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Show Wj M 1 m ij. n V;ffVr tW n ti' 31':-- vkU( a The Sampler, Sept. 19, 1985. nsion Lifestyle change One major risk factor of cardiovascular disease affects an estimated 30 to 35 million people in the United States. That risk factor is hy- pertension, or high blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association, people with untreated and uncontrolled hypertension are three times more apt to develop coronary heart disease than people with normal or controlled blood pressure. Hypertensives have six times the chance of experiencing congestive heart fai . The Co-e- d football league opened it's season last night with its sports non-conta- ct new to Dugway this year. Of the three teams, two lure and are seven times more likely to have a stroke. Having high blood pressure does not necessarily mean a person is overanxious, compulsive or nervous. In fact, a person can have very high blood pressure and not even know it. The only sure way to monitor one's blood pressure is to have it checked regularly. When medical professionals measure blood pressure there are two numbers they watch, the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. - The systolic pressure, which is the high number, physicians often recommend pressure of more than 90 indicates, the pressure against the artery walls when the blood is being -- mend that a hypertensive patient reduce the amount of salt or sodium in the diet. It is important to note that blood pressure does change from minute to minute. It changes with a pumped through the body. The diastolic pressure, the lower of the two numbers, is the pressure against the walls of the arteries when . An overweight patient might be urged to begin an eating program that reduces caloric intake, and is low in fat and cholesterol. Because cigarette smoking can raise blood pressure; it change in posture, after exercise, sleep or when a per- the heart is "resting." son becomes excessively An example of a blood pressure reading is "120 over 80." This means the systolic pressure is 120 and the distolic pressure is 80. .Hie American Heart Association suggests that a systolic pressure greater than 140 is usually considered high in an adult; and a diastolic tense.. A doctor will generally take several readings over a is generally advised that smoking be stopped if possi- period of time before making a judgment about high blood pressure. Often blood pressure can be controlled through some ble. And some studies suggest that an intake of more than al4 to 6 ounces of cohol per day will raise blood pressure. Therefore, .. 80-pro- basic changes in lifestyle. A contact Sports director Dave f 2448 or 4854. Hie Delta game scheduled for Sept. 21 is cancelled. If there is enough participation at practice, the game will be played Oct. 5. Four boys and four girls from each division have a chance to go to the soccerfest Oct. 19. One of the regions will provide housing Oct. 18. Sign up with Toy by Oct. 1., Seckman. are still welcoming new of 1 More participation is needed for soccer practice. Team coaches are the same; Jesse and Jim, Lt. Stief-fe- l, Bernard Lee and a team coached by Ann and Lynn. There is no fee for fall soccer. If you want to participate this fall, call your coach or Toy Ready at Soccer players needed for practice, soccerfest tion, or to get on a team, moderation in drinking habits. Even when lifestyle changes are made, a person's blood pressure doesn't always come under control. In these cases medication can be prescribed; Whatever the treatment, it is important that the regimen be adhered to. This usually means a lifetime effort. There's not yet a cure for hypertension, but by cooperating with the physician, a person can lead a normal life. (American Heart physician will usually recom- generally indicates hypertension. . : p : LOCATED players. With enough interest, one more team may still be formed to round out the OPEN WEEKDAYS ON THE WAY SATURDAY 10-- 0 SUNDAY 9-- 6 11-- 5 I I TO DUGWAY! league. , Games are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday evenings. Two games with 20 minute halves will be Very large family home. 4 bedrooms, and 2 baths, many many extras. Nice played each week. Hie league was formed to provide fun and. exercise to corner lot in Stockton. it's participants. Call Coaches are Kim Young, Rosa Caballero and Anne Connor. For more informa 882-520- 5 Martens Hamilton or Mansell 882-210- Home-Sal- Come in today and meet Tony Warshaw, the new store manager in our Tooele store. 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