OCR Text |
Show "; -- C i' .y'. V , ?S' ' N v '. .. . . -- '. ?;5 . '.''. V;, 'a 'i1 ' . v t" ,' TVS'V ..':' - '. ..'b.'- . ' : ' a- - - "W .?lxX-Ji :v ; V"- V1. v;--- "- - ' --'- ,' -- .V'Vv- .'., v1 ' ;3 i tv ..v- - V' ' :" - raiTF - '"J 'Tv- -- ;::. ; ' - .J ''". ' :' - . v;i?, P v ....!V .. - l, v ' - ; : . i?-- . ' ' .'- . ZiWy ,;; ,?: . ' '.. --- ...'.v-.-.r-- v - :? ft- , 'L C"j '"i .0 - - v.. -- vi-- ? KM:'?1.; ,"i - 'V ! i! ''7. . - ' ' - ." T : .. . .'i .' ' .. - a1 1 . '.' . .. - ' SALT' i.AKB 6lTY, I.4No 8. VOL. ATTORNEYS -A- . DPMESTIC NEWS. T-LAW. '... . . - UTAH Ofllfe at-ia- w. Attorney, Bill Late City. la tba Tf. The Woman Snffiragere In Con ' jl-- U at Washington. wention JAMES N. KIMBALL, ' TTOBNCTi w Offir om Hr. A Oonlck Ou'a Uuk. Salt Lakl City. S.J. JONASSON, A Ofllc opposite Walk. rr Bratben Bank. Salt Late City. Itah. A P.O.Box. Jlhn AT-LA- f Jl-t- TTORXRY-AT-LA- 133. !i .v' exempt; lastly, (hat.. proposition that education should be Uiade compulsory and that after 1835 there should be educational qualification : to right of IS T8Z OFF STOCK BLAU KILLS. What Caayma will da Its Vjkei aiwaibllag TeDay. 4Unr:ltltt. Re- - The Maryland Laghlatara. Jantutry 9. Tho JvmrAaVa Information brfdjM'a Bn tiding. Mala M., orar Woofers Washington special says: ' Valoa Tairgaph OAca. received toLny direct from Annapolis. J to the effect that theentiment of the X. SfbirunV. Xinnt CWMnwy.1 majority of the Democratic members of rui. ' 'h ' GILCHRIST ; .Legialatnre. is against A.K A I tt K R ,:': iktT'Uarjhnd Blairs manifesto;'- and that the redoln-tiowill fall to pans when reported sad Collactfoa apeato. ATTOBXKYaXt.L I WSalt I aka CUy.Tteh. back from the committee for actum.' It Po a imCil law Buofuroa. Otra auartal attention to Load aad Itialaa' Matters. Notary is believed here in political circles that . to offlra. r Jl--tt Blairs coarse is in pursuance of a plan agreed upon by the Bourbon Democratic BKNNETT A KARKNSSS, leaders, ' and that the introduction of hie resolutions is simply the precursor of a ttornky8-.t-laXtrv ; over ths banking hnnaa oX T. B. Joaea, Main otrart, policy which will be pursued in every jl-t- f Laka Citr. State where the Democrats coutril the Legislature, and which will be agitated in Congress during the next few weeks. Hayes on th Chi ness (lues I law. Oflea thlnl door JTTORNEY-AT-LAJ5-Wassxxjton, Bank. lmvet January, 9. The. Chi nese lmniigration representatives, Latt Paatlst. Saeohd SoiithSt., roll 'and rage; had au interview with the JR. CRAWFORB, the Footofltra. j j.j--tf President yesterday in regard to Cliinese OOT MAKER. Tho beat In the city. S. immigration on tlic Tactile coast. They l Lloyd miwtciI to dwr north of Connors the resolution that was recently bnilding. Try Lloyds bouts. f passed by the California Legislature on the toll the President that OTICE. All peraona ludabtad to ina will both of the political parties in the State 1 phwe settle aominta with . lionkof. aky. office on Main attret. nearly ojipoHtte tlie were a unit ou this question. The PreClift Hiiwr. whom 1 ave niy agent. sident said that the subject bad been and who holds my.powrrofapMintrd attorney. considered by the Cabinet, and f emil Bursomr. carefnliy while lie sympathized with the people of California, yet tin Chine la Ini treaty FRANK FOOTE I rigLts which this Government must TTORXETft-AT-LA- Offlcaa W. CntCAao, la Trow. : , ' SL-- - - os - ;Y uW " f -- si ten-minu- te -- mands.' - 1. gonsi.y e Congress srlll Reassemble V Wminoton, Janttary-The- Te-d- al re wjll be anonun of Senatoin! itimw:pn the Reassembling of Coyness. - 'About forty Jars ahesdy. V the, y. It is not so certain that then will a quorum of the House.: ; It Is not iieipated that be transany bmdness jf interest acted. until Monday., TfctCMlinzseeM ; f-- ' . 