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Show jr.' MKCELI1ANEOUS. V'.. DOMESTIC HEWS. THE DAILY INDEPENDENT Salt Lake City. Utah. She Cabinet's Consideration of ': tbe SUver Bill. TIIUBSDAY...... JANUARY 10, 1878 :. ECLECTIC "Sir".f" ; MONEfARY AND STOCKS. RlRlRT THAT PRESIDENT :.' i:. j Xrw Tori.. ........ 1.13 Laie Bmlt la tha Cablacr. loax, January 8., A irorcT Aarw - .:h to-da- y Forenooa Board. Onh!r,U Mrilran. 13H 370 -- ys v. ... . .. f ..... 1. - ! i"..:. v . - l X .ssanaaa. EL'POniUrJ EIQLE ,.':;; profltaaw.il i ' f S ; 4 . : " TiiTiiP'tTv-'I-,'-,!!Wl- The aim rf tha ECLECTZO Is to ba la-smrtlve without belas call, and ntertaia--' without betBR trivial. Whlla aaek . lag ' number eon tain aometbing to Intar-- eat aveay membar of tba family : riivlo, it addraaaea iulf par-Meularly to that TMt body of lntalliirent reader wboaMk :, : !- EFIPOniUU!- EAGLE - - :tv' ft M 9 V RTa SO . , ' - " 4n) iloulil Jk Curry. 34) lkKt At Uvk-her- . . Literature, Science and Art Chicago, January, 9. The Xatiouot Rrimlfican says: ; "We stats upon what lfl. we regard as high authority that the 470 t'llf.rnl..MC9' 29? bW 133 Saras. IIS US Prcident will siffu the Silver bill when-- ' HITS tmn VirerliiU. 35 35! 2&M b3 1.10 11iollarf33 ever it is submitted to him, having be-AO Uale Noivroe4.99li corny convinced that the business inter-- 1 36S Omrn Pulnt. G; 6a aS ests tft toe country and a majority of the SCO Wllow Jai ket, 13 19i : UL'iuanu u. 1IS; ImiMTial. IMc UCe pevpie iO Ketituck 4H Tha Krw ! York Baakera " Bleatlaa;; H5 Alp1iar. as New Yobs, January 9. A meeting of S S; 145 Sierra NcraiU. 4.90 bank to hear Presidents was held Utah. 14 144 bS 10.1 tVm Virginia, 25 J. , ," thfc of the committee appointed ' report AO Paney, aOf"on IKS llulliwii, 5Ta 5V 55 to prepare a report on last aid ctatumay 5pSi 733 Kxchpqncr. 4 3.65 3.85 3 ' of tho pending Silver bill and the subject . . 1. 190 Owraian. 21S 21V . ti!.. ana .rerommeniiarcHmmiouB 45 Juatloe, 11 10T, 101 10. .1034 10 Vi bS 10 V 10 preKcm ' 1 tions as to what action shall be taken I'nion. 1ti K 64 S3US Alta. 34 S3! 33 bS 33 bS thereon. Representatives of the press tV Vt 33 l 33 23i 33 were excluded, but ' notice was parted 1.H5 2 M 3 ; 270 Julta.-1.9-0 ' that after adjournment the particulars 2X5 Caledonia. 3 W 4 3 95 4 US 310. A 5?,-- ::;v.,:'.; Will Slffa the Silver 'Bill. : - r- . Washington special says; TLe Cabinet 4 rent perRs fto'd ".. Ytvk y considered thej silver question. enm-uctf.lt Lake icr tuu The President reiterated his hope that me coinage clause of the bill for the SAX FR&'CIliCO STOCK 9KARKET. remonftization of silver nighf bo' so limited .that he could be snared the Bcforvltae neard. f Pax FajWrcwcrt, JiTtu.ry A. lltftS a. x necessity of vetoing it if passed by Con. It M probable thut an attempt Alts, 534.; JuMirii. 11'.! Clnliwift. 3.W; grcwi. Vlfitlni. 3S.;' Boyle. W.V; Ihntun. 4.4S; will be niade to amend the Blond itn bill 11 ; Cllfurnia. 39 S : Ynwn IVint. tt3, ; Mjiva.f. : Hnlllon. 6'.: Ophir, W; iy some of the Prshlent's friends inMiirt t.U, irxican 15." ; Cbullar, 38;Ginld a; Carry, tf. stead of having introduced a nev Mil as a substitute embodying his views. S-'- - ....... ." ii symMiM: ':lfcr.