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Show t Dugwav, Utah Published in the interest of tlie personnel of Dugivay Proving Ground Friday, 3 Dec. 4, 1981 ws off spares, strikes and short orders After almost .25 years as the manager of the Dugway Bowling Center and various other estab- PX to close to complete remodeling The Fbst Exchange will be closed Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. and possibly to lay the carpet and complete the other parts of the Thun., Dec. remajor remodeling now underway. Patrons are urged to plan their be quirements and get them accomplished Sat. so the inconvenience will inless of a burden.' The PX management apologizes for the dust and the convenience, but theres no other way to get the job done. The results will benefit us all. . 6-1- 0 TIs the season for the blood bank Donating blood for the first time is like riding a bicycle, on your own, for the first time. After that, you do it automatically. . . and you always remember how simple it is. So Simple' yet so serious a commitment that some people unfortunately take it tor granted. But none of the worldwide American Red Cross volunteers assor dated with the blood-ban- k program ever take any part of it for granted and neither should you. holiday season. At this time, the supply of Supply the year-en- d lowest blood often reaches its point. For one thing, were sometimes too distracted by the demands of leisure activity to take the time to visit the local donation center; Then theres the case of too many holiday-related injuries requiring blood services. To remedy this perennial problem, the Red Cross makes its predictable call for sustained donor support. Soldiers from Anchorage to St. Augustine, from Brussels to Seoul, traditionally respond to the call. .They realize thait, like a family bicycle handed down from generation to generation, the gift of life called whole blood has a way of return-- , ing itself for the benefit of all. There will be a blood drive held on December 10 at the Youth Center from 11 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Remember, if the Comptrollers office has the best percentage again this time, they get to keep the plaque. . Mormon. Tabernacle Choir trip announced . ed ut . . ed world. American Legion meeting to be held The American Legion will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, December 14 at the Legion Hall. All members both current and prospective are invited. PTA to hold meeting v I' . ' . anywhere else. OVER THE years Poppy has had many an employee here and says that for the most part they have all been gpod. I have had real good help since becoming the. manager of this place, he said. Without real good help you cant get much accomplished. The manager is only as 'good as his help, they are the ones who ' makeyou look good. And, I would like to thank them . -- all. Poppy will be honored at a retirement party to be held at the bowling alley on Dec. 17. Everyone is welcome to come by and wish him farewell. Getting a Job at Dugway part 2 The Dugway Elementary School PTA will hold their General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 1981 in the school multipurpose room. Beginning at 7:00 p.m., a Christmas program will be presented by the kindergarten, first grade and fifth grade classes, with the general membership meeting to follow. Free babysitting will be provided across the street at the chapel nursery. Santas.' Secret Workshop will be open for business after the meeting. Please show your support to the children and to your PTA by planning to attend this special event. Dec. 17th a busy day to mark on your calendars . well-deserv- . There will be a free bus to Salt Lake City to hear a free rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir departing Dugway at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 10. More information on this may be obtained by calling Duey Szabo at 2278. . Regardless of your religious affiliation, this is an opportunity you shouldnt miss to see in person the Choir regarded as the best in the world-renown- lishments (Ditto Diner, Golf Course) Floyd (my mother is the only one who calls me that) Poppy Ott has decided that its time for a rest. Effective December 31 Poppy will retire with approximately 34 years of service to our country and Dugway. POPPY, who hails from Idaho, got his first glance of Dugway in i944. But he had a round-aboway of first that glance. getting I first came to Dugway while I was still in the Army in 1944. 