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Show Txotm of th e 4thf cbi(rabpi , ins tJhas an- - tt artfeloabout efMor men en iiloil . Doing "vaiRttr 'If 4 he author of moat Loytj valley.-J !l , I li fcijllflietf WVekly ai'St. v,tiiorgt; U. f, r,r : 7at .VTEIUJSt. ,11 w S SOOw Pff AiictS -- w 'i M - iftfUopr,cs r - ;Datiiii sfllMplIalBH h. f'X?. to - r-- 0: Ri SakgYoV As XI w-w A? :ra!iv-- 2t : 1 ! Co :i . ' j r?3. J . v i Egbert i should eTershowJilOacVjn h - srahi in him if he had r ever beem bbrcu a Woods. ; kmsonand CnsanOnstensen u rv.; came in from LonVAUey : lastwek ami aeporf; thinss region of, counyry: in a' flourishing oonditionif thisf is flielast setilfcmeut made in tiie liixie Mission, 5 They repbrt tho ralley to lie, about, eisKi miles id length vi.. To Aji.;.. iatruMSaturday tt, A: r I rr: ins: evening t in-tha- t I f .fj . . 4 J this, article ei '. 1 . and: three quarttrS, oK simile (dXain jStreet.j ,), h,., in breadth: plenty ati good i ,;V range and;Wter;:;iiw fllbntx Ttey arernqjr atiworkigra of fife Wood , sfl PVi'T-JTSt- l r-r.'- ? closjs-ljy- j: There , ate . fiVer . ffaniliev niiraberinsfevenUenneti fit tUeliaei only 7 for duty who have alre. dy yivrg: town bnt TJn:,. the heartri: ot comr thirty.: acres of-- wheat so wn aerra r t?;j ffj lTr y- :.Jt iyatthe head of this sauna street;: Where dwelL tbe.Ed-i-- Which isjap and'fboks well;- - ;' Thes e : bretb rejB vereap--poin- Vd as herdsmen for the se tlemenb '".on .the :41uddy. ihey already have ,a lafgeberd of stpck in theircareHLhat it !? doing well ? eifThey-lef- Lens Vaflfey'trav-engin- a :.outhwJTaiwctiott.fL t ed jothelr syaf ion branches A maldng-thirtri,?4 wilFmakoit much'more liralV ttfaf0Rnj other . part rof thtf wWwdUttid noi is or city., uiagoaiisireei :1 plenty grMiJutjip fact behind the in atfall st; T y fc' i i m I rwg , ; NL ( It tolrsa4j.qtiitp a usrnra L0nrjhis street d thereof utot many like sqppearancssame - yerjp Srditable buildipgs 9; ai ihtififthem anr.thelZSsnes.aad 'V'Tu LonS T al!ew,d5!1.l bertnTdeie; great praise fortheiK uncon quCrabe srit manSBstediiUi theie '.A' iI M' CHyiwi&v&wVMMrtment f.podi.S They are; td Bwt lit' of goods, eyer, brought tq this-marb- id ett tiO-mU- on - Jtt lltiw ia luitrn iog will not forget Ve thsmaller. oaes. V' " they:i!are 1 C. LVno'wreestaSK m 3aff Beattey Bra.;retunie4 building up;6urpuntnf. liihnent jjt) n TT f |