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Show VVGhurch-JandvOw- en ix both ;iu; ;gooil irieetingftwo .health, pectatiotio plqtf-ootrsfroin- and W aahington; up expect !to rieiOiiincf jiViithU Ri? iA art6f die country , aslio IheriTOTjat Col V ime, ifLthe liipelirig-friedo' ce ap Toquer. xo ipiiuandasizar Tot mobme offvr Ikos Jew bterp s$e that propetl1 &bpp A to forwarded' promptly Capt. V: Murpliy audiWca &.? whji;e jlmoptwith amaUconipany Oaovami,to anypoinV a mem. . . need if Saints left here on ilie fc0th; he,J may. w . " y , ifl Lake .Oity f Jftij, for Sultr BSDESERBT.TELEliRAPJI al(Your as eVWi , VU -- s . ; t.' ; ,j C1w7; Jry- - jph jeschW. 'F1 r nroan,vvrO"oy,vv , ' We ate under, obligation I !?" zyl Viqgsrnxnw4 TiqawiWe FebSSMH &4; -- 'froE TOj-THl- nil f tfcfl or? il. Pearoelf jtheufollii; r J. Di C.' P'arco;KV L ; ! B?! exoress fromtVirgen Jlty night at o'clock we earn; that .JndlaiiMiJddse; says ba ' there i Ur w great m any; ; lst -- 4 : 1 it ' man, i ecteu. U-th- is n; k u s aiiUrgejjn r r yocklh. r,rew The ,report,'of tbe iiabrir -- p tst y eaf has been f greater than jnat supply, y Two t a rn loailaof girls cmld be suddenly' dTspbaed : 1 replacedr-al-so urn .with sou a. 9,a. ' 4 fromXwely- - doljarsa nintff."Tbe Times sinfaMg Clares, interview hem with GVhht was? a deehebfy0. w in A. t -- i i,1 hiinselj Illicfti Ibuliyirief btethe Preside we. fr sdith .. .iys: that three metr .were out tirtictilarlyi.nxioas iantjhg' stock veSeTday, add at trhSre two' in? I pench Iteke-eai- r iiyi wan tf yiiifiwiyravriuw h 1esir flcdttitXructed ii&nirbaddriretij offsixheacl wpr and f it hopes 'Me ClurniYpt(sU4; ino i Chioap'20. hwillibuno special sj&ys bo sentWfcouii Sheridan ana again; Rev o!dtO'TeW id farther uni where twolmon r.t Sickfes.to xbh Caroliiiasflcado staternfalK.,0 Iheadi , aW ft a:d?.TCrnt Whethbrebtfle to Philadelphmpand Terry co. W who j will andw department i iu the. driven, off,. twenty aafeIj!;irbS ilili happtest eouatVy in the diah country' tu sv ivee foil owed trail be 1 i jits' in ai , senator be exriressfd fteen qa-ha- tjf d -- the, headhadbeed "world. yen' off hyJ si t' i ndians 'to rds Rock K&foitf? " where forty ( SineetheaboTneaaVto.-han- d I Intad'iTed uottr ekprew pom SbokTiUo gtin; htf ia-Ljlfliiftt Kama . c-- I 7.iaLij&$3; wodlnhW bQsSS tf YA t It Capitalists here are talking of a new Telegraph lineL oyer land. Despatches 'Trrirn Wmto P!n' Mining rdietrlcti reporlir extreme coidi weathrn lH)lyfrThe(aeSj ars ver ch TV Jbhi&t n of'WW tLeyberoa era. ,reihoye(P . u '?. i.;; f'1 foufleea 6nveraat V fadscM 1 -- Grantin' corirersationititim e CliVre General change shor trial demand oftho -- w. mid-b- X I TIiol nteryie iv.ha excited iauch.tailcMii no doubt that Stuart selected 'fpcthe cabinet ri ... Washington.25 Ifoii ' sail; that ed.dlatall-south'erhcnjaii- l.e p&tmGSt pt?. tiio StuirOa IJWS,. apt Jnfer that T SPECIAL : irpoliiieaTT ntjifal Gen-er- a! ..i:w v IIhyanar26; rilCanotoljrrattn-fldWins. tori Mtaofli i Tha'PfHjfa-sjv- t the eight million loen'froinhe tri'little'forr Grfant tddiy kva i" AV.1C. practical benefit ! aJ the1 Me. Clure whb; abkedf raal nto.wililprvrtr ImhBM' tttTKpl with. the intention: 99dd Somii or 'eiplorlaj iAmd Cuba eoeodhteir TImw inter ' |