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Show V' - 4f : vf r ill -- FT r'fvy ?: 1 it u-JJL- V sL i 5tj 1 r iw;e l.- " J 'ij ) f. tW AKKJA 6 X . " 'a No, 26 j sdli e i53'jj r btMbbliSiaei stoftficrofitf ffllfl i j on n'visiS .ii.u.J AunrProdems ? was'wcovered riL1 verdone? 5 ,. P nandeied ,): sxll I i '"i . li nil eYen jm ...L! L. J .l jl. , ;S,Q1 hnivdr . ti'f vl?fcAloavef is iobkkerrsj mark dh'Uie.1 M --v4WtW rtout. ; nine pulw;: andvin-zw:M- i? Py!5:1hey, lochem dimeteir, rqther.flat ,M. In , allthe sound Ineftrd. viaflsiorS r:Ji MinceJpiesI; at T G Miere ? Wa SSV'S-- !l! UUantityhf ashes covering lHfcf,door. 111 , - ,ii BviV wkti ii - ". y cri i Shi v.,V ';.v.,1 'V f.tN? ;:i rr - t'ir .! - - pM :p jtf.? 1 .iia aCB!,dS35gs rjAnd as the.pita grew, smelter, uVt :H,s-Sll,'','c Theyarenoyv-'oP ktBne said. pitoli in, ypn!r welcome.? n that W a broirn!dep 'color, and hard' but yjl How sweet dn the same shop were H-ireiyiigh. ;: ,.n found; 60I bronze and p: gjlor ,Ltp 1.J5P& .ifa g pil ver 'opine. Midplj r into-eigbt-tegiflfen- f ts. '5'31 S A' mil lvwUhgretownXijiyi of carn In excellent. 'pre'servaiion, Jus , t .! bechdUcorred...' k si ilB lto . -- r A 4 -- !(; sTDABENTii "?n in .the1 u iA'ejv.iqppartment; ' P it ,?';; i Sh liUedftMin'mVteacVp I u?t. ittafiStihreyV'1' iiVMlie ,r '7; f J -- bnee- - r t v gw t uiuiin ;difthbrlhe paceikAnl tbt y: sliall r''"l u;,o,a. r ) Ecvm'inpted1? B jjs dont ct your ! VU-M- A I . unk ind . , ii a TfMoiwIy j And. cbalcedlne iglitr and tiglierj bi' aottodjl hewdttl J ruvUfrlf f O'b lajlai - i . i.tjhou sntfltmi starve the printer! buti sast dq iivith; him part of thy Th?m Twice twenty dire and fle iu redr; ; iThtjdlfih of ei2lii nojif acid anil tiien X.byi ,U: p4r Jmfroi.;,liki w til city 33 fiuakttk. a.,r? peninEWhlch.a qi,ciuty.Q&e feWei, ClIiyCEr it'Mli'lUt-.- l i lllUk3T4 i'dl ui vfl!fl'.oa aid 3Hai bauio J 5 LPi w bc as 11jL.Vit 5LL1J niOas4 O iif i CSdpit xl - t J ' |