OCR Text |
Show u'yw. -- if . ' Vt .', "Xti'A - v ? ': V '.;: Vs 'iff.f ! 1':' '.. ' ;V. : f ;.-;':V:?- W' . ':' -'-..- i.'; 'V' '"A' ;!;...'..vi,;V '. .' 'H-- '; :.-- ' ' : ' -.- 1- V-'- ; v- . " :; ; '' . , 1 FORD VO. HOLDEN. I bad no knowledge of the THE DAILY IHDEPEHDEffT of February 1, asMssment of tynd V. : ri J& 1876,' . made in the handwriting of ?L. Halt Lake I know notiung of the record of Sho Deftadut, & S3. Soldaa, Trask. stock of Ford and Cowles on the books; SikM ;; thoStaad the transfers werenot; made with in 1878 JANUARY 10. THURSDAY.; ?U V J knowledge; I was t Kalamazoo on the -''!' vf 1st of February, 1876, but have no recolOFftSIAI. DIRECTORY ASS K88CXS Ttf ntT8frar 68T IN lid lection of any meeting of the stockhold. ; HUttB 88 PtAttS. : ers on that day. ; I ld not on that day onrsD sjtTESOncKHa real tTiai V Twmm Oeratuor y. Bmijt. ,l.:....0i. represent to,.; officers ' or; stockholders lev i...Lnl P. Lackey, Illinois 1 sft- $1,200. , ! Philip I Antedate Justices, I Boraaiaa. W Ta Wteeondn aalaSlUIIW Howard. Mich jicnb R. film, Minhal...4;t.Wa. Be AttOfMapai V ...ffatban Kiahall Snrveyar General O. J. Hollister. Chi V. V. OdlfriorM U. S. Lead Oflc..lioNi M. Haas. Ill irtr'CJkLud Bartoear Lewie. (Mice.. TXBKITOBIAL OFFICERS! Defefata toOoocvaas. ....Oeo. Q. Gannon ..HTas. Giivtai Aadltor a Jack Treasurer. .t'.. ............. ...... ,.A Sapjrlaiendenf of Dirt. Ichoote.. ..O. IL Xia ........................ ITEMS ABOUT TOWN. ' ffinfi"1 Beltsb m qvotad in JLoador jdater day at 53J5 pence per ounce; ; ! ELinwosn Daooktt has been ip pointed Superintendent of the work of the Chicago Silver Minin)?' Company, TieeW. 8 Oodbe. reaigned. Old Sol it doing hi hro toward tfeaning the atreeta and lidewalka of pnow and ice. Mod' will likely be .the next thing wo ahaU have. ') Txx remains of the late Mr. Bnrke wen taken Eant Jby the benared lodge ' yeaterday morning, for interment in the I family burial : grounds, at Clercland, : !' " - , i Ohio. ;'!? Caacn ride shots ahonld attend the meeting to be held this evening at. the oOce of Carter, Erans k Co.; for the jmpooe of organizing a Territorial Ride i Association. a ' 1 . Tu Ladled Benevolent. Society of the Congregational 'Church will: meet this CThnnday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of ; Mrs. General Bane, on ; .First SonUrtreetif'?',; Tn Queen is the title of an iHnatrated ? - y fashion magazin ; pnbliahed by Ifn. M G. Lapham of this city, a copy of which found its way to the IxnzrsxDzarr office last night. It is ah interesting publics tion for the ladies. Tnz Xkmgfuialonal Legislature meet theTerritorial Legislature meets Monday. From one aonrenor the other wo may expeet the d question will ooneenaing a free ballot in Utah 1 - that I . ! P , s 1-- 25 - -- : v ; 'i:-. - . - X to sr ; company or all, von ran Both at Kalamazoo and Cleveland, and the Old Telegraph Mining Company was and' formed. I became ' ailtSeme'it. about . From ;:t Managing Director thereof The is a rumor around town that the loth of November,1 1875, to say the the TW&Mat. editor hasXreqneated Con- -. middle of February, 1876, 1 paid the exuntil the little scandal penses of work on the mince out of my grew not to reporter, - Johu C. Yonng, arrives in own fund. I formed no scheme to ob- - . ncun -- long-vexe- Vice-Presid- ent ve mt - . write up the proceedings. tain the property from my Mi. ' Cahnonwflt please see that the and they knew all that I knew about the property and what I had done matter ii attended to. Washington co-owne- ; : . ; Tbs Risky.: Mountain Ckritin A4-oeMfe- . January k or Moch of 1 hand.-- fta reading matter is good but its typo- graphical appSinnc leaves the impres-aio- n te has entered the that a cow-bo- y office anl chucked the paper!; t tlhfork. gether with lV pf v ea Bcscoss of a. big strike in the Emma : aofne.' Little Cottonwood,', were dying aroond town yesterday and day before; We know that some very good ore has Jeen found in this min? since the present workers got hold of it, but we do not believe the recently-starte- d story of an immensely rich: strike. If it were so, Ad-rota- JtV ' r V ' s 4 .'