-oS3r-- or U6S ennrney Tha Silver CtncatUn gold; ....:1.16 currency. " :',&..v:i,.-SiiSri.A;- - - 102 V Belling....;. v 81LVEB. fj? fryiytr,y Xw Trk Baakera HU a Kmu lar an tlui IUtw QajiUta, - 1WJ4 jpaaas'ryy. .t ia5gres,!a!4ie---. l r 15? Corrected dally by MrCorntrk.A- Co., Bankers. YIm , W.; oold. .101 H Onrned. ... . . ... .1094 Bnylas-'- .. Ckwou A g Omct luiu Iitvsr ckdcvt. 1 Salt Lakk Cir. January , 1877.) ..... ' ;Jw ' J v W1UAN HATE1 .e'a.aaaaeeaaaabeawM a i.. . ':,.. ...;;: ! ... - ''. to-d- WM. JENNINGS & SONS. ' .'--s ay : niFOSTK&S, JOBBEUS AKD 'II ' .';.. ' BSTAILlOZlinS IX - :. f: . 0 A . 1845 Silver Hill. 4 3.80 3.90 3.75 30i Itix-- Iaiand, 2)c v , 100 Ia.vton. 6 V 106 NVrYo-k.2.135 Wqudrillit. 1 5 Ijwly Waalitngtm, 11 s MS Amir, 1.03 . k would be made puulic.-- -- Mi dm Wahra. 2sio .SCO C;V ArtrneM Boaril. " 4W 37 H 330 3.40 3? 100 AIM. y1. 135 IMiuont.90 75 700 ElilomJ.1 S.iuth. 1 1.10. Vn Br" Pat.--h. 4J bS Jai-kao- 11 50 tiolJt.li Chariot, 130 Hello. 11 H 17u Modor.eo NtUI IIUVCi Viotkltfk nttfl ' Orand Prtxe, 1:IS "" tij , InilffH-mliui- 4 2i0 Sir, dimUnation.33 3-- Pl-iadi-w. f Tifttop, Valley, ?00 31 ! 21 20T, Uaye. an 20; 4 : 323 . Mslnn; BulJi..li.5J4ism, 5i MO ' . . b7 fi J h. Board. After av FvAWbrov" January p. m. 3a JIi ; Silver UU1.3.H.'t.1.l,0;OpMr. V! li 51 ; SavWB,ll 11 : lVnVn. 4 ; Cliol. ' Now Alpha. vWi la ; 35,; . 10 : California, 3!) 39' ; Ornml Prise, Jntti'-13 li ; S Nevada, 4.83 ;Con Virtfinla, 23 9.-- 3:10 - Xaaal... . , . m - . irai. ,- 1 - LOWEST PRICES! . OEKEBAL - MERCHANDISE. New York " I a Canmlltaa. I .Knnv Ifimlliiiraf ' O ..T.nnmv '.InTM if n mutinfl waf an aa aai yniVti v aaaaaaaaa J 9. Silver bar IlJi tlui State Committee at Concord fN. H.) rilvrr rein. 44 Stork. at ae mm A a mm Vht', a Durtrait and . . mti . m "1 din-con- nt; I A . a.iw Yaw. Ib ...iHLT rapEPENDENT. t: G. F. CULMER. J: I i;.orid. G. ft F. CULMER, DAILY IliDEPEIIDEHT, .: V '' ' ... " ' . j KTBLXBHEB ZTEBT JbTOHXbV. . iS: i : ."j:- G; E F. CULMER. " ' r '. " '. ' CVoodsyi lagetyUII STARTS TH3 1 BEST - ! HIWXPAPEfl if-- UTAH! . . . ;.iee . iree - v. v Xt will r Evary Day aoatal TEL EG RAPHI-, a aa.fr f. Tock. January Ac KrH'nbaekH. 1I3; Gold HmmhI 2J4; lioney easier. jWi7; Uovcrnnsenta. firm ; t tneka miencVl and el'iMvt at last night,: preliminary to tho State Con- Wearern lnfon,77 4 : f)uirkiIver.lA; vention riTwt-ry-; it was manifest there ; XariiKwa'! ; Well. Faro Jc Co., R3 ; S element in was formidable a 1'nlou Krfu. 8; Panama..' Puriac. jn'i ; ' Facln.101S. 104. t Iinds Fnllfiviuff are. the trauaartion at the Xew the party. ; A strong feeling against 10' ; Chandler was expressed by delegates, YorktMiniuK Board :S0.1 ' mw, th&'H JJJOO King' Mountain, gll THE UAILY tt-il- nrmationa. Thin is undoubtedly seen 1 1,, oy me 1 reni teuc .10 oe a ucnnxTaur innvement to undo what they consider to have been a party mistake. ; v- Xrw I : - Yrirk.