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Show v HIKTSUANCH.i v VoV sUrt AVd for; JlTk k- - The .copies us. heid company twenty- - ohestroog r Jr ye purchase J ' ! u ; sh a eii - in-tercs'- ing . ui ol 1 en1 let t5 , i & , . - . : n .. 'ltd' 1 5 lies iflft Wt the itrt VY4 auc iitl hie we su U$i ad ; - . in-ch- es 1 . to-be- d. .NextVday an who was one of the party ARTILLERY IN BLACK 0 thal at tRckteJ the Navaiqes ROCK KAN YON. he told 'U3dAat tiiey had hila led two and five escaped, and .that our guide had sent him to tell us that thei: stock was safe in tk'e hand? of the ip abonttwo miles ahead At ll.W L which we'. soon found to be the case. W Next day ;:we arrived (at tb Pipe Springs where prepar.. lions were soon made to feed w' wa Pah-lede- s; r-- i- ifl V, ON HAND, lilewewere ntbeireesnt campaign against tks Navajoss we hstiqed a few of "the (boys whs, were continually grumbling sS - -- - . a r V acting, the old granny want-in- g to return houie, cojaplain-ln- g i tUlLUOADl.FOU : , i of their h orsss fad i ng ,&c. , CATCHING INDIANS.' but the aoment we were Among other interesting re- orderd tovery, wards homethe Horses marks .we heard a. gentleman appeared to bsail right- - But 'BUg'CBt tbe idea of building a as a i.( tb s i Tb oy eJ general thing rauroad from St. George to wsr far obedient and ways the Pahreer for the purpose on hand for axy .emergency. of catch ing Indians; we coin- Beys let us always Waniiand cided with him allowing that and Jst'our actions Welpond . there was nothing like a rail With our religion. A ! V . - ! e and forty pounds v of beef out o: sight, 'alter which webad ever !what a grand Pow-wo- w we ha I achieved v i! i ; and brought it liomW for bur fri ui is to look at, The wigor .roid is no in ir;i which' c msed so ie scenes,1 especially while easing the' pack minimal down a steep path along the sile of a steep .mountain. This is dona by one mi in h ol d i n g the .a nnimal by the lad. should t h e poor road to .catch InUians with. brute make a inistep he would UN TRAIL AGAIN , ; bebe precipitated fifty; fet. The next day, we got a dislow. whichi runs that nobh Pah patch staling that the Navajos jf rccr, had stolen from J. VV, Young T w o Land $ inches of and company eigh-eeheau for , two .meals. All of mules, and horses between dough bauds complain of being liunr St Geo add Muddy, 1 Japt VV gry.but it oun't f)e. helped for Freemanwas ordered to go we Are how on short rations. add guaid the puss when lih On this ojeasion, we were discovered their - tracks, as cook and mixed, the dough in though they had' net passed to a long; roll about ;; nine over three hours previous, and ?n circumference being .was soon ao t trail again; but equally divided among eleven too late for the jaded condimade a piece two and one 3rd tion of his horses; ... u inches i lengtli for e ch ' man HOME AGAIN. without el per day any thing On the 5fh insiant we arriee. Many looked seriou and ved at our Jiome so nobody went the hungry. need rent senior Editors SAFE. STOCK f!;THE; boots for lodging appartments. Indime met an v. 4... tureT'--ofhuntinglndians. - : tin? e)un.ryar I. li ul our pa- -. reiitV furnish d m with a ter. ' r cnt gre inb ick f'r sending ; wnney w would cerainly ... say. that ! our certf inly understand the na- - 'quir'efsTpwiing Peter Suits managed tar V put the' bread lunch or real esta e. This is nude! from one sack! ol ftour n - I Since our return wehave heard that some gentleman advanced the idea that the artillery should be stationed nt Black, topk, Kanvon that the latter might, be raised from stern to Mernw vtb prevent ? ,-- On Satnrday Lieut. Gould returned with his command from the vioinitj of Grand Wosh withont hvaingeen asyNava- ( jq, On ff.1 2 ii 1 jejf. Sunday evening CoL'Pearce Major Romuey and OapU.Gope-Ja- n with the rest of the beje who have, been; out on Ihe campaign returned all safe and in goed sprite. On Monday evening a dance was given to thosev wno partie-ipated. Ih the r campagnf ,and oifidersend men - enjoyed, tihem-selvhuge! jilll the smallhour es f Maxwells y J1L letter from Ranch ws learn, that the hog By which manly supposed to be a quadrnped is a hip ed,f said to he the enly remaiut ef the l human apeeies-thatonoo '.inhabited thatjjfiourishing eity. While tho expresses were running to and fro thp biped hog9 took the advantage of the Stltion ,Keeper and fed the grain, that 'was for the boTi'aV Pipi ''SSringe, to h ; o wn jipimalsy7 v : .L 010 'A- - -- f : L-.-- T iho NavajoeS from passing Bro, .Keate has r built a ehoe with stock. The man who; ahep ono dsor soathof X)lline Bare er Shop, suggested the above, must rrrr f |