0 - nUtint b. with . what change hud - aam1na jtB.l' rurtor, ot Uirt ' ' t .. -.i- iSe-Vf - ; , General ' merchandihe. 'dt- - n - ,'i m, w. TksJUsg1 Lust Heura. ..7 Bdki, January 9. It .is stated that v 5 King Victor Emanuel confessed to F. Marenelli, saoristan of the apostolie paioes' who wak'sent to him by the ope.iHe :was alto visited ;by Montigneur dennir the Pope's douiartie prelate. The Austrian Ambassador was present, with";. Prince Humbert, ; the Princess Margherite and the State dignitaries when ike King .received .the communion with extreme unction from hi . chaplain ; Anxino . . ; Towards 9ffi0 o'clock p. K. tbe cqrpression under which the King ; labored increseed, and he was caused to inbola oxygen, which seemed to give him a little strength.' He saluted those present; bent his head t deeply expised. twfee; , then Dipkntotistz bifinguoRtod of the, death jaf iqid Prince Humbte - ae-the Qxfrtnat YGRfleedafirtd to ixmdole.T - The tiewzpapeM aplately pear in black, and remind ibur readers that : Victor Emanuels life was. dedicated r to the grtotness. and happiness b! Italy 'King Humbert has issued the fc! Mon-signe- pr ; . 'hing w. j. Mcknight, r ' j Eflt f - - - . : SVJ - - - a . W. . tf t . . ljd .IuUon view to ascertain- reEBPS&lOll m ELFOniOO ! EASlE Chinese the of this city, favored letting can fortna'uon be made so ns to pnAnote f. . and Indiana rote. Mrs. Spenccr, also integrity; economy oncV efficiency of the Vthe - said eh thought,, lowingproclamotion: r : v o; Washington, several departments.' 7 7 i Itulisns rl'he greeted misfortune heathen Cliinese neetletl Jhe Ixdlot-H- s urn 7 Ob ;; has.leans tbe flllnrBIlL : suddenly' befallen ns. : Vitor; Ema woman, but the Chinese wife should A coll is 4). Ohio, Toledo, Indian January the and him anuel, the founder of. the kiigdom of be brought in with uwlhas been taken squaw with her master, A Mr,, Evans issned for a convention of the National Italy and its unity, remarked that he thought these two Party here on the 22d of February next. from ni . I received his last ladies did not really believe what they It expresses the belief that the sigh, which was for. tbe nation, his present lost wishes, which were for ths happiadvocated, Ho ' did not( think - they financial Governof Federal the - Chinese policy ness of his people. His voice, which million votes, wanted fiffy. best interests will always resound in my heart, bids which' would ; not be missed .At home, ment is- destructive of.' tho of the country, and if j continued will me vangaish sorrow and Indicates my imported by this country to rule the ballot. Airs. Stanton, with her usual bring general rain; that thorough organi- duty at this moment. There is only sation and unity may. have enough one consolation possible, namely : to show good tact nnd jndgment, immediately ZMPtHiTEBS, JOBBERS AXD RETAIL DEALERS Iff to avert calamitous ; results. One ourselves worthy of him I, by following arose and turned tho current of the disdiseach from Congressional and yon by remaininj in his cussion at this point by rcniarlfing that celegate two at large from each State devotedfootstops, trict and to those civil virtues by aid o in view of '. the threatcnel iuflux of are t therefore requested to meet here on