.we Should know; it. Nmnl twioare lasieomethtef ! ;! .?;- or thievos entered the yard of Robert' Walker, in the Seventh Ward, opposite the Assembly of Rooms,' and despoiled a clothes-lin- e which out had been left over all the linen . napnight", to dry. - New table-dothkins, sheets and other articles too Burner, - s, IV '.oosto! fiffbjihe uneonscionablo scoundrels. Moral don't wash your linau thsu yon won't, have ris !V to bang it out to dry, and it won't be : ' stolen. !ri- : - Thi. ball given at Jennings' ball last tt . night under the auspiees of Lodges No. 1, 2 and S.I- - O. O. F., was, as are all the entertafements of the Odd Fellows, a grand socoeea. - Abont 100 couples were present o partldpato in thb dance," while OWi -- band fnrnished tla mmdc and Carry dU (he prompting. At midnight the dancers, or a largo majority of them, repaired to Arbogmst's Oyster Grotto, wbttrs-thehoisted in refreshments and then tetnrned to the ball to finish np the y fan. -- - ; ..yi; for fU advancement and success. During the time I was at the mines asafore-said- ,' I never received one cent from the other owners; the output of . the tnine did not pay anything like expenses. I never mode any special agreement or contract with Ford or. any others of I the company, or the bondholders, any more than that !.I accepted the position of Managing Director of the company. .1 never received any consideration from Ktmiisli, Ford or any other owner, of stock Ion' account of special .contract with them, or either of them,' to' act as their speciel agcnt. I informed Ford folly of the condition of the mine . BZrOBC X HOI STOCK. BOOOBT he ' had been in He informed me that Utah, and had looked over the property in earlier days. I told him it was problematical as to whether are sbonid strike the vein, or, having struck it, whether the Montreal would like. it. I showed Ford, before I bought of Mm, the telegram of Doane's, We have got the lead, but need $1,000. I desired him to get money he was owing mo 01 the-- note for $5,000 he had signed; Ms proportion of that note was about $1,100. The note had been entended once, and I pressed Mm for; the money and told him I desired control 6t the- - mloc, whether it was good or bad. I did not have the letter or- telegram of Febnury 2, 1876, from Mr.. Duane when I bought of Mr. Ford. I showed Lima letter of Januiuy 25, 1876, written by Doano. I bought Ms stock on February 2, .187Q; tbs con-trs- et was made at Ms office, f When I bought, I assumed the payment of Ms tiro notes, and took the stock subject to assesHmeut. I had pre yiously t d' Cowles stock. lie hod declared that he fWonld not pay another dollar .1. into the company, and had . ,. -- - J pnr-chase- rZBSOXlb ' 8. Paymaster, Major tat)ton,v with his' flseb, CnptainChase, have re;razHMtD MX to make B ix oms tained to this fUy irom a tedioos trip to I did so, and he, took me up. At the Camp Ktambfiugh, where they distrikn-ta- d time I bought of Mr. Fordon the 2nd thf gisenbacks among Uncle Hams of February, 1876, 1 consider that I paid Via ?' ' him': aU that : Ms property was1 'worth; hoys, yrThere Was no obstructions in the way of s Owr FHcndo sad Omml Psfcle Ford ok any stockholder getting a knowWe wish to call yonr aTfention to hs of the mine; there was no arrangeledge ScVtbst wears selling all of oar eludes sod ment with ay! agents ati the' miim Ly Wmrremted ptut articles of Whiskies, Brandlss Dins, (MUmanitnpoiM cipher or otherwise, to obtain or use Wines of the flsest brands, pat np nprasly information to the detriment of any one. tSrfsmtl'jue, t- the. lowest possible Agars. I - was ' present in January l 876 . at a Call at tbs ..Occidental: and ssmpta oar But conversation between Cowles, Randall, Bed Goods sad bs mstIimmL on oar Jabbing and. I think Ford. 