-2.OJ- .: LOWEST PRICES I it would have Xaer T.rtk tha m" . Mta. 32 V5J65 1'' 11 . Waliint;tn I.aly 21 Alt, ' . Virginia, 35?i Crown I'olnt. G'i 6 20Ti-Jlb- v;: .. - 135 turn i .f h -- O-- Tf t1ia amea coniain iweivo J iwi .' anuwT A -a A strong WuKhington siwcial says: inn. wbU-- re preasure is brought upon the President , fc. W .. are of permanent va by the strongest men in the party to avinp sad add mafli to the at- leave the New York matters as they are, traetlveneaa of the and Sherman gives tho Kams advicr Uagazlne. ainee bin return from New York. It s;tat4tl by a clone friend and advixer of the I'reKident thnt if he does not aend in new, nominations for the, New .York Custom-bourf- ?. it will be larselv owinc to renewed prollers of Democratic sup-- 1 TKUMS. jingle rnplea, 43 eentaV on copy, l nn.l 1.. tb f,in I II mpiea, av; nve iw4 V JV r copieii. fju. Trial : anbactiptlon fur three r I that he mmd rely upon such support mon tha. l. TheKrlectic and anv other St nub. . 1 i L'i Jiivtire. 10H 370 New York. 2 43!) Yllor Ja ltrt. 10M!i JW) rnirm, f.' 315 C'alirn-ni- . W 2a'i .. 43 Overman, 21:21 ' 5 2ik Backer. 5 f I Editorial departments. UA MaaSS mitia Into. became law lia-- 1 f--- 21 3-- an a. V A . 4in ()iliir,.MiJS M 70 Ksrhetiucr. 3.K7 M5 vi.fnr SI J naiiccf : 1?4 1(5 - ' 11', 8ara. Virtrlnla. BOO AK.A.DV .7. A.. ' prevented the creat leirision of prop erty which hn taken place since then, wi iuld have relieved the tiuhtncKS of loanable fund, and would have mate- - I Steel fntrraTincS. of decreaaeil number the bankrnptnolly ei?H which have lieen and are now oc- - ax7Ko other ma'saxtno la ao erMatir.lly Was. a . I a a a a i am iue arieriir. : CUIT1U. .mini yo BsBaDer COB 5 mM- r& 31.'. Cr.n - 1470, 14 Int.n. 3.95 ...j,v.:-- : ICO Day. 1.nUlH "0 rurtkiKun. 374 sno Aret-n-. 1.4;) ' 5770 AIm. 31 SlbS 31 ? 2ui limiM Je .Curry 9 315 fi.; -- 91 8Irfzc. 54SO ' JJf99 GLAbbWAHS. " JCilOW ; Agents for pupont's Blastln; and Sporting Povdor0 ' Murnlnii J 15 ROCUBY . ... lABPSTS 1" h Wliite. 7 Inl,.'J0 lim 330 1 JE1ABDWABE, r AttPETS. lull to reKtoreto silver its rightful mon-- KCIh" "wJSSHL .EIT-S'Vii- " I 1 if . vna wmnn. Mm Innminnn nf I vi..i . j a.hhj .are a aa ana IU1IV lUprivcil IS lSo-71- lI 11 the Mil, Mmprenenaive as : ne poasiNs. niaan. wl.iib frna iviimM br tba Hona I of Uepresentatires in the hummer ' of . 1.33 RxHel.4)1.3) 31f TTABDWABS CI HOES Iii-h- ? lOJ 13 8t) KiKlowinont. IV J buriun 01 aiiver in ngus 10 cauae any. appreciable, advance in prices. 1 iiiav. hiwevir: 1m raniub 11 Min- aae were left free to render real estate actually saleable at prices at which it is now nominally rated. In other words. the patient i now so exhausted: that for the present timubiuts only, can keep - 'S a J c". ncu. .; 120 1 Hunter, 'il 25 400 ThAmaa, 4J 250 Alp, fit. XI IH'frcea. C3 355 Orand Mw. l: 75 Ararnta. H55 Naraj't. hu 75 70 M . , loororci enraar Oooxxxa error, ' lUyuuinl k Fly," 6 Eureka On. 37 37 inn - -- HEATnra .. ST.- KHJ Skate. 15c NO St. Lou!, ? 10 Orrnuan. 31 14' 2-.- obocbSizs riLOTHixa CyLOTHIa, llftOTS c : ;iL'V . . 30.1 .:. nri. af- x7Acr Tivr ioods Nonovs ; he y. . IIS fl.