj--- ')?: - v; Address nil vf yo. . , .; Red 'Canyon?! 6 V I' - - 60 i 5. COMPANY. ;, i 4Ufle e if; t . - the-prnyr- r t' tv art-minera- z-- z A.-'.-, - ! v : v ' Atietxls proinptljr te Preempt toe and Home, .4f ..v; ji.; stand filings l applications, low, Ohs copy OBs,Jrs8Vgenpaorwc.Q$ pares maps. Usctaga and deaJs of. all kinds-pay- s taxes, sssrclwu titles; mates ooUectians, One copy i OMHltkSu eeife contests land cams, rents honiws' .end lands, y tiaree moathc...., loans mads and iMgotisted.miPvaiu nil lettoni eunornnlng land matters, when., stamp is w 0 closed. Office Main stiWA-Fre- t daer sontb U, B. aa-v Iky 'i LcndOdlee, 7np stairs) .Malt Uk dtp, Utah. 3 TV'; - I BY .FUBLA v RimtelIBIoel;-,,(.. P, MABOETTS, Proprietor k .. CTYSL ENGINEER ' v, S s io-eraaa-ed ' - IN THE DISTRICT " COURT QUMMOXtf 111 snd fur the Tbtrd Judicial District of O t'Uk Territory, County of Bslt Lete ALEX AADEll P. McCLAXAHAM; risinUff, VC..ANXr E. UrtiLAMAHAN, Dsfeadsnt, V;. .. ; Ths people of tiis United btslee Jn the Territory of Utah semi greeting to Anne K. McClsashsn. Defeodcat Yon ere required to appear ta na action brought hereby against yun by the ilwra nemsd plaintiff hr the District court of tlw Third Judicial District of the Territory of Utah and to answer ths complaint filed therein with in ten days (rxclaxite of tbe day cf service; after tbe service on yon of till runmms It served within this county or. If nerved out of this county, Ifcjln Una district,, within twenty days j othmrise wltliiu forty days ur Judgment by default trill be taken against you, nccocdiug to of said ennpiaiut.s' The said action Is brenght to obtain s' decree of this Ounrt ittssolvtngtim bands or matrimony ben tutors and now existing between the plaintiff aiidoefradaut.upcuthe ground of willfnideemv . iv&f ttion of plaluUff by defendant" s And are yon hereby notified that If yon tell to appear end answer the mid complaint as abora required, the bald ptalnttff will aprly teUa Court fur tin relief, demanded themn. "ifSis'-A- ' Witneee, the Honorable- M. 1 Bhaefler.Jndga, and the real of V Third OtL , the District Court of thefier Judicial District, in and the .' 12?. 3Mb of this Cteta, Territory dey of Jenaary, In the year of our Lord one thon-naa-d ' eight hundred had seventy-eigh-- t. k i. Aj' By B. P. HnA. Depnty Vlk,4 ' t '4? Tilftwd fc liagan, atiuratya for pistntiff. . i? - ' Jbn. - F C v ..r.-si- '' tttjvf V--i- AND ? LIQUOR STORE, x ; INDEPENDENT : - 'v- - K?V Vt; "V rente per quart. - c, - 'v..: ! old-fashion- 'ft1 ;7';H;avvV FABLOB SALOON - - !' r- - ENOZJ83 ALE ten cents per gtssc or ' . -- w- - .jv. & WAEKERjvBROTHEBS TTTT- .';W . - -- i. wM are prudnrad by the nae nf any snch Wines en Existing between TarkryaadBmieis ' ", LKwre ea are kept In stock it Sw ' V ' - pi Fstvo AHo., tfafn Bt ' V'fXsS' I1' fS ' '&.. 4. - - 1 k - Kxw Yosx, 4 Febrnary .18. Thera V .is Cheapj' Monuem:' ? , "Hv y , an ':V in badness improved feeling financial The, loag ngony is , 5ii & i: fir niKQ ' ' a z::.z bacaase the Senate amendments j .fiStf'? ij .p speech-makin- g bit nra'dry, the Silver circles ::.y.FOR it biU Silver ' to : as mathe bra considered ; bill baa more Senstc ths than by pasted :J. M Loni;' EteiV! 