'Cowles atatml that K. BxBiit hnvtag'o depend trade slidjjptlMviwSesfi sell ckesper tbsn tke he would put no more money Ju the I ahesnest, gaallty easldeied. : ;v-aveb k Mcmrar. - mine. I bought Cowles stock on the 21th of January, 1876. , In that connecHstel DnasUp QHI tion I showed Govles.a latter of Dusneis 'j At $1.50 to. $2.00 per day In the city is the letter is not in my possession, it the Talley Boose, respectfully soliciting ens-l-a was of ths date of January 20, and eonld froni .new; sad s rontlsasaes of fevam have not Cleveland on the 21th , reached om old swfotay see. I mb taaly years, ir-went to Cowles-tJou to InnkiMOv, Propriffitor. of January , - I never 'W ll.t came to me. lie had purcbiUM'stoex,'Ae : f - . i - - : r 'os . v hs ; y , - , ; . - lateral.1 . - stock certificates bei forwarded , at once. Bait Laki City, March 16, 1876, in From . the same place he writes strict eonfidt nee,:" Cmmunicates susto 8. H. Trask, February 8, 1876, picious that Da.,. Hill is playiug into the and says : omotg , other things hands o?; the enemy who are trying to we fliall win the battle. get up n coinhi nation of' Nez believe do I and I am going on to help in the fight, stock, and sin's, regarding th? litigation. 1 will make this thiug I feel doubly confident, as the Montreal We shill win." , I fci--l it iu my bone. has been , sold oil to Isador Morris. a grea't Think 1 shall take tike aggressive when I Holden; t .Trade, March .10, .1376: 'if'" Hold former offer of 40 p r c in. onen go there.'" Letter from 8. i B. Kendall, dated to any one who wants to back out, bnt Kalamazoo, Febrnaiy 22, 1876, in which, says: 1 uuve full toith in the final in answer to one of Mr. H.s letters,, he ays he is pleased with the looks of to Holden, Kalamazoo,' March thing generally. llinniiin uud Wiusor have ' 21,1876: PresiLetter from F.TW. Curtenius, to been trying see books and get stock. dent of the company, dated Kalamazoo, Will not let them see books, but says February 28, 1876; They, at Kalamazoo, they have all refused to let' them bsvu ' At times we are read with avidity!t; cheered and then again despoudent,lmt on stcc. Curteuius to Iloklcn, March 21. 187G; the whole, howeverslieerf ulnes prev.iils, Defends Dr. Hill; says he' is all straight; yonr last elevate ns a good deal." Coduts says that the ' last uvw as got from the on winning the fight ns far ae controver- Nez .i is Perce the big mine of it that sies at Washington about patents are conmul talk. mnrh Bingham making cerned, as they have in Decretory ChanTrask to lloklcn, March 22. 1876: dler aud Vice President Ferry and other Also susdefends Dr. Hill from high official friends whose influence will picion of colleagiug" with any Hinman The conclusion help their cause. f.;! Wiusor. of jour letters gave us gnat courage, andlloldcn. to Kendall. March 25,1876: and upon this are1 shall feed until you Details in the litigation inprogress uu off ie of a us darker ths lira, l h give obtained junction against' Montreal. L I ciscusoes generally the bright, prospects or W,U J01 lun3 Joa Tors terininatiou of .successful the and the ever had. fight. Holden to 8. II. Trask, March 28, Letter from F W- - Curtenins, Presi- 1875 letter of four p.igej:.f ivo dent, dated Kalaiziuoo, March 2, 1876, beaten(long onr adversaries on every jsnnt to Holden: Discourses on the uncertaindo so to the end: ties of trials in the atmosphere yet, and proioe to the iu letegntiou und repenting pr igres of Utah, and alluded to the in the mine. . of tho . ! Utah generally and , iKople Curtenins to : Holden, April 3, 1876: Montreal parties lx articular in far With t we ire highly, the pro from Complimentary langnage, wishing we ore so eluted that imiHd, affair to be whole sumuitted coahl the ." Agroo with the Laud Dnreau at Washington, but stock- has is oar side. ; on that you providence says I have no doubt yon will be nblo to to Kendall A Holden, letter meet them at evexjl point. We are glad offers which he in dated 1876, 8, May to hear that