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Show J Wf Xiy .mv W 1 V1HJ amuainenU;taketibtend dfvtntjr e .surra ald "eVery twp.MejsiJi tcriberpT Who has thatWs may giTOtheia'ert iooiiltolWerVem ontfo p&fllsfc - I'i,.t-1,- ft ineti ftiLed jcoihejaat,' sod. then fell.os 't. load of Whiiftt'is r&id . headgainsttue iioo .uhdftbdo- - ; i? litt'rtainLl ',l'nv' afuih fn ta'thn tHHti. tfceuj i i H .... r5 W. XoUugjli'.J.' Mantles if Pearce, VI. Minefield JL v&ehlr lie- InaslltU. YVVqiiurcft J. JLybiasvnK.' f- '4. V . CVvV LjVAi.-ojp,' pqxijntri iheani : ir oifili- V J .v fc. j ? J- -V x ...: V;. T , .: fvv Jftr J.0Bnftr;ldT6UdttthftI:jv .. j - XiatdiMri ix -- - - ;' -- r ! . . Park Bow, Keif & 4? e pd scienii fi o en- -; gntTiogi, and it attto At $1 her ear.' impottant. V1.h it phtap '" r hope to give oarraadert-toaeiprao- T-- . - - Wtth:thnd , at. uaoal inches .;pf inortiir.and ooarse grarel therhplelo the end of. the tbhchtbe grdatid; jthjeh set joar post in jfthj end gravelftl-- i r MlS'tii. peti-willlie- ndMrnl f Vorfc-liewCo- iehed, fcjrintweaiir j d. 3g 4t; DrftmnueAfaeeiatioh if open their Theatre oM Saturday 'iereii- 4: franuW.FoajC pioneeif exchanges. vV:tugb.llMjGbimon3la& iBugUftt hat, biin9 vt:.!f--'-.'Tlli- - T ,'ortM Avei einfVneiiia ( jta1I - : |