Show FROM ACROSS THE SEA A new ashanti war is inevitable in africa according to a german provin cial paper the chemnitzer which publishes the follow ing communication dating from tark va near secondi on the british gold coast the As hantis have long been possessors of a massive gol den throne of great value and ac counted a sacred and national relic according to the tradition of the tribe the kingdom of ashanti would remain in existence as long as the throne remained intact the british have for many years been attempt ing to gain possession of the throne but have hitherto been ful several ears ago a certain ash anti placed himself in communication with the british government and offered to obtain possession of the throne for the english on con that he himself was nominated king of the As hantis the british government agreed to the proposal and appointed the traitor as chief tain the As hantis however sue ceedee in placing the throne in a safe hiding place and now they demand from the british government the de thron ement of this chieftain the british government in order to pre serve its own prestige refuses to con cede the demand of the natives so that a new ashanti war Is inevitable andrew lang writes of the aus gralian natives between tribe and tribe war tor purposes of territorial aggrandizement is unknown they may fight about women or in the blood feud for as nobody is supposed to die a natural death every death Is thought to be caused by hos tile magic fights are not now resolutely waged but merely to draw first blood fes a rule and as there are no conquests there are no blaies and very little material progress there are no hereditary chiefs though among some socially advanced tribes a kind of magistracy or a of local groups in the tribal general assembly is hereditary in the male line |