yon i have clearly defined stock at one-thibalance in cash, lh vein upon whi:h the Montrenl folks 30 aud 60par, Feels hive thit day. AUd 'folkif tb;ythiuk ita WeshouLlbe in corer oreworkiug. there gpod prospect, wetu those scalluyags out of tho way but fear a worth a million, is qnarter'Of is a It and we working mimolestedly Thinks to devil the fiht." youhave matter-ocongratulation that yon do not the other Kalamazoo would sell parties ns. I find it necessary .to draw upon and probably all their stock at par. hope yea trill not look ' too muck on the part the arrival of which Mr. Holden Upon the know blight ride of tliingsbui let us i'iVt. telegraphed. May 15; .'Si'-dark aleo, will When; accepted. Proposition - Letter dated Salt Lake City, March 4, here? be drafts stocks and 1876, of Iloldou to Curteuius, President. V: the following: This was a vary! long one, giving an : Received Will Yours received. give you par idea of the difficulties in the way of not for Kalamazoo stock? litigation in Utoh;;lii progress : in getJmutPH Sill." . ting surveys' for. .patents, questions of which hs replied: To title, success iu purchasing the Montano, to. bo bona file. Shall 1 an okl location, to defeat the Montreal; takeYes. Bate L. E. Holdkx." it? wants every man fof. them to stay by Kalamazoo received: And accepts, him, but if they do not wish to, his offer Jos. liabilities. Sill. assuming yon of 4U per cent, is open to them; that he Mri Holden then telegraphs : ; ! fully believes that in the end we shall Everything agreed. Wll stock bo "I want yon to .act triumph. L. E. Holdkx. sent with draft 7. 200 thin we have abont fet to go to strike tha Montreal, which .'Canrt adjourned until is shipng $360 to. $300 n ,dayr Took morning at half, past 9 o'clock. Professor Clayton up; he v examined Pt-rcc- s sucL-css- . ' vic-tor- - ; . - . ;; . j . ; - . - dj-light- - rd f ' - . , ; under-standifigty- i" w . Original English Ala Vnnlts. Phil. Msrgetts conies to the front today with an advertisement of his English! Ala YanltsIf we .were ' to state that Phils liqnor and ale never tickled tradng; pronounced it perfect thus far, our palate, nine out of ten would not believe' tho statement; so wo candidly make the admission, and further state that nowhere in town eon better wines, liquor, ale or brands of cigar be found than at! tba Original English Ale : ; ?: "!.; Vault.'' The Marquis of Aylesbury is dead, at . tho age of ft yon! ... .14.?' . ? . ' JT -- " js f ; ' "? r ' .?-- - ! . w '.J' - " 4'.1 . v.' I--; v. -- ' : vr--- v. "T' ,!rW. , ' :: ' il;' r Sr.5 Kr -- !.. ,b - . ' ISiES SES ;-- r v "1 . sa f , - . t . AGENTS agents , - s ; j ORIENTAL TUB. OXB COXDl 1'IOX. IsU tfet etlMf..-;...,VmUh The following paragraph wo take from the letter'of a Suit Lake correspondent Times: ! to the Chicago ... ' , the Hj longs plural wifei ; system irf of . Mor-Ksinlnl as tho cunier-ston- e inoniiun, Utah can expect no favor of Wlir Vtah.ls Not Admitted Powder, Fuse, Fuse M A R Y SV I LL MILLS Lignters, Mvers Mining .. Candlas, Etc. California Bf .nkets, Underehiris, Drawers and Flannels.. Binsting . ; - , : FULL LINE little A public opinion It i not unlikely that a new generation will have to displace Of A CK Staple and Fancy Goods, Teas the relic of Brighams dynasty before Coffees, Sugars, Tobaccos, tli Mormons will come down to haul Spices, Sauces Of Blankets, Shawls, Ladles sense upou this nnestion, by giving np .. Pfokles, their absordhobby that their peculiar Coats, Flannels, Unse ye. "! .t': and ' repugnant ideas will ultimately dominate American society, legislation, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Currants, Reps, Waterproofs. Furs, Nubtas, aud morals.' Knit Goods, Scarfs, Mens.. Raisins, Extracts, Candies, t r: and Boys and Canned Coods It i no use for Mr. Cannon, or any Clothing, v' V: .. i..'