Show NOW THE MOTOR FISHING BOAT craft devised to reach markets in quick time automobile fishing boats are plying the brine great britain compete alon among the fishermen on the eart coast of england and scotland has resulted in a motor fishing boat ot eighty tons displacement seventy five feet long twenty two feet wide and fitted with a gasoline engine of awen ty tour horse power running at rev per minute the engine which Is used only when winds are ad verse or lacking can give the craft a speed ot five miles an hour it does not interfere with either the storage of fish or the manipulation of sails and replaces in its weight merely the ex tent that the ballast previously car ried the idea Is to allow individual crews to get thear catch to market as soon as do the present fleets of drifters who employ a steam craft to collect fish from each member of the fleet in turn the entire catch 1 then hurried to port while the fisher men remain on the ground and con dinue their work if the pioneer boat fulfills its anticipated destiny a num her of similar craft are expected to be built |