Show UTAH STATE NEWS the eagles have instituted a lodge lit mount pleasant with over fifty charter members the town of sandy will celebrate the fourth of july a good program being in preparation the parade m ogden at the meeting of the commercial travelers was the largest in the history ol 01 the city beav rains and hail have caused considerable damage to small fruits and vegetables in the cache valley two japanese laborers were run over by a handcar near ogden one being 1 billed and the other badly in aured A coroner s jury has decided that the death of joseph wood whose body was found in ogden canyon was from natural causes albert anderson aged 38 Is dead from injuries sustained by tailing from a wagon in salt lake city his skull being fractured after a work of halt a century as su perin of presbyterian missions in utah the rev dr has resigned and goes to the pacific coast president loosevelt Koo sevelt has named hiram E booth as united states at torney for istah to succeed joseph lippman whose term Is about to ex pire A salt lake physician dr H D alles was one of the principal speak ers at the session of surgery american medical association convention at bos ton last week A windstorm which struck salt lake city last week did considerable dam age to signs fences and trees for five minutes the velocity of the wind was a mile a minute prize flights will not be permitted in ogden in the future district at torney halvorsen declaring that he will prosecute any parties attempting to promote prize fights in the junction city mrs nellie hines of salt lake cit became suddenly insane one night lasi week and ran through the streets div ing the officers a lively chase before being captured and placed in a pad ded cell the little 15 months old baby girl ol 01 mr and mrs wm hatfield ol 01 was drowned in an arri gating ditch last week the little one being dead before it was missed from the house afton the little son of mr and mrs chris peterson of clenwood had borne fingers of his left hand blown kofl by the explosion of a giant cap which he was playing with the hand wa badly lacerated an automobile belonging to 0 D of ogden driven by him elf was overturned caught fire and burned in ogden canyon sunday after noon mr had a narrow escape from death at a meeting of the manufacturers and merchants association of salt lake city it was decided to order an indefinite postponement of the six states business men s excursion sched ules for june 24 to 27 henry harrlson tor many years resident of salt lake city was ar rested last week charged with conspire and confederation to commit an offense against the united states in violation of the anti lottery laws D M ferguson 52 years of age a traveling musician and actor has been wrested in salt lake city on a charge of assaulting a fourbear old girl the child Is seriously injured ferguson stoutly maintains his inno cence mrs charles bookman of salt lake lake city attempted suicide taking laudanum because she fancied her husband had fallen in love with an other woman emetics were promptly administered and she Is now out ot danger michael W ward who married miss fox a salt lake woman a few years ago and after robbing her of several thousand dollars she had saved de camped has been arrested in san francisco for bigamy committed ID ventura hoy campbell who was arrested on suspicion of being the bandit who cp five men in the lobby of the reed lintel at ogden has confessed to beng the hold up and directed the of bleers to where they might find the anoney and gun the recent exposures of the un cleanliness of the chicago packing plants has caused much uneasiness among utah grocery men many ot them have cancelled their orders for canned goods and others are not even offering them for sale john Eri antos a greek butcher at garfield swore to a complaint last week charging cramer aged 24 years with having held him up in the vestibule of a salt lake route car and robbing him of cramer Is out on ball awaiting trial jesse N smith a pioneer of and cousin of president joseph smith died tuesday june 5 in snowflake ariz deceased was born in stock holm st lawrence county N de cember 2 1834 he came to utah with his widowed mother september 25 1847 gov cutler received a dispatch from the assistant secretary of war last week which stated that the war de apartment part ment bad decided to send the en tire militia of the state of utah to the encampment it fort D A russell in august and that the government would pay all the expense |