-Kind." of Etc., Re. Every other man, to beat around ; the bush in this natter. Utah will have to remain oat of tho Union just so long as the majority of her citizens sustain and pracWE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FAMILY --TRADE; tice polygamy.' That . i and from the first has been the insuperable Imr to her admission, and those who realty wish to see our rich and promising Territory be!' come a State ought, we think, liy this time to Hbk this fact squarely iu the CK? CHS 31? A4LAXZ. XZES3T3ZSD TO. hot seen !tlie way,-whave . yet j: . l f.ice;lty a c of Mr, Cannon bill.' AVho has? - - rpi FULL : . - - - : ' ;. 1 - . ''w-swpes- D. Ta iUllemen. with th) propiuti-ra.tIn orrfni. aT.jrritori.vl Bull .'Association, a m ctiug will bo held this (Thnrs lay ) DAY Estate. c -- , the city are respectfully invited. ' Johu Kharp, Jr., G. A. Meears, James Sharp, !;' H. Spcirs, , : F. J. Evans, J. IleuKser, .. F. C. Sharkey, C. E. Wallin, It. W. Dye. O. :VnderccK-k- , J. II. Latcy, i . G. A.' Black, W. Black, T. Stoue, J-E. BatubiYger, W. Hcasscr. (Bil Bttill Dcalny ta . MERCHAN DISE E NERA.L G ! Our Stork renyrtera a fall aaeort jurat of - . toOOM ;KUkil evening at 7 oc'ock in the' office cf Carter," Evans k Co.t for tin purpoie of discussing the proji ict.-- ' "All riflemen in D. L. DAVIS. JOHE B. BABEES. a.ilcnj Caf A ! Shoes, Hats & Crocorie8fJDry Cocdff, BootsEtc-Etc.' Hardware, , ; : Wo ; rail iForlil attention of tlio Jobl'lnzand Faiully Tntla ta mr linm-n- aa frim. Chll and rxaiutnr for ydniwlvaa, and aave uumry. JT Agency fur UiuDeniormti lirllabie Pattrrn- -. Stork and Lew s fargo & Co., STfifn St. Opposite Wells, Arrrf$Nl natd PIned George IL Hill wa arrest oil yesterday anl flficl $15.0 ) f.ir niu profuu tha uaa of auyanrh Wlnra and jmdnral language nu.l aMinlting anl abusing Extalln tetwren Turkey and Bnaria wasaa nevrr aro kept In atuvk at Llqncis to nomadic n officer Phillip. Hill j! every by turns' gatlemsu and nowhere long. Hi lad op .r.ition wa are here were iu ths jewelry line, in' snccouded which ho in At onr Ston, oppoaite tho Teat Offlcr, wo kavo tho finral atorS of ; . informed, small several nl loans out getting . - r : - - , wh-?r- e WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY. ; : - !. people on such cciUdtcml and onr pmd, rannot ba thia rrulcn. Onr nrirra are aa low aa la ni hiivy gdd (?) ring,- b to., which Ever akowutin xrrltwl. Wr medially invite thr vra Jn of THE IX DEBEE DEET, and to onr atovk. all the rent of juauUnd, rail and exanitna proved ; to be of a cbmposition akin to himself cxmalingty brassy.; His prec . iyr we:.- g rA n hare is likely to tersent' !. ; i minate abrntl. ! WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY -- j xt ee . fs fa sa , tiox ju : ' .' .. Opposite Post Dearer Tall Maitp. Bearer t iil soap is sumetliiog that everybody has nol tasted, ,rbut1 for the information of those who; hato a desire so to do, wo would state that tho aforesaid tails can lie, found in any quantity at the. grocery and general merchandize Cflw,8alt Sale Oty. . - . Advertising Is Ific Essence . I. WHO 18 YOUR e V ing store of Thomas k C.', 66 First South street v All the vegetables you may need, to1 season the., soup citn be !; procured at ths same place'-- !:! .i .? sv, fi ?. LAR0E18B, ..FULL: ..,1 ti, Of - 'J'.- - i vl, th rerjr Imft hrand : - A.f. tfJ aaoaoaoooaao WINES t- i ;- TIiId j A ;,a AND '. i BEST t - I) . ,:??; - UTAH ! IN NEWSPAPER E, SEND STAMP WEST MERIDEN.CT. It i a qbiot, . . a- .j. .JMf '. TO 82. PER 81.60 the Bates pedal JO UN DAY. ly , TAKE YOUB JOB WOBli ' UTDEPMDEXT OFFIC . .. -- ... - V',- In Ilia hfd it dona - And-gr- t v; ! '!.v v''s.-- X.!,' ' . " - Sba0 KMMlihrakv - - - v t oaa.TO Vi- lVBUUENSOSi-rnqmeto- r ' V.r'v FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS clean, airy, comforft4o the traveler aiul touriat where House, 'Ican firnl rent. One bloek from Main street and three block from, the Railroad Htatiou. Either street cus wt omnibus will' take !'' ?'! you to tha Honrt. )'- ; on baiwl v'.' , - OPPOSITE TIIE TEMPLE, v. Halt Lake City, Vrsms.