which he. accomplished, the . cliffic-o- l Chinese into '.this couutry with their named indidote for the the purpose task of rendering Italy great ant vice and ignorance, there should be n cated. Over 100 names are appended united. Shall; lie l mindful of ' his I' compulsory edmuitiou law iu every State to the call, including .Wendell Philips,. grand of devotion to example in the Ciuon. Cooper, Alexander Campbell of con try, love of progress and faith in Bisk of California Dlrllisl. Z Peter. yiROCERTEfl yoods and Blanton Duncan. Illinois, liberal institutions. Which are the pride Al Lff A Fancy DAI iXOODSc VYBOCERIES. Sax Fbaxcisco, January 9. The Bank sole will of ambition be house. My my Ho would, however, call t!icat-to- of California yesterday declared a diviFait Lake City, three to deserve the love of my people. F0REI3M.NEWS. AB3.ITEB, Mainof street. Balt l ake Honx. Rnc1,I Docember ion the of dend and for the Italians your first King is dmd. ,.: His to, ending Congress quarter subject a nooitifa XT OT IONS attentiei paid to hottlea and ail successor will prove to you that instituHeating a Oooeing ofov IV OTIONS, CLOTHING kinds rit "linlllon." Ramttles aunt from a suggest that negotiations be opened with 31st, at the rate of seven per cent.' per 9fiOY, tions do not die. t Let us unite in this promptly attnuile.1 to ; and retnnis mads the Chines? Government with a view of annum. This is the first dividend since ZsRRt Soars on Sarth of j'1 on following ilsy. Charges reasonable. Jl-- tf the hour of great sorrow; let us strengthen fixing some limitation on immigration ,7-' XXinr of Italys j it suspension. from that country. concord which has always been the that TlOOTfl A QHOES 7. Hardware with Nathan lorter was buried Hoots a O:HOIM, salvation of Italy. RE.iL ESTATE' AGENCIES. Breadstuff for Mexico. the under ceremonies auspices imposing New You, Jannary'9. A Washing- of 7the Odl Fellow. THE nOTBL ARRIVALS. TUTU SUSTAIN ARSTMER SER100S ton special says t' Among fdher disMore (Hack (Stealing. rrt PEFEAT. , CARPETS TALLEY house. tWARE. :JCrT0. patches submitted to the Cabinet from Dsadwood, January 9. Peter, Riley, W Poorihe. T Helens Montana J Velntlra. P Minister Foster, was one announcing of tipearfish, reports that a band of InWell. Her; T- A Gordon, Jutan McClnsker G WStoddud, that the Mexican Congrcs hid voted to dians yesterday drove off about fifty head Iu tke Perseuuel of tke Stockton; Am Pork ; M Davia Pleasant Grove ; W A Rhodeii,OgdnJ.OarMS admit breadstuff 4 ' ffoin ' other countries of horses from that vicinity, the property Changci Twrklsk Army, fc wife B C R R ; J P Date k 3 aons. berry Cvssk, Nov; John H Hall. Butte Citr; Henry Madaon. free of duty,, which will be very ad van- ranchmen. Two companies of cav pf South Cottonwood ; Yu Lewis A wife, Denver. f New for CL and Unioi tageons O 1' Col. ; B Wililania k wife. City; Jensen Johnson, Agents for Duponts Blading arid sporting Powdifs of command started Evans bry, Major Woods Ctom; D ITnSerwood. (incln&atl; W B, Texas, furnishing an available awl prof from Kp catfish yesterdsy on a scouting RUSSIA. Tnlte. Ogden;B C Miller. Sea Fronclaco ; R M tibia market for.their produce, Butler k fnm. J H Bronson, Detroit, Mleh ; S TL expedition of fire days. They will Fire la Cm , Minea. Weetoa A wife,: Burlington. Yt; John MMJlin, O War. tbe mountains :r-Bear Zi visit in br Lodge probably J Sr JSTXxsarxo, :;v- -: New Yon, Jauuury ll..V fire is re- search of a u, 8. of in The Sioux January camp reported ia GREAT WBRM