-T- 1 3-- lso Belle. month, array of lnatructlus and entertalnlns ar- uriH wnicnisaurpaaaeaDynoBaor ina literary montniM.:: ita e lectiLifia aril mmiUi fmm all tho Knsllah vertodicala. , IltraUFa York, January Wcshingtim corrcspocdent interviewed ana cover a literature tncompar. MiT?r . fineaiiun. iuu nu iut up umnany, ncner ana aoiy proaactiva tBan . ..in wn1" nn.;n.u unJ w I an,'; other tu which tha reader caa I aaa nave been ho ilenresiUHl bv the mnrcssnra a of an expanding population against the shrinkini' volume of money. that it xuiint 1h a Lng time, if ever, liefore the renumrtixathin of. silver with au unre could do anythiug more stricted Science. or further than arrcKt a ' decline. It would lie a creat lmiut tatined if it could be made to serve as a breakwater against I .at. To thla dapartmeat of latellwtaal activity K" ,"r77"P"cw. the tidal wave of bankruptcy that ia now I MJ -- 30.1 tom . Nkw. 40c' Ijrviatban, " Brt Calrilitnla,4 W) North Con Virginia. 30c 85c Mtvnlna flar. SiiO Monnmental. 15c lli5 Tmjali. AO.1 I5i rtrurral To. 1.01 9.1c JMM Bnuton. 44J0 4.15 4 300 Ikiyle, Me !Wc ' Silv-r- ,. 50 Solid .. cfrsjpuc In the department of Ken era Htmrniwtha fc.Eclectic an present from month to ; b Jann Iaerrlwii on Sanator . ,. J Idicraltire. Be ;. II. - 'i nKWS I C ADDBESS .i: PEITOX, Publisher. :v;"; to-da- y, :. 355 pro-Hij'C- Bond Street 1. T. LOWEST PRICES I Its Editorial Columns Amcrii-an-Conu- IF T0U ai WAJTT whilo it ;was cluimtd by 'ChandlerV friends that there had liec-- an organized The Prapnartl Inwestfcratlon. eff.wrt to' cruMh hini, secret - meetings Nbw Y'obx, January. 9. A Jhratu! hnviup: been held for the purpose and A First-clas- s' ZVewipaper been h.vl ....... Washington ppecial, Fpeaking of 'the that various prominent men A' 'JV a speech investigation into Hayes title,' drawn into it. At the meeting was muds r by Unih4 - States Senator says the Democrats, except a few like Patterson, who, ; though indorsing the SabMrfbe for ths;:. aud Itlackbnrn, are looking on Premduut, doubted the advisibility of with some amusement. They arc re- -, intrcMlue4ng the into a' conven'. ..V.'.J'... a was as there solved that if an inquiry is begun it tion,' disagreement upon coneither a it. Sieeches advocating pzrx shall be thorough; that it shall begin ciliatory1 pohcy or positive indorsement with Iloi-hland: Louisiana and end of Haves were made by General Ste vith the last days of General Grant's vens, Major E. W. Farr, 0. C. Moore I WIIITE HOUSE ndininistration, nnd that it shall not and others. A. "II. Tuck and Aiason . ''I 'ir.'"iX';''--.'-i.,'--'y.lu'. leave unrevealf-any secret of i tho great Tannan severelv attacked M. E. Chan struggle. , These Democrats undentiind dler, who is a dolecate. Chandler spoke very well th:it such an inquiry, would in--, at; lengthy, criticising the action of the y He spoke ut attacks made convenience most .; of the very people who are now talking of inrestig:ition,: on him liy the' naval officers, Harriman ...xasra a.... .,;. aud Tuck, and iutiroated certain irreg- and who seem' to imagine they, can ' juHt as little as M'ould ; suit their ularitics on the imrt of Tuck while in pftrticilar' purposesI !; and stop "short office.a Tuck retorted by callina Chan-. whenever it' suits them;- Banks said dler politicar tramp, and charged mm