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Show f.- Rod Lead; T J P Paseos;2C0.; IBsst Refined Ralera tue, ' D B Funk, '3 00. But J P Pasebe2 CO.Besi Bejt- - Utkarge, t8oap,WW AfadderRoot But iTpr,3 CX Wood dipXd.A.u f,niMW Bell, 2 DO.r-;J(le- Canring, B Ramsey ,?2 00. Bast Wood Engraving ;tA Ji JUjbbiildr.S H.?Jlet 3 OOjr Bait Bed Ink Copmru A1 Q00.. Pnarj Ji jBaat groaa MatebeeiA K.niHlUji3 Fielding, OOBdH FindUy.IOO.; But is extrseted.;;ThelIquor or st thep baboiled withi' avfewhopi la' It, Indv whenj.' It' beeemaa lukewarm add a.- little yeast to ferment itj and .the thng lsdone. A peck ot malt and ;f oar ounce ;of hops wtft produce three gallonx hffirap-clas- a Brqibt, HrtirftXtcXr) OOBeitQltii il J? Z ''t1 Buttons! eLable300;Best? Jleehan- -' r.' imalt :f 00; Best Blip . Cyaxyoa je I)wiogf W Jt 8ijver,3 icelnatowel,-ehthenUkea ef:; DUhy'T Bullock ;'S OD, Beitjlrim lump of eltion ' slightly Inclined vhack wards I.,' & chair1 or bna aofa; Proceed ;ferhal with a teaspoon to feed.yourself wlth; boir BE. rnalt-teaaU- f - DinanBnaksp t i. pb' i ?? ' -- f :l" crJtSS-cUTLEBTiHXBtiW- imallimnps Bait Door jick;FBrawter,2 CXrBest slowly tbeent Fofield; RiSt B Ckirlalj istJalin dip. applicatioD wilji -pftsn break up,a common Bait BidCordVW A MoMastpr, tore threat; Op.-'Twiiiir'Md i Beit' 2d,; C- WlUiinw, the hex !cej e Cord, W.AMoMMtecj 2 OOSest-Whilof.'ulceratioa 00. Cartwright-- U ' Co-War, CToialI, Bait Brown ? Ware, Er dler Bf okyv2 00. i A't-.i- auddupu4j tv; rars ,:Tf brag ClhlUi ad M074: ! ; 2d;CraxaU;Grtwright tCd.il 00,. Best Droned iHeinp, : D tfWaK,vap004Beit Rotted HempD H W1M OO.'Best, bun-d- ll Flax,' C. Williams, dipiVBeit Slncbei, praters after which itT yaln ;CLA8B Bint OjrnaipeotSl Hiedltwork, BookJ flAdiea-- . is ? let the iarHqlofc-- loak ten'mlnates in hard 'Water.y' dred the colon wll be well preierred en the hailed wiiV bo pf the aamejtiffbeic Skilful' Sousewlf e.',2d, ' t ' r h si 1 ee&j Mr O A Sm! th, SOc. A d ,M rsKid m i n ftlra J Squires, dipi''Bast Tafcfa Corey, fiOe. jBsa t ' worked 1 0A;2d, M J Yoqn ouncr, one. cup oi xqa, iour.t,ae I Kennedy , 1,00. VBait one ,cup iieo 1 Collar oue-ha- lf tes spoonful uleratus, flour ggs. f OQ.iiPeit Caihion,hl AHeKBlj group to the cake, BsitOr-nlmentenough; al ofFlaweri,'J Vnenbaciwl, 00,4. thaa'-pounFour:-int;cake; deep Balkans P.Johnsday i ODRd,' LAlexand erbOclf Best; Woolen Hqis.T 3d pV d Fairchild,- - bVOO,L33w :ATTAxucp: p.misiiVZ3 Annuitf bio eighth 'til dittle-thlckerf't- tlea.an'l) o i MrlfBemenMe. BestQot'pn Hose;T Fairchild, 1 MUv Best EmbfoldsredKhawVK'LXennidvy 2 00.' But Crochet work Collar,.; Mra Kidman 1 005 3 AID- - tng;5C ?d prochefr 3d. dip.'.r Best ork StandijM-ERnd- r forked Qoiitj M Lindiiy J 00. 2dl Mrs 2 Yeung, BOes' Best patchwork 'Quiltr W 2dW. W.Playef, tOc. WJ Knit work 3d, O' Boor no, Bddip-vBeGraves bOe, 3d, 'R!ehards1 08..2d,P E IVX, 3d dip.- - Beat Ladiei Straw Hat, ;li vAlawIr.l OK;, aVBeit .Ladies; Straw Bonnet, U Alexander, Vlr 0(EV; Best .Straw Btaid.MJ Long,lO0bj2d, C S Lonp,!50c Best Bead Work, G.Bourne 1.002d,E Playermf I; e st Pound it,ahd;egalnr aoakttin wateri ;.Dek the watery train then' it Is ' fsady. Iwr ;i dieUSParleyiapreleirpble'td wheat, y CaxtFL'leen louncei .cf" oj .il t? : ; ait.j;; r-p- oix 'M'J bolliug water three tsasupi of molauet lTs of the plneaweetsned; tloii ot th with' lOgariTaks a wine-glawarn in': j geing to bed;and ' ' ss half-an-houtbsf- ' ini Colored. WQolYa,W;W,Foiter,50c;v CLAS3 PRODUCTIONS. : N.--HO- ME tk s 7 Beit 1 00,, 'r ' . '' 'KeiferC rBook j Beat 'Butter; ?l Tv RisTbaU,' ' -- yiBeat '. Ficon .'PrcDnra. Six t&hleW T F Pattin, TBook 4Chlneao Ragar Cane.? spoonfuls of flour' vet as fer etsrch and a quart of boillrg rr.li. BeitJar Of PreieiTes, A Irlni, l 00. 'Best nixed:'-witeggs and a niece' ofbnttsr tha fix "of ax ' 'Bakehalfaa hour;' J ' ' .V':a-erg, ri" '' f UoAaxs.---Fc.rt: bf one if; meat, pcanls v r v Wix.roxjW ooDaerr, President exit, a saeficcu'ilfiT aid round of herbs to lth Pfiicfmcet. v T'y : V' can mas owa cerapi Cc n isr&ry ,ns w pi,' Southern !The . - .309.' i j h i - 1 arolli ' fe f.r4Bixxbv; j . ml'.'VjF r Z. x; Jfji y ;r-p- r -- l j ear 4w;v'IV!J . |