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Show Y VT i' ' 9 ' T , W n buiM r .J. i m: tuova; u. 1 sILcltiMuiiirMy 1 - pipe spkiVg3. ,. cain springs was employed vVe ; passed wheu After .riding. one day and as guide; 1, and abouv TEBM8.... - ... we reached a deepgulch, they had oamped, . StOO. night carcass of a .Am, . -. . Vefjr, one mile and half this side bt midnight the horse was found, it proved fAdverllalRii . JUln where J - - i,lWporlU. Pipe Springs l TMr. be one belonging to Mr. A. M Moathfl, U,7 who .was murdered to V j- ... ... . - i- . r' vk TMi ' ! - u&, Miller, ou seeing his steed by the Indians, kept a large skinned he had a peculiar ban of , 41 herd catle. In this gulch we la;d on our gun9. holding our horses and took a sleep while' the officers were on an elevation watching for smoke from the Indiana1, fires, but nothing was to be seen. We iheii renewed match to Pipe Springs for break fast. ASTOil ' i A J. . J , ! - xVa X a dl - r MEANDERING. 1 Our readers are pretty cv; well aware of the faet (hat in pursuit of Nava went we c. .. . ' .j on a. borrowed horse-- " joes. ' suffice it to gay we returned; from the stone of terror all r.: in good health,f the .borrowed . ' FORT PEARCE. Our first night out we did not reach ihe strong and un j .approachable Fort: Pearce ' one but eamped : .! L mile this ;'j." Charles ; Dickens would hare had a 'good chance lo gather somervery interest; ing items for a ; romance, Many brave - speeches1 were duljvered while sitting arjuni tbe carop fire, exhibiting a Here. ( :.v ; ; . . ; t , : his gun, went back in search) of it and got lost which caused a de.ay f thi ee amt a half hours. On guide then noticed' Paliiedej tracks, !. I-l- wing I o lie Navajtes and in three hours more, he told UI Aftar scouting around that .from the appearance o( , we star tod home march-- tho tracks, a fight had takenr ingsomo eight mihflt e place ; be ween Me Navajoej Cedar Ridge where it seems and 'the Pahiede, the latter that one of the men lud wan- - eapluring air ihe ifocITbut dered out of the load and bnad whiQh thc former Vacs when of the command . ped with. to-th- : liorsd included, j i a-wh- ile - - kermg after a Nvjce. About eleven Volock the If I next duy oue'ot our men-li(- THE RETREAT. v - ? e, LATEST FttuM THE SEAT OF' WAR ! ; . M-Wlutmor- M.V .u . i- v , 0 ( 1 AUwtioo, : X I a-h- ead Maj. Hardy ras startled by the neighing ofthe lostman'e .hors' ; being already dark he was unable to sss the man and supposed at once that it was an Indian and ordered a retreat to au open piece, of ground jast below which was as done quick you bet some .expressed it It is said that many wer ready to Vaell out. 1 . THE CHASE. . v r - 1, PAHREER. Seven miles lurther.we find! ourselves jumping ravines, soiling rocky Clifts then afir. utj aieap of about 199J- leet tbs arejanded by.ihe'aidtf of - noble Pahreer , VYe have now been, thirt; hours .without water. AV would have suffered muc had it not been lor a- lit-fresh pork we ate raw, whic quenched our thirst, as "we 1 ,v:.. The next morning we met as wattr. alter particular hankering" Wo now prepare t;for. su an express, with oirdeis for all blood.' N&vajoe Amongst and have a square mM a and remain to Command the per, would: be frequently heard bread 0 t of mode Our making the Accordingpistes. that, beautiful . slaug phrase guard to our labor, more simple than the old wa returned we ly bet ye 'you and in a couple of hours we It is nixed in the sacky aiI STAMPEDE. struck' fresnVraii where the kneaded on machiers, then : th J asitd the night ked.on the embers 'While Oapt. Freeman was Indians had Next morning we fit up with a herd of horses to previous our horses, going catnp to do and s e what i mules. 1 ( , ; , : . . which hobbled; slam waded r but , were, soon quieted by the guard, ;; Uni I U .4a were-al,. l and Capt. Coplan with twenty men'was ordered to give 'Acinse. Jim I Oheif of the Indians at tinge -- guide :Pahiede are. going to do w the i ockj as our hoi' a too jaded fo follow tb tally |