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Show n D THE SAMPLER IFesaitnnireg O Friday, Dec. 4, 1981 The Dugway Elementary News by Tasha Moore, Tanya Rucker, Keli Skalicky - n. Santas Secret Workshop tfr.i VW v ; . Shhhl Santas Secret Workshop is a "$ . i . ed ttt''- 5" coming cm the 14th through the 18th of December. Kids you can buy uni- -. que gifts for your friends and family for secretly. The gifts are low-pricthe people who want to buy them. Hie event is sensational. - rrJJr Super Citizens This month Mr. John Simpson presented the Super Citizen awards. We appreciate them. Kindergarten - Kevin Hubert, Lisa Zigment, Amanda McGuire and Billy Gore. First grade - Dustin Zumwalt, Michele Jaster, Jenny Averett and J. ing lots of activities for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Mestas first grade class is also going to sing at the PTA meeting. They are gettign some carols ready.. They are making Christmas gifts for their parents and Christmas decorations for the school and home. Mr. Cayrets second grade wrote some good stories about the first Thanksgiving. They have a lost tooth club. When a students loses a tooth, he gets to sign his name on.the big white tooth and is a member, of the club. G. Skalicky. Second grade - Jason Kroff, Kendra Holman, Melanie Adams, and Steven DeWitt. Third grade - Blake Bannister, Magon Cayret, Brent Dutton and - Kristy Larson. Fourth grade - Kim Swenson, Lyle Wanlass. Fifth grade - Sandy Witkowski, Lara Lynn Johnson. Sixth grade - Keli Skalicky, Aaron Marshal, T ravis Gorgenson and Grace Taylor. Classroom News Miss Lowders kindergarten class is Officer, 2nd Lt. Debra Thedford goes over the dining facilities personnel roster with SFC Carl Barnes, NCOIC of the mess hall. lines new Executive HHC . School Lunch Menu for week of Dec. 7 Chip Ward, the Bookmobile Dec. 7 - Hot dogs bun, tossed salad, tater tots, pears and milk. Dec. 8 - Hamburger bun, hash brown potatoes, com, whipped jello and milk. Dec. 9 - Turkey and gravy, whipped potatoes, roll and butter, green beans, applesauce, milk. Dec. 10 - Texas chili read sticks, apple salad, chilled fruit and milk. Dec. 11 - Surf burgers, macaroni and cheese, celery sticks, fruit and cookies and milk. Note: Due to the lack of freezer space and the fact that all food is brought in from Tooele every month, all meals are subject to change. librarian, would like to remind everyone who has books out late to bring them in. The County Commssioners have approved full funding for the Bookmobile in 1982. The State Legislature asked Tooele County to pay more money for the Bookmobile in 1982 than in 1981. The Commissioners were riot sure they had enough money and if not, Dugway might have lost the Bookmobile service. In the end the money was found. Dates to remember Santas secret workshop is December 14th through 18th. gets new Execuf iveOfficer by SP5 Dave Pinnick a little over Although she's only been and week a half. a Headquarters Companys new executive officer has already gotten into many of her duties. at Tougaloo College, in Tougaloo, Mississippi. Since Tougaloo didn't have, an ROTC program, she attended the one at Jackson State University in nearby . She sees Dugway as an opportunity to get experience. and training that her classmates assigned to Officer, she is responsible for the overall operations of HHCs dining facility. Although she delegates some of the duties to the Dining facilitys As Mess other installations wouldnt lie offered. NCOIC, SFC Barnes, the ulitmate.responsibility is hers. I feel that Dugway will give me an edge over my - In her function as Supply Officer, she is responsible for signing for the property, or materials that IIIIC uses and stores, from training items, to the furniture in the individual rooms and company area. Jackson, Mississippi. Theford plays the clarinet, and enjoys ceramics, volleyball, reading, bicycling, backpacking and camping. $he's also very much' into Ihe popular board game, liackgammon. 2nd Lt. Debra A. Thedford is HIICs new exec, but her duties cover more than chain of command functions. Shes also Mess Officer, Supply Officer and Training Officer, responsible for overseeing the ' company's activities in those .areas. contemporaries, she explained, because with my duties and various responsibilities here. I'm getting into areas that they wouldn't lie getting involved in until they were 1st Lieutenants or evpn possibly Captain. In the area of company training, her duties as training officer mean shes responsible for setting up the training schedules, delegating how many hours will be spent each year oh each subject, what subjects, are to be covered, and who will be assigned to instruct the soldiers on the various subjects: Lt. Thedford comes to Dugway, after completion of the Officers Basic Course at Fort McClelland, Alabama, which lasted 17 weeks. Voyages 1 'oyoges, by Ben Bova, is truly a science fiction novel intended for people who hate science fiction. creatures from a distant There are no multi-heade- d galaxy, no exotic space ships charting unknown territory. Instead, Bova has come up with a highly probable story of what mans reaction might be on Earth when faced with the imminent arrival of alien aircraft. now working as an astronomer An detects a faint but unmistakable radio signal from .the vicinity of Jupiter. A few days later, photographs of that area show an object moving away from Jupiter and heading towards Earth. At first, the American government attempts