HOTEL. ''V ported raging in the shaft of the hollowness of Turkish resistance in the vicinity. GD Honse, Coal Companys niiuca near that Bingham ; L Baynon. Stockton; from S A clcan-n- p made last iturday n sign S Eornhey. F Morris, Blnffhau ; C Tents. Alts here Pas is as Wilkvsbtrrc. Trojan. regarded ; T C U jbino&. Rvanaton; WT Mathews, seventy stamp mailing on ore from tho that the Turkish losses ore irretriev- Citj Tlutlc ; Geo Kfn Dry Canyotj John Hooper, lVaa'i Renew (ks Wooll-- y and Peraclin mines, ten days, able. .. It is Flgbt, ' Park City W W Clar-- y. West Jmdan pointed ont that Russia's son. Chi.uoo, January 9. A TfAnne's 912,093 worth of gold. Am Pork; Mat Watson, Sandy: S Johnson. ore considerably losses, great, Although '!- M.t i ' Omaha; B Curtis. Stockton; P Miller, Cal; Washington spoci.il s iys: Th4 President A Uraurb sfthn Bsnhsfilfsvads tn be less thin half a single i normal W nay, B wton; C A fogy, Nevada) J Eartiuaa, I Established Iu TEevr Yovk. J ecm deciilil not to rotiew the fiht on W Ouok, Han Francisco, continger t recruits. ' ; New Yoke, January Etprte rSTMUBSm f UT the peasr In offer t tbrlr pstnin n the New York nomination. If ha y rahiorcd i Erf GLAND. it (hat Flood, incURib-.ntsay learned the are that hri-e present wlfrll.m of EW ADVERTISEMENTS. on the whole gHtl men. in w!ie bauds 0Jlri"n nnl M:ickay intend to cstiblisli Dsfeated. . Agals a braiii'h of (Ik lLiuk of Nevada hero the public interests will not snff.-rTHE DAILY IHDEPEEDEST. GENEBAL MEBCHANDISE. RUHlnrMS Property, .iry 9. A Itissian offi-i- te nnd flat the wtih 92T,0d ),0 ) ) Tke .Rhitensskars Mtrlkr. that a Russian dc ' Bcstox, January 9. The strike of object of th? iuitiintlnn will b. t foster anti iu tlu crossed the Balrsicunnc operation mining hil the Crispin nt Lyim is extending. A sitN'Lsof Klcffimt ItcNiiletlerL Pacific slope. It is fur- kans ths Wholantie and Retail Dealer la Utah and: f C was force of by by way,voc?npied on Tuesday, largo nci try ther stated tbit transfer ofiitv of all tLe 1 California to protct thi ' inf tho Turkish rear position in the vliot; afortification FI no Coltagos from esoLinlt. Several of Ih mob wertf j lea.li.g Tll'n'iii atcorpnr.ittm The in tbe Troj-iDAILY IHDEPE11DEH17 th? Sin Fmncisc, ' Prnitst arrested. The manufacturer declare the ,Jt k X.X4 in also attacked Turk front, being Iki opened in this alKindaned tlieir uailgc are to Action of tlie ' Boanl of ArbitRition in position. which were CTicap IIo.irm nnd that hank the to will citr. alluded, VegetAble,. whose ordering a strike at the iLult IVibijnis;' lend it capital ou share of sifbh the ltuMsian, PUBLISHED STERY. MO&NXNGi occupied ly mining and of Khopa arbitrary Teke. direction in the advance! nnjnat. companies a will paxs iuspeetion nnd The SnttorB and No ConelHsloia Rsuekod. Risniin loss in these operations is receive a favorable reort from the engiDr. C "7 neer or inspector .of the Bonanxi firm. unimportant. Faiusurau, January 9. Ccnimi-sio(Mondays. Exacpted) Vessel. Lofsi Fie., Tbe nnd P. P. Wilbur, the n Missing Vlrtuss.X; Jaksl of tip Lehigli operator in the London, January 9. Tho vessel run and Wawwidv, January 9. 'Luge numAt prices that defy competition. Board of Conrol, retumsd to was Channel the down British in the C y without rtaching any con- bers of copi&i of au ailr ) to lugress, bkrk Fensiers, from Cardiff to ConstantiVooltTf, Memorial of cntithal Six tlie Chinese clusion upon tin plan of compr.imitc nople. 