-- ' - ; Whlrh la tha VALLEY. HOI) , Always- IN DE PENDENT! ' 'J f v THE PARKER GUN. . DAILY ClKnri ,r .The Daily Independent! HO.Y, BCBdCBIBE FOX TOE . X - ' - . Main St., Opposlta Walker House. UQtlORS Fiueii ad TV i'. i ' . ,Try BITIiLli A rOBElOX AID DOMESTIC sn IBOnS. ADVERTISE THEIR WARES STOCK "i.jvJ,; .orPuMiciljr. KMSEFS . . :2 1; ,),.iun a. -- s I r FA8UXOE, - H.FJi LUL ON!:! .. : ; : S white norsE . TlLORT ' . te : , ; ;!. - h v.T-- . , . ; . . Z' : i ' .. - ' : ' WALKER BROTHEliS, , - 'yy-K- ' - , J , A y. MtZ h . V'V' s S'V .. - . . fitftjNilr ? i - , Waul i sky-high- g-vi- ; ' r- ' 0.-- : f-:-4 y..' . 'I -- . Holden to Curtenins and Trask!, dated - . - - re- . v - s . - o . of t a " - lb..-..Th- ls sults: is pursua ldd the title is goOd and i will be sustained at WaaliingCou. Letter from F. M. Curteuius and all Old Telegraphers" ; ( Long eight page1 letter): Communicates his suspicions, based .on information received,; I that some one was playiug false, divulging their plans, etc., to Harvey D. Wiusor k Hinman wh , he says, arc trying to get up.: a comhiuotMu to buy up a . majority of old V" Nez Perec stock attack the and transfer ; from the latter company to the O. T. Company, and th it it was reported here tliit tnry had ounght np a controlling interest, lie thought it but right if they wished to .sell, that they give him the preference over Iho lsmaelite. Did not wish Uiiuhanaml Winson, or. llmdoll and Wiusor to get even a small interest in the property, 11 he feared they would make trouble for them. Our mine is lookiiig better, and better. every day fully believe wo shall trace them out and iu the end get possession of the whole property. They are taking out 30 to 50 tons of good ore per ' day, anil gnttiug the mine : just as fast ok possible." . Describes for bonds in injuncworkings, necessity tion suit, distance of workings, kind of rock; can raise bonds here by pledging stock a security; give a rough sketch of the mines and their relations to each other on the surface, surveys tor patent, purchase of the Montana, etc., at quite Now, allow me to suggreat length. that Colonel, gou tome out and stay gest, two weeks with me, aud aid me with your conuscl and sign the bonds here, or bring on tho stock to bo used as col- if we can; make as good below rnmdmm 'save ' made: above,' we shall win the fight. : I expect to win it, and if sell to me I waut'Jfoa to sell withJ ' ;r expectation in miiid Letter, of Cnrteiuna to Holden, dated When Kalamazoo, March C 1876: fight i over I seel no' difficulty in makTBB XXIOBaCATIOB. I kixrkh ing five per cent.f monthly dividends, T. C ms:rong if r.Ciivln. o.choiee and geiierai disemirion of the situitioin. had no kaowledgo of the striklug of H. Trask, flecretiuj, . to Holden, 8. vlertioa of dsjRW Fuvwa and 1'ikld Hcedc. Uu pisus T?!lAHIl:Arlnt Pfcnrsn! 6itr. Uis ledge before I bought of him. I Oh March. 81876,; from Kalamazoo: ; In - fb sM Uids 4 the litii F sbrh:i tf, 1 S78, an relation to deed tpx ibe property. Of r.inasisnie.fi3kMs ' uJdiM Si'AlVr si - tKlr It-! no special importance only ' that he sugWfiu L- Ltm LefbrirrWtyapfcs that . Nex ; Psres stock stand in advsntkgs to wsisalt gests, names-o- f ilHrwBn S0. Halt eta, atoe&ohlen, and suggests their HodiA;!,!!1 that it ought to be . tiunsferxcd, a it will . 186: .. Hopeful mazoo, March 15, . U .. pr ; . ; ' ! fire-pro- of Letter of Holden to Curtenins,' dated March 14, (but Mr. Bennett stated, apparently a mistake in copying os to the month, the proper date being April 14, copy certified to be correct by 8; H. Trask ) i Details purchases of t of the Montreal, condition of mine, work. : rondo, tramway ; says next week he will ship at least 'fifty ton per day, Also details of) purchase of Montano. This letter ctyrers four or fire large legal cap jMptrs, and goii very fully into all connected with the mine, and it business, and says he. expects soon to pay dividends. r . Letter of Curtenins to Hohlen, Kala- The first three or four related, to the financial matters of the company in the Fall and Bummer cr' 1875, showing the company to bis in deb .thc Directors individually indebted ' on the : acceuut of mid V the Directors the company, and stockholders : very despondent. Oho of ; the., strong points made, .or sought to be made ly the plaintiff was t niton a meeting of the stockholder out on the reoordsof the Nez Perecs Company as taking ilace on the 1st day of ; February, I876, .in which the Secretary of the company records that three-fiftof the stock is represented, Mr. Holden voting the ;; share of For, Cowles and Hickox, whereas the fact was, that the stock of Ford and Hickox eras hot sold until some days thereafter. Mr. Holden hod alR-adtestified that he did not attend anjf meeting of. stockholder on that day, did not vote any of the shore mentioned by proxy or otherwise, and knew nothing abont snch an entry having been nade on the record until he saw it in; Court. A letter of Holdsn to 8. H. Tnisk, Secretary of the company, .dated Cleveland, February 5. 1876, was then introduced, in which Mri Holden announced that he. had bought the stock of Ford, Cowles and Taylor, and that l;e would stand responsible for. MHHiuufitik llr.. H. here testified that that ? was the first statement thst r: he ever male to any officer of the company that he hod bought the stock. On February 7tb, 1876, Mr. Holden writes to S.'H. Trask, Secretary, from Cleveland, that he ins just had a letter irom Mr. Doaue, in which D. states that the Montreal are making arrangements to enjoin us, but That bas no fears of ultimate victory. he, Ii., is preparing to go to Utah; and announces himself ; decidedly in favor of tracing ous and Utting their rights, rather than entertaining any combined tion or compromise, and asks that the . K; ETC LIQU0B8, m r , Discusses generally litigation and prospects of success. ''. TBZK VOLXOWZD OTHSB LETTS BS . ;';'''V'Vy,,V'-m y i - March 10, 1876; - Mool r . wo-thin- Of which we cau oiily give meagre follows: : ' ':'j V; ' - 1 ' . ot to-da- y; ro-ei- stock oh tLat day. v, I think it was on the 5th of February; 1876,-- first represented to officers of j the company that I had purchased lheetock. I Have written eridence of that fuct a letter written by me to L. Tiask; I know that he received it for I received it from Mm.' ! The ; letter was f rat objected to by plaintiffs,' counsel, and then objection withdrawn. It was read. It informed Miv Trask that the accounts from the mine' were very encouraging, that he (Holden) had purchased Cowles and Ford's stock, and requesting Trask to show tire letter to Kendall. ... ' fc.! - '"'!," , THK STOCK OT VOZD OB COWLZS. TnCitdari Pmswllsgi la tks Thirl IOWXXD not vote or offer to vote on . that did Plrtrtat Court, yy' The Third District Court met yester0 o'clock.' pn day morning at half-pa- st naat to adjournment.' ,: fhe defendant was on the stand aa a witness, his testimony continuing over, from the preceding day. Be testified that hei.went into the Montreal mine on or about the 1st of December, 1875. There was then only n narrow vein exposed. It .was impossible to toll at that time whether it was a tree lode or, being so, where it was to be found. The pitch was about 42 degrees; if that pitch had continued the same it wonUhavo come out to Uie level. Labor in old left of the 310-foNez Perce works .was discontinued about that time. After the sale of the ..I Nes Pmm property And about the 1st of December, 1876, 1 sold to Donne and Drown interest each in .the property for $1,000, apiece; they each paid about $700 in cash and were to pay thereat out of ore whenever it might be struck; I directed the work to .the, best of my r bad. a lauon . ixtziest pi Tua Mizz And was anxious to develop it. I left men at work and returned to Michigan, reaching Kalamazoo .about the 25th of December, 1875. I met the bondholders there at once; I gave them fall detail of the work, explaining to them minutely the position of the works in our mines and in the Montreal, and that' nothing bat work eonld determine- - whether the Montreal was on the vien or not. Trustee's sale of Nez Perce property was made in November, 1872, for $80,-00- 0. At this time, December,. 