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Show f - V, lsiOWdTnirt& rigorous weashYerJ ' (iflMiilltl) wfr i - Aa, v , V-,- ; . , -- f '- leiV , J r ' rVi Tt '' j gvia wtaw & Coe iiJ Editou.. ijf' ;n dawtre WkW.e.rVi'jvij tire t-- Wiiy tWo i :nrii8-2i3- i j'm7 1 fe !?:'rsr f ' tnti! a V trt r - ft Mi,-- ! mapTwho aro con ,,, :s jiimong dfeUnjgf iiur ibcNorth .hiprin wgYnM (iMupeneit V .lO'Aiil aof ih.v ia.fprm-- - uv): wfeli j&XtrtifWhm Wg- - v r num-V'nno- her .s Aliolplf E. B lirii .Inteiribr 0; f7r pleasure kdav l he Gee;j flail do wni do 4ioLi.Paical RrrwfyngS and - lyifpr taking peep at the Iron hoe. bus Co Co JBentleyv Jttdge.Adya w Tieit our friends, enlarge our eubBcription list and gather irtV Jerestirfgitem., Now s.im who SearatiSfl f ': Ji 'D '1JL -- miamsii, r ai'ek terin and ia not at'Hewl Qua; i 5 ;: t-- nVs; vv;;..itefri Yorl AyiWngto)jifjeeia! ijSt pi)liiici ne c.nie diaappomte mt Jlie Oabhiet-r'lj- be Prrsj Kas dent informed, the g nil; sMOUE C1V.IUZATI0N VAht-Ejr IN PINE Mi ofWr: namii J:;S!fcrmiiii . -- 7 - I Ucienl. 'Attw.iey -- a-hn- j 'j,;,:;;.r; e4hi AV:T.: .f!,t,WBW urt. .Seeratsiy of ths Hwtrdi a?o.s-- T A If, ; Joriry i,i ; 3. Wal)bunie..) fcnvtjtgn instr. U ektii iif heM.'Teturne;. . !l j tPvfci $.9Pf!P&& ft . wiyeii, at iajk; .o'm?,Amurnli. friifo m . Weivng. ! in , Su fHVr; bun , i . A sO.U a yy t 1 A, M Giorgriifliiili f :,.;SaltL Uraiai wi h passengei Gaboon, 51WH to, JEcJQ.i on are from Salt.Lake taSt They ihtradi to blauli ;j after in ril Wnce' tf? .y wijtkvy qti J and' lorn orro wjwe! muy.;:he;&ouiti'' .: r Oeargo. ' k. Ar Smith, HUtforge ;T4Ji ;Th: ami V . , U. K. v ' Erisiiis 6mm? Josdl!( Smi ih !iV-- ' L1' it- .TCIIMi Wr. S8IA -- Iiwti. V'. tfagtoGiifjar ' i r fUtraftf A.Crrtllat sir' ' -- tlohS. -i- MUED;irY . jwdr,hrigLtbeittW: rMHn, unii m areFklw menlhahewill not . tolera aretin te intimately acquainted Pine Valley, Mareo 8ih 1S69 . j,rgg in with us may, nay we are going jqjy department. Tieo A . sbof; time j C ielu Editor' too to ' pm 4o woik on tbM R, K. Well uoe ttSni , ijiimtss as a ago what of it. n-P- ' Y. ' ' f v- " S i or in Editor. -- umpwh n' tionikt i raerfui Pine Valley by which tie fhsffe; led hc j le: tamperl'ig. with ai.oiLer . uun tchemeV'of con& aA.rumer bs bern going wile. He nas i.ow inidt hie way himVlio tiuti aid Qppre4ie ilisqiul gpuad fern caple of wei'kd. and to yirnr eity,aud wilt bear watch c - i bow COnfirme.) t the saw-- . in& ifichtipne he would hvvnn ;ikfe Bloe pilleMsro; cotifiJently UiRt" : :waii loykyi faeiion .of llrbther Uaabin and others ekpvyen.tcd in Indian Fpbkeii oft but hare not yeb been true and drier if.ihgHis oatrr to the great di.gbit character .that the Nivajs adinluintreiV !!; r -f J Wmd bim Jj:;- tb; ' i clefedyri ' is. our titiftf , of ' hae taken possession of.tbe -- I Mot wiahlogv to intrude t5o the ,cnastif nitons hence h&i and here ween coBntrySoutq mush , tipea. ybur 'valuable ,c4-uin- heeotildhof ;;fedefto f thlii the Go oVadoii is alao reports! 1 subscribe myself yyur A(ktH. HAVA JOB! BH IMHIIb 1 eds - ! li that -- they - na r V&ckiM.' S"85teA5f 'il yavrfiagerribtif ysfcidiSicC JXJl Uualiii rlxt lz jti, uni Pahjutest and h Ir.you touck pity ghebC; ifitCrfd httking a business of stick, to in alUanee - .3 With-th- e -- , qssotiate.mth evil & plandetlw;, Mtilamanu io tbcxn Waktas forihe -- " lt i ZUrtiiTf ipwf ftsda .A-- ' : it jrop tixA up to QjPfa ihe flr;bt(lrbi4r: Wwte?rt4 ire opened Ihb morning in 'ft ? il |