7 ' Oanerlii BEST NEWSMPIB IH OTMlf Oroeeriei, Companies, have liecn priutsd and will, suggested. .7 7 7 , The Porte tYsinta ss Armisllee. .rf - JS. 1)VI, 7 Xlie WUmntln Lsgislalsrs. 7; be furnished to all ' member ' of London, January 9. A pern dispatch Tlonr, The both' Houses by the California CompanManuox, Wi., ' January 9. says that Meheinet All has gone to arTu the ies. Washington agent. It is ekillfally range an armistice. The correspondent Legialatnre met at noon Xt will Every Day contain AU the ' Senate was chosou Chief Clerk prepared, judiciously pleading in it understands that the Porte ha Turner Wa bars also a few pieeei of agreed No. M lint South 8t -- Salt Lake City. and Brayton fiegcant-at-An-n tone and beautifully garnished . with ex- - to propose a six weeks armistice on P. O. Box, 10M, (both JMMf TELEGRAPHIC NEWS? 7 In the Assembly i conltion that the belligerents maintain tracts from before the testimony given, end (greenlmcker) :wcs elected tipeuker by tlifir present positions ' peace negoCongressional Commission by numer- tiations coalition of the Democrat' aud commence as soon, as the armistfiG Asaoelatod Ptbm; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE; CHEAP, ; favor of Chinese ous , Cnliforninns in Iluntir wa elected Chief tice comes into operation: Clerk ' and Kliami r Sirgcaut-at-Arm- s e'icnp lalior; there. Tho extract , arc adduced iu support of a general.. denial f (both Democrats),' GERMANY. of nil statement prejudicial trthe ....AND OBIGINAIj.... Tbe Connertlrtft Legislature. Chinese made, as tho compiler., asierts, and Sailed Affala. On ths Installment plan,' Repaired IlAUTYono, Conn., January 9 Ths II Editorial Columvid The address repre; by their enemies. Bsexek, January 9. The steamer C. II. Briscoe sent the Chinaman a quiet, iicneeful, Legislature meet I Are In eharffe of able nude B ICES L7 OTTJBST Mosel, which' sailed from here on the wa elected Speaker of thi Ilonsr and orderly, temperate, sharp-wittelate, who la Che treatment of 1 si frugal, 15th instant for New York and .pat back EYOLISILALE VAVLTK! Govmettern President tem. will eeawme a thoroughly j pro philosophical, cloanly, - .neat, Olivcr'lloyt tone, favorlng ao parly or ernor Hubbard delivered hie iuangurol honest and honorable. All these vir-tn- with machinery disarranged, hoa effected llttrnl or religions, except to the extent. thatlti I virtues ''1 i':'1, Addrcrs. "'7'-- . : : are attributed to him in an eminent repairs and sailed.' v ;' : ... into any recommend. Mhir 7.'; 7.. 7 7 Murdered' la Rer Owa Ilsnsc. rsmxnTMif degree, nnd pcoplo wbo peruse this CANADA. , j Doves, N. H., . January. 9. Mrs. pamphlet without any other information Loin and Neyotlata .lUoas; Marian bo on tlie conclude will to idlun Parliament. likely subject Berry, of New Durham, a highly Caliof the in that S ' presence Mongolians Tokcwto LOWEST Jaunary 9, The third ses respectable widow lady, sixty-fiv- e years fornia f an iiualloyed beuetit, tlie' proOn Real Estate at loweat ratea. Al! kinds of The LooaF. Pepaitmeritf ' Third sion Parliament,; of the province old, was shot aad instantly killed this duct of hcavons choicest blessings; ' Lieutenant of Ontario, opened y. ' afternoon in tho presence of her family Wines ' and Liquors. Pure The ffpartansbnrg Troubles.' ,v',V Governor In tbe hands at A iyjjfot eflhftefit Reportf his McDonald f delivering ? Boms News, snd tk will he replete by John E Pinkham, who had been cm v .Wahhinoton, Janaary 9. A telegram speech from the throne-- 7 In any quantity under five look for latelU- pnhlte roaf oonfidebtly ployed by her to do some chopping and to the' Commissioner of Internal : Re gent mention of every Incident ox for the payment of which there hul been Hon. I the day worthy ef nrr At off from Revenue JLgoat Wagner, AUSTRIA. some dispute. Pinkham entered with a n Loral Paper the NDB- .. PENDENT double-barrelle- d will . sn; shotgun iu hi hind, ilated Charlotte, : N. Cr" y, found without Tnrklsh Ofllelal Ckangss. o and after directed few word suddenly shot Governor Hampton ha ' a rlvaL .. . 