1876, 1 filed with the company a written report and left it, with the balanced books of th company, in the Secretarys hand. I talvocated the organization of, a new i -- :.vr :.:: i ; ;$; : may ! not be generally known that there ,i.L- exists a close.' corporation of wholesuile ' e Si 'J dealers in the United B totes, who deal WHOLESALE AXD,BBTAIL DEALEfiS DT exclusively in Ndrtii Carolina mica, pronounce the product of all other mines worthless .and thus maintain tho price at figures (hat enrich tho ring bnt at the same time ruin all exportation to Enrppe. ' j1 ' t ' which was; istjrae time.a large exporter 5. '(ft from this' country. Y; A recent atimnlus has been given to mica prospecting by a Dry Coods, Grocer lesy . Minors9 dupplfes. Boston ; firm who are largely engaged in the manufacture of lining for etc and safes, doors, window-shutter- s, Francisco firm San in a who buy the by materi&I in raw large quantitie for the C1RPET8, Ci.0THiK6.HAT8 & 6EHT8 FURNI8HIK68, China trade. Mica 2x2 inches is quoted at $1.00 pound; 0x7 up to 8x12, demand is, however, $7.00 per the medium Vslzee, from principally for;: lavlta tbe attantlanof esnfOl fcnyen for the Betail or ItaoUr Tnde to the 3x1 to 4x6. A discovery was made in North Mill Creek, ten 'mile from this .1 city, uome ( years since, bat while the f 1MVRWUE CITOCX ImuSSI StScS ! ..;!!: OTOCK quality was good, tha sizo aud quantity ! would not warrant miuiug the same. 5 i. 9 Some of the owners of the North ; Mill Creek; property are; wo believe,: inter- Alurayn t6 be Podrid in Tlxelr Sstablisluiieat, n4- SLiHBpect-IbU- p ested in the recent strike in Colorado, fiolleit an Inspection asd Coin risen' : . which bid fair to prove a success, finan! . cially and commercially. : An Eastern . ' ofQnaUties and Prices. '.sv:-- . . ' t rebeen has ordar a paper says,! large ceived by a mica concern in New York for plates of mica for Chinn. The Clii-neuse these plates;1 which! are-- about seven Inches square; for idolatrous purposes. They paint upon them ; the like-ua- w of their divinities,'; and! reverently For Cale- - Powder Company Blast-- i For Strauss Genuine ' , Riveted and Powders. Ing Sporting Blanket.Llned Coats. Hunt-adore'tho sumo.- - These particular one IngCoats, Vests ; are to l e used for decoration and devok . and Overalls. tion. They are considered quite stylish among the better chins of Cuiuetie. hs . Mill Creek Dlseovwjr Considerable mention bas been made of mien and mica discoveries of late. It . , Ibiflbr, IlUnots K. GENERAL' MEBCltANDlSE, - , i IChiefrtaiy. JwUcom. .... . .Michael ITty ttu Mortis - . s e , ' - ; - itxtiA uxxuvo. be' needed to yote at the coming meet.... .... ing.: i. Curtenins to Holden, dated Kalama; zoo, March 9th; 1876:. As a whole, Kalamazoo stockholders fo not wish to accept Holdens proposition to purchase, the, mtoe ia too promising to sett for so small a consideration.?--Pereonallyhe (C.) has great faith in the results thinks the mine, notwithstanding all obstacles, cheap at $100,000, . Trask to Holden, Kalamazoo March 10,rl876: ... Gives, a list', of stock relied at the npon 'to make up three-fiftcoming stockholders' meeting, which list shows" stork still standing in Hickox and the names of Fbrd, Cowles, ' Beqre-tar- y, Mr. from Trask, Taylor. (This has an important bearing on the alleged fraud : in having Ford. and Hickox'a stock transferred as on the 1st hi of February.) t'.t ; Trask to Holden, Kalamazoo, March 18, 1876: States that Harvey D. Winner fias around trying to buy up Nez Perces stock and see the recordJ, but they would not sell nor allow him to see the records. , L. IS. Kendall to Holden, Kalamazoo, CltyUtah. 4 Irv ' a.: Jt- ' : . . ' , - ' j. i , ' 't-- !" '.. v.-'. ! v ji 1' . P - |