Show jy- V' ' ' I 1- 7- '! 'jS- U ' ¥xjPi r !' - - r : s J - - I" I ' " i ' fL - ryrrx t (' h 1 ii iOTTIC IUXtTTfLMi?Ill1 OF TB f V I - ' '' 1 A ' !: ' ! : ' ’ f' V" il f : 'T!Vlj--rrr:--?:ellghte- Y f v‘ 'p i Vv j Kt OR GOODS i' - ' k - 'I 4 : fFAiD tor K- : - 1 i !'- ! U ' V beoosd sootii temple 'l i - ft Noise y 31 00 t ' The - ‘ I s ' i - r " - V - I N IB : IIE O - X ' -- v-X: ' " ' X : I - V y JENNINGS T1EI1L1& -- 1 v :'x V P-'-pp-’!- " ?P 4' - I' ' - - ' 4 - t - i Jia BM a- i - u-- ' i V ' 1 y ' - t : vi v 'Y KANSAs7PlCERy ILLE 1 POlj At :! " - x T j( TRE ASURE- - A FREIGHT EXPllC - A : - i r I EY fco HI" A T'y i f'X“r' :'X i - - iV- to9dfrtn-- k : t i J "J- - ' - Coaches for Atchis&n leATe evory mornlrig : X-iil- qood stabling i'r - NIA TIIROCGH SALT LVKE CITY s : i v ty- : ATCHISON ' r l ' OVER LAