Show local affairs 1 ureta orchestra will conduct a ince at the hall this evening W F shaver and joseph ere in the capital on wednesday mr and august siewert have 0 ed to a from salt lake che odd fellows of eureka conduct 1 memorial services at the city ry on rues lay W A boj er of silv er city and ge a of foan was joined marriage at provo on monday mrs dr laker returned isit at bait lahe two nephews who will visit here a few days sol the cutter daniels the tailor wua called to it I 1 ake on wednesday but will re rn in a short time to look after the al business of the house woolf marks went to one of the hos als at salt I 1 ake on luerd ay iy to tal e ourse of treatment for a chronic dis e which been giving him con arable trouble several year he a has decided to put n ne huun for the dutch m section of the mater system ibe gag of the trench for the new 0 1 lc aard 1 to the res ansi bi ider paul has been at o 0 f r the past ten das on account of the serious illness of one of his children mr ind mrs john hannifin left on saturday batur day for sin pete county mr hannifan will i end the imer eling passenger agent froest eck came out from salt lake on tuelda night and mccomi acied the excursion ests to the city on the follow ing mom ing samuel coa an 1 family of robinson left on tuesday for spokane washing ton where they will arake their home the cox credence re dence at Bobi neon waa purchased bv mis james hutchison IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE fifth judicial D strict in and for juab county detate of utah in the batter of the estate of peter i williame deceased not ce ot administrators s nale oe per bonal property NOTICE 13 hereby given that in elance of an order ot the dietr ct court of the fifth judicial D strict in and for joab county state of utah bitting in probate midy and entered on the jtb day of june D 1906 in the matter of the estate of peter E williams ed the ened administrator of sa d estate ill cell at public ailton for rash ei to confirmation by sa d cobit on the day ot june A D 1906 at the hour 0 8 clock p m ol 01 d day at the front door of the court house of si d court in nephi juab ty detate of utah t he fo lowing described personal property to wit 30 ahafea of the cap tal stock 0 the iron blossom mia ng corn pany a corporation daiy organized and e it as under and by v nue of the laws of he otate of utah one gun and one s watch akan mchatton aim n of the estate ol 01 peter E williams dated june ath 1906 date 0 publication june lo 10 |