7'' Z4, Mra. Berry throngh the head and lied; Sheriff of ,Uniou county to see the law ; Vienna, Ja&nory 9.1 The deposition It 1 oar Intention to sell to tbe retail Searchlne; of ; Records but nil kinds of Merchandise it 'Was soon found :with hi throat cut euforoed, and . proposed to rezftore (he of Boliemnn Pasha from- the. supreme MAROETTS ALR AHD WAGNXB9 trial ; juitico ' and disband ' tli jnihtia command of the ariny of Roumelia, and slightly. He was probably druuk. For family use. Made s specialty. compioy implicated in ..the resene of the 7 Wmsssi (Suffrage1 Ceuveutlon.v Mining Oorrespondehei? appointment In Iris steed, of Reouf He prisuhcrs'nt tipirtansburg. WasusxotoxL' January., 8. The Wo- Fedend Wo shill call ou. ths J Sheriff Pasha, a faithful follower of Mahmoud 1ul.I1 : man's , Haffrags National Cjuvention for a Amnmmenlf in vl befit m&a vtlth pen& Office, M floor Wasatch Building. ' Jl-t-f posse and believe wj shall be ablo Damad, was in itself a sign that tlie Sunnd relinbte eomepnndents la the aeveraf has been fully organized and is attract to avoid all trouble. n Mahmoud toother-iD.imad, ltans law, cuspsamtfar letters relatjyofa the mining IntM'' ' rf, rets, lag" crowded audiences to its sessions r What the UTemen Foliu Want. zsr z naught of Importance innate ring at ha ogaiu prevailed,' and the ...news toi ' the mills mipte will be cuff as remains All confirms briore, it. each afternoon and evening. California .. W AsnxxoTON, :;0.'-Tday without All kinds of h? la tba eplastna of January 7; WflOLBfljILH Mahmoud of late In ebtef clerk BAILEY, Af, PENDENT, Surveyor neither, the resignation rO. oflies of IHontaus and I'UU, is represented by Uiik. Senator Sargent Womans Bnffragi Convention "to-daDam ml nor . of Edheim Pasha,. Grand 1 United state? Surveyor of tbs public lends FANCY D R 1 N Nft and by letter from,'Laura De Forco mlipted a ssries of resolTitions settiug Vizier; -has been accepted." The desire HOT itat jeem. ' 7 Gordon, Sarah S. Knox end Elizabeth. forth the duty of the national Government of tlftj ChambteY of Deputies .that the At the bar. ENGINEER AND VURV'eYOU-NOT- AT. Schmidt, .and petitions were sent In in maintaining ini equal rights all it War Conueil vfaould be done away with TCRS38 o PUBLIC AND EKAI ESTATE comand to is the; bo fulfilled, military fift&n LAND numerBdOKEB AGJKNT cities fiom and towns, k citizens without regard to sex tha in- - mander with fall f too Med a power Is to be appoint, AND., ATTOBXnf. S j Y. ci Con- jMies of. for to ' signed,; " OB Ofiflfi lS WJtttgSoteB ously i presentation ''-Attends prom idly ti Pimemptios and Home, remanding women 1 from a ed, but ai ho is the same man who, as V far the retell Thusitvteff the ; ;, yroffte 7' ttlfDS MBlttBee eoeeeeeeeeeeeo. .1 '.i.: ,. UW , steel lllleg and minerst spnltesttous, pre, gress la behalf of the proposed KixtceUb hearing before thi higtfest tribunal of Minister of ;War, presided over the j Ftf Wltkf bf iAIWCeeieooo'rtldBeeBBBBe' 4 iwres tuapa, tracings and deeds of ail kiuda. AmDdDKHt. ' to