'k ' ry R iwo41rtto.;and it: will 'inot:be terially decreasing its. originol power for .'.3 mischief.- As the bill stands the Secres'.J:., 'V vetoed Oife might : have, tupppted that tary of the Treasury is not ;! required, ltd Wall street with its bondholders snd issue tbe;, diver' after! cchuge, but may 'P accumulate Ini' ths it brokeirt elothe would treasary themselves simply DAILY fi t gdd he shall have exhausted the pres. tii sack-dot- h find aabea and zefute to be until ent 60,000,000 surplus bf gold now in eomforted.il But instead of; wei!ing and the treasury, or any : additional cold ' ' ! lamentstioii, the "V telegraph informs us ra venue , that may ! be ; recoired. l This ' ; ; r'.-''.' ' ' J :i would fK' accordance bc with ' the in tlAlESTATltFORSALEHUP, ' that business , is impioving even! is ... . ..... a. 'i VjS '.ijiVof Francewliich has been steod-il- y .v THE BR8T... 'jr ; Gotham,1 the landofgold and buneome. ?V.r ' .. . and paying out guld. diver . receiving ' While it wcrnld seem that the standard It looks then as if silver, inflation canJS?' ;pVS ft. s. Ji. i " Silver dollax ftarting in; thv racdl st not be msde effectual; for at' least two . , ' years to; eomc, nuless the friends of large odds, might hare widl cntained remonetization con connolidste ; ihoir as snanygnbf'tilva'aii the trade entire force in behalf of new SSoiMF legislation, Loan, doHar, it is epimrant that with a settled which nhull be avowedly mandatory for MEDIUM ADVERTISING 'i 5t 'iff.1.' ;'' . , On Real Estate si lowsst relsn.;g;;4,:' VV' inflation.'1; It is doubted ; whether the poliey.wjth silver earrencywillcome ..J Honse either. will of to consent buriness and. prospmous times. majority & ; a. ' aC-Sv.' yP.ps .v ; f themselves into at stultify attempting 'll '?.y i It is creditslde to the independence and stinct the administration ' to - pay inter"':y r ;' imr ' national legislatora est m the debt in1 silver while the treas- A,SearohlnW Intelligenee. of "v ' that in ipii of tlra smof bf interested ury has gold.; It is urged .that if the ft4"" s:. vvr.i " ' f maintains ; the sugleaden and dirinterested,!; bat," as we treasary ' podtitm Msdsaspoeisltj; i'.'i .'1. i AV .7 . VV c until the proposed Internal con- h:think,' mistaken ? followers,' the financial gested floor ji-tWasatch Bulldlsg. f common OfflwM ference shall have policy of Uni country id, ngain to follow rates between the .two metals, ; comWlS T., liie t beaten tnttk: of .i the paratively little harm can flow from our ; fathers. diver remonetization, except in so far as affects oar credit abroad and cheeks TI C. BAILSY, late ehtef clsA te Sarveyor ' it ii.' vi .'Trade asMbuaiieH;u..bf'aiist! tefnndfos.-;;rf.!,AvS!!oiBare of MonUns.snd Utah, ttenmlt $ -- A : , it1. 41m Htaten United and lands of .;( themselves to a settled i snd.determined ' mimyor ' public VUSTS. fur "fr A;eight ..Z.i.K ' sf Stelts Mowey .. W 'i If ; Govern-men- AT;, XAHT. ii-ii-'i-- V 1 i. - ; h .v Opponite WffllR, . nadJettereef -. A .ft-- - Vi The only reliaMe market for Lamp. Asserted 501 UmL Latge stock alwars IF Y0U - .. WANT, DAILY IN DBRENDENT f AnFirst-eUs- s 'tiheeribl&".a!e ; v. - |