to keep the news secret, but after it leaks out, the Americans call for a , . "Dugway has surprised me, she said, but I wasnt disappointed. Not only will I get learning opportunities in my job experience, but I will get to try different recreational and educational, activities that Dugway offers. - Thedford said she felt that for its .size, Dugway offers many things that larger posts, because of their size, couldn't offer. Id really like to try skiing, she said, being from Mississippi, I havent seen that much snow, and Ive always wanted to try it. I also want to try golfing, Assigned to the Chemical Corps, she was a memb- and maybe get into woodworking. Dugway offers a er-of the ROTC program in college, while she lot of new fields of interest for me and I'm very much earned two Itachelor's degrees in math and biology looking forward to my tour here. world-wid- e cooperative effort to study the top-secr- et CHRISTMAS 6. et LITTLE T-H- Ill II THIS WEEKS SPECIALS tetolly oew concept la processing end packaging, our moats ore fully guaranteed. A $7.95 0 $7.95 N V. BUCKAR00 ROPES COMPUTE LEATHER BR1DU 882-617- 6 Jl FREE DELIVERY V RANCH ROPES 124 North Main . Y SPECIALS! The Other Choice ... $21.95 SHOW QUALITY HEADSTALL $24.95 ) 7 Va LEATHER REINS $9.99 TUFFUTE of any budget. o Precis lee timepieces o . Terms 882-138- 2 5 N. Main SADDU BAGS LEATHER SADDU BAGS TUFFUTE ,m r - UlTw ojn.6 HOURS: M' pjn. 1 We flock any trees, yours or ours, artificial or natural, .any color! Fresh cut trees now in. Varieties to. choose from: Pinon Pine Scotch Pine res A Alpine Fir a" Ponderosa Pine White Pine . $27.95 $25.95 Choose your tree out of the cold $24.00 to $38.00 N in our Indoor RAINCOATS $9.95 to $24.95 PACK BAGS $36.95 to $58.95 Cowboy Htadquarttrs in Tooglt fresh Flash Froztn On All Christmas Trees! Custom Flocking! Douglas Fir Lodge Pole Pine $4.95. $9.95 COWBOY BOOT OVERSHOES Pro dees gems o Sifts For Tho Gift You Give With Prldo Let Bateman Your Guide Jewelry Bo Cradlt TUFFUTE TUFFUTE The diamond you can give 01 a token el love should bo a beautiful reflection of your own personal sentiments of eternal love. We offer you a wide selection in a suitable range of prices to meet the needs CANTU BAGS (within Tooele City) Noble Fir COLORFUL HALTER LEADS Treasures to wear and love. . . from a Jeweler you can trust. Decorating Headquarters COWBOY 882-005- 0. . The complex relationship between two twin brothers is the subject of a thriller by William D. Blankenship entitled Brotherly Lore. Its the story of an obsession by one brother against the other, an obsession that leads to murder. Ben and Harry Ryder . are the brothers, and although they are identical in appearance, they are quite different in personality. Harry is jealous of imagined slights against him by Ben and resolves to bring as much misery to Bens life as he has experienced. After faking his death in a car crash, Harry sets out to drive Een slowly insane through a series of incidents, one of which involves the murder of a teenage girl. Unfortunately for Harry, the girl turns out to be the daughter of a Mafia chieftan and his game suddenly turns against him. There is a terifficaly exciting climax on board a yacht involving Harry, Ben, and the Mafia hit men. Brotherly Lore is highly recommended, and like (Churchill's Gold, is available at the Post Library. Your Christmas Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company of Tooele, (801) Utah as a civilian enterprise in the interest of personNews items for publication should be sent to the nel at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Public Affairs Officer, Dugway Proving Ground, Everything advertised in this publication must Dugway, Utah 84022, or call (801) 522-211lie made available for purchase, use, or patronage The Sampler is published twice monthly by off-swithout regard to race, creed, color of national orimethod. A of confirmed or the user, purchaser, patron. gin violation or rejection of this policy of equal oppor. tunity by the advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source. Quality Meats : Business and advertising matters concerning the and Seafood paper should be addressed to the Tooele T ranscript- - Keepsake Diamonds Watches - Jewelry Brotherly Love KOEVENS The Deseret Sampler is published by the Bulletin, 58 N. Main St., Tooele, Utah 84074 or call -- ap- proaching spaceship and figure out what to do when base is set up on Kwajalein, it arrives. A all over the world. Their from of scientists composed of concensus and the sort some efforts to come to eventual reaction of the one man who realizes the true meaning of the event form the basis for one of the best sci-- fi books youll read in a long time. Check out Voyages at the Post Library. The Deseret Sampler ' The Utah Symphony Orchestra will visiting us on the 16th of December. On the 21st of December. will be the Elementary Band Concert.. The PTA will provide a Christmas party on the 22nd of December. School goes from 8:00 in the morning to 1:00 in the afternoon on the 23rd of December. Christmas vacation starts on the 23rd and goes to the 4th of January: A reminder about the PTA meeting on the 15th of December in the multipurpose room at 7:00 p.m. going to sing at the PTA meeting on the 15th of Decmber. They are preparing songs to sing. They are also Christmas tree A w A Remember Us For An Your Gardening Needs 1120 N. Main TACE1 SHACK - 38 West Vine 082-257- 5 IS lot. Tooele 882-769- w GREENHOUSES 6 |