1 had just come back from overseas (New Guinea) and I was sent to Dugway, he said. Back in those days they tried to station you close to home while you were stateside and Dugway was the closest Army post. In October of 44 Poppy and another soldier heading for Dugway found a deserted train station in St. John. WHEN we got to the train station there wasnt a soul around at two oclock iii the morning. It was cold, so we decided to hitch a ride to Dugway, he said. Along about ten oclock, after we had already found some firewood and was getting comfortable, a truck came along. We hailed him and he said that he was headed for Dugway and that he would give us a ride out there. In October of the next' year he was discharged. He became the first person to be discharged from the Army at Dugway on the point system after serving seven years. Back in those days, a point system was used to discharge you from the Army, he explained. I had accumulated 131 points while overseas, and that was more than any of the other soldiers who were at Dugway at the time. The more points you had, the earlier you got out. HE RETURNED to Dugway several times for I visits in 1951. Then in July 1952 he returned to Dugway to take care of the trailer court, beer hall, gas station and grocery store. limit their bowling time because we had waiting lists He was in charge of these until 1955 when conthat went on forever. struction for the bowling alley began. SINCE arriving here in the early 50s he has seen THE POST commander found out that 1 had run a bowling alley once before and he asked me if I. alot of people come and go, and then come back would be interested in running the bowling alley again. Ive seen Dave Maxwell come and go five differhere, he said. So I took it over when we opened on January 2, 1956 with only six lanes. Ive been ent times, Poppy chuckled. But the funny thing is that there are a few others who have been here here ever since." longer than me. Poppy has served under 14 commanjJrs beginWhen I first came down here it was only going to of seen has Donald with Col. and Hale, many ning be has the changes that Dugway temporarily," he said. I brought my wife down gone through. and now my children and grandchildren are here I can remember when we used to have a thouhere so there really isnt any reason to want to be sand or so troops here, he said.We used to have to Regardless of how hard we try, things just usually have a habit of happening on the same day. For Dec., this day is Dec. 17th, Skiers should note that this is the day that payment is due tor the Kec. Services Ski Program. The bowling alley will be closed for normal business at 3 p.m. because from 4:30 to 7 p.m. there will be a retirement party and reception for Floyd R. (Poppy) Ott who is retiring. The entire community is welcome to drop in. The Post Christmas Tree lighting ceremony sponsored by the Post Chapel which will be held at 4:45 in front of Post Headquarters. During that ceremony, in addition to the carols sung by the community led by LeRoy Nielsens Mustang Band and the visit by S. Claus courtesy of the Dugway Fire Station, the Civilian Welfare Fund will draw two names, one from each of two buckets, one with the name of each civilian employee on post and one containing all military names. The winners will receive a Christmas turkey from the Dugway Commissary. You dont have to do anything to win, these names will be picked at random to show appreciation tor the community's support of Post Restaurant hind activities all year. At 7:30, there will be a Dugway Hail and Farewell at the Community Club: All are welcome, please check the weekly bulletin for details. Childrens Christmas Party to be held Dec. 20 On Sunday, Dec. 20, there will be a Christmas party for all children cm and from post. The party will be from 1 p.m. to 2:30 for ages for ages 2. Parents are asked to bring a wrapped present valued at not more than $5 with the childs name on it. Santa will present these at the party. If there are any questions or any volunteers to help with the party, please call Vera at 2278. 1-- 7; 3-4:- 30 8-1- NAF jobs simpler to by SSG Phil Hale In this installment of our series on how to get a job at Dugway, well ex- plain how to apply for non-appropriat- ed fund (NAF) positions, and well try and explain the process once an application is received. NAF positions differ from General Schedule (GS) positions in several ways: Most importantly, NAF jobs are NOT Civil Service jobs. NAF employees are employed by Dugway Proving Ground and not the federal government, as a result, though both enjoy some of the same benefits many of the protections and rights that apply to GS employees do not pertain to IHl!! get still require homework NAF jobs. For example, reinstatement eligibility. Just because you worked in another NAF job at another installation does not guarantee you a job here, although that experience is definitely in your favor during the selection process. What s an NAF position? NAF positions exist to support the Morale Support, activities of the installation they are on. Here at Dugway you will find NAF employees working in the Installation Club System (Community Club, Annex and Package Beverage Branch), the Bowling Alley, Ditto Diner, the Child Care Center, the Golf Course, Swimming Pool and other sports activities, the . IH2 Mb! started The Marine dorps League on Dugway is collecting toys for needy children on Dugway for Christmas. Persons wishing to donate new or used, unwanted toys, can either leave them at the English Village Fire Station, or contact the Security Desk at 5161 for pickup. Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Company, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army. Opinions expTcsMd jobs without steady work schedules or set number of hours per week. One thing prospective employees should understand that even though intermittent, on-ca- ll they may be selected for a post ion, the supervisor will set the schedule. This may vary from a top of 40 or more hours per week to none the next depending on the needs of the activity. In some instancesJAF employees are ll so to speak. They may be required to come in to work on short notice as the need arises. In some instances shifts are set up. NAF applicants should understand this and be prepared to be flexible. For example. . . As we did last issue with GS clerical jobs, well take an example of an NAF job and follow it through the process. In this case we will use that of a on-ca- (Continued on page two) Holiday policies not all Bah Humbug. Energy and alcohol abusie targeted Holiday policies on office parties and decorations ite and for a novel twist have the winner consume are out and some grumbles are being heard. For the the loser and vice versa. record, the following policies have been set for the Roasting of the boss is another way to spark some 1981 holiday season: fun. Have various people come up with funny anecdotes and let himher have it. Office Parties But what do we drink? If you want to have it in the workplace here are a Office parties may be held not earlier than 4 p.m. on Dec. 21, 22, and 23. No alcoholic beverages will couple of suggestions. be permitted in parties held at the work place. Eggnog alone tastes pretty good even without the Offices desiring to hold wet, parties may hold belt from the bottle, however, if you insist it doesnt them either in the housing area or at either the taste right, you can add a couple of drops of rum Community Club or the Community Club Annex. flavoring or brandy flavoring from the spice rack. Army regulations prohibit bringing either your own Nobody will know the difference . . . until the next food or your own booze to the club. Arrangements morning. A tested and delicious punch recipe calls for mixfor parties at the club must be made as soqn as possible fay calling 2901. ing in a large punch bowl two cans of red Hawaiian In answer to the inevitable questions how on earth Punch, two cans of regular flavor Five-Alijuice do we have an office party without booze? The fol- (mixed with Vi the recommended water) and one two-litFloat a Vi gallon of bottle of Sprite or p. lowing suggestions are offered: oh favorite some cherries and with sherbet Concentrate on sharing with your fellow your top slices and enjoy. employees. Have a decorating contest in your build- orange A addition festive to any punchbowl is a sherbet with Remember a all best. awarded for the ing prize decorations in the offices must be and wreath. To make this, the night before the party let of lime sherbet and Vi gallon of strawberry cannot use open flame. exor Some other traditional activities include gift raspberry sherbet thaw until mushy but not pan changes either anonymously, or drawing a name liquid. In a bundt, or springform ring-mofrom a hat. Either way, check out AR 600-5-0 and spoon the sherbet into the desired shape using the make sure you dont put yourself in an embarrassing colors alternately to form a wreath. Ketreeze it in in one or illegal situation. A Christmas goodie contest is an- the pan overnight until its solid. To as would cube cold water an ice in it favorfun for other event. Have everyone vote their you piece dp and bowl. it the into put tray momentarily If you know of some other ways to make a special party special, either recipes or other ideas, call us at the Public Affairs Qffice 2116 and well print them in the holiday edition of the Sampler Dec. 18. We need them not later than Dec. 15 to meet the deadline. . Christmas decoration policy . . 7-U- non-electr- ic - ld de-mo- ld by writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official ex-pression by. the Department of the Army, The appearijce of As you know if you have read past Samplers and have been keeping up with the Presidents budget hassle, two factors contributed to the Christmas decoration policy increased electrical usage in the housing areas, and we are limited on money to last years expenditure levels and no more. For this reason, the Commander has set the following policy which will be enforced. There will be no electrical, outdoor decorations this year on Dugway except the Post Christmas Tree. The Post tree will be lit in a special ceremony Dec. 19 at 4:45 p.m. with caroling featuring LeRoy Niellsons Mustang Band and the fire station win be escorting Santa to the ceremony where hell have goodies for the kids. In the next edition of the Sampler we will roam post and pick out the six best outdoor displays that dont use energy (except wind or solar) and publish six areas - East e photos of the best in each Wherry, Capehart, West Wherry, St. John Park, Carr Circle area, and Colonels Hill. ... ve er Marine Corps toy collection drive Craft Centers, Post Library, the Billeting Office and four administrative positions, three in Central Accounting to manage the money, and one in CPO to handle personnel functions. Another difference between GS and NAF jobs is that most of the NAF jobs are not clerical but rather deal with manual tasks many involving food service. A third difference is the hours that are worked. NAF jobs for the most part are of-th- . advertisementsinserts in this publication does not constitute an endone- ment by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. . |