State legislation; the right council,' and as 'he is ill tbe hands of Oregon is represcntetT by of taxes. scsrrbM lilies, make collection, ENGLISH fifed W. raffhiadkgmg Bdltar.; flaeSoYdfty ALKteneentuxr p 7 ulueated women of the Mrdunond Damad, tire 'state of things contests lend esses, sent house i3l lands, Dr. cents per quart. kST ..t.ilMk Miry ThomMon, letter from nation to hive precedence over Chinese loans mvla end hcku isted . s'avtn all lcttet ConunnAlcirt flrif tod tetters si The JfS will not be miterially changed. AddteS AND LIQUOR STORE, 4 SALOON muiwming laud matters, when stamp la eu. Agues C. Bit.s aai uriny otheri, Otil Indiana; the injustice of taxing the Cham, 1rlob i how far the v now only questionsatisfied-wit-is, tkerd. ' t ... INDEPENDENT. , of ptiti iUL Thu property of widows and spinsters to .its ber will , 03 Ximhnll block, mi Offla-M- iia this srrange- ,b3' street, flmt door south IT. 8. and 009 signerscovrt-titioniPUSUMEff PRISES. MABO ETT8,'Pnqrtotoc. JMor; city, fiNifil P. auuouue ftiH vain whita; tho riemy are lacoiW rncnV , top staimMialf Labs Lltj.l'hlr Vreiddcut'of the (W lead yn. ' , , y ' ' 'I 1 l4c ' f' . & : ,i . J ' 20 Co hti ' Par iB70-- iO, f ITALY. suffrage. Miss Morgan, colored delegate from Mississippi, addressed the convention. She said that the colored women in tbe Distrief iof Columbia WM Under the Fourteenth and fifteenth ;Rmendments entitled to - sni&age, bttt r they did not propose to demand it until their white sisters were accorded the some privilege. She wanted no privileged dasaes, . TILFORD A HAGAN, t. ' : V. ItLfOBO. WMim INDIAIS STILL i1. A . ';.i v. . . jAriUAriY MOntiiriQ, w ..f . vr ing the repreaentation of the ( Tsritms States made the following statement Senator '" Jones concerning Nevada : has contributed 9100 to carry oat the Six tocntli Amendment wnrlr and has thne effectively represented the women of his State. We could Lot have carried ont the work without his help It waa also announced that Senator Sargent had, last March, replenished the empty treasury by giving $50 for use in printing aihl sending out petitions for signatures all over tbe country'. Tho total receipts-durin- g the year were $750." Mrs. Solvent was mode a member of the Comaiittee on Eesolntioiis and iff the Finance Committee: : Dr. Mary Thompson is also a member of the Finance Committee, and was one of the I most interesting tf tbs speakers last night: None of the long speeches thus .far, exeepl thorn of Elizabeth Cody Stanton and Mrs. Honker, 'have risen, above mediocrity; and many speaker havf been extrensly weak and.A ' rambling C glnnglj fnjudldons Several-hav- . H. LEWIS, - THURSDAY ... - ' ' ... ' . , k WM. JENNINGS : ; - . SONS. : . iq-llen- ee pr-scntd- Jl-t- Kuhji-ct.nn- ... d . Mr.-K- I - 1 1 Ji-t- tkt . - re-q- ut dlt-tane- e . . - to-tls- y - -- S.L.VAN&CO., l-- 4 - 0ta e : 1 . - - a v : ! - Loa-Anjelp- IVnn-Kylvuu- dx e. ; - ' .' Rir h.i LOWEST PRICES! O.--T- lii. to-da- s LOWEST PRICES . - , THOMAS SLs yr-t-rd- . & CO., G. Fi - iy i'n-lTiii.i:i- iti la. F. GHLMER, G. F. ULMER. G. van-cna- rd ; 1 Rfn - Lin-der&i- an : :.i J, Starts nif to-da- - ULMER. - , dc . to-l.i- y. : - 1 ; grccn-lMickc- rs. - . - ; - . , . to-da- P . y. , - d, 1 , - cs ! LOYEilT PRICE'S -- S - -- . . " uf t - . PRICES ; - ; : to-da- . , . ; . . v-e- . - to-da- '- - - : . . - z- - , ; . . . a oa xroir m m . y -- . . ' . . j,- ; ,. i- -. ..'-- - i . tlie-natio- j. 1 tax-payi- ng nt . - , g - u - V . . si t w J I f i - - s .1 il jiMI.'triiJi f .A.V'i, I . |