I LAR OE A ff 0 F ULL STOCK this evening to- a friend that, he did not wiin uiMuonorame oomiuce bh a loooiai. lielieve Butler would offer any investiga- Moore anl Tappan then spoke, the lattion resolution but he had no doubt ter quite severely on Chandler. Major Of the very beat brand that the authors ' of it 'would be '. very Fair miule the cloaing speech, and in :. ox the Southern policy, said he so. do Lim to have peaking ; gtul ' was willing to idiake hands with the men Dennla ia be who uhot a bullet through his arm. f Trihvne. New YomV January 9.A" i Na Train In the Report. k'.;? FOBXIOV 1VO DOMESTIC special says Senator Dennis is likely to no is WAsnwoTox, January froui . Maryland; also that be truth in the specials declaring that the will be introduced into the Dias Government a resolution is to be recognized on W I WE8 ; AI1D LIQUQRO the alleged bargain House concerning ' the arrival here next week from Mexico whereby Hayes ' received tha Lonisiana will ba no ; There of Minister-Foster- . as a summoned Chandler and vote, Administration of the chaugo policy by . : upon the Mexican question until tjon- v " gress shall have exhausted ita proposed BosTcnr. Jailuary 9.The f American Clfjcars and had an opportunity to ex ' list-- : inquiry SomlSeience Association y press ita views. ' eiicd to ihe dreading" of a paper by '. Twa Teetr far n Parser. Alwaya en anad. r the 9. Frrderiek liobert P. Porter,' of Chicago, on' Wasbsotox. January mnnieinal indobtiHlness. Eev. H. Wines, Goodrich, who ; admitted to forging , Thomas Wejithworth Hig of. Illiuoi.-... .'.m..:.i. x. m it names oi emTnovcea o tnwmr urinuh- - isr n VV;."j:-S';;iv- - LOWEST PRICES! -- j ' ' .'. f.v- " : . :V ;;!:!;&;''.;v- .';':." i' j.':ifv. :!.!:(.! ... i-- fr't':''i: LOWEST, PRICES T The Local Department : , wvt .: In tba haada of a eoroa of eOriewt Beaeita win e replete with Home Kews, sad tt pskotomayeoaUeaUy look Air goat mention of every Incident. of' tha day worthy a auearloa. Aa Local Paper : tba. IXPK. rKXlixaTT win be ; foaad wltaemt .r a rival. . XX THK CITE. : 1 ' ; .: Y:Y:i:Y t. : It is ear Intention to aril to the reUU - : ; de-velo- pe I :i a ... Are in chara of able and i lata, who in the treatiaeat of Xatloaal aad loaal Butters win aaaume a thoroajrhlv tone, revoting no party er drainratiarloa. fe-litleal or rellgtoua. exe.pt te the ezteat that Ms Tinoca aaar reroBuaeaM r" la omr motto. ail kind of Rewfaaidlaeat , . ;: i'.'i.-!..-;- ki - : - Mining Corraspondeheoa '.13- - , '. -- AasuseusaitB have been nude with anal m rename eonaaaeaaaaia ia ae eamn for leitera relative to the sttafa and aaaaht of est, ue mute aaa anna laaportaneo arui do easa - .. . " :i)f;.-!A- - ry.i Re-electe- : : . - without m ; PEXDEXV. i re-elec- ted i fiif-.- wit-lies- V,: , a. . "V'PeHert TCR838 ' The Finest Thus saving the profits lav the retail dealer. to-ila- tij ohx w.: all baalaeesto Addreaa J tSTtij, asJ Jnljs for yeunelves. : J14f of cuesomFrtott. Ojpy, one yearm..Ms .M.........$10.ea una vepy, six moatia........... una uopy. uree moathe ..... est ijst Pariweak, by carrier..:....... ..M s : v ii:. J: :r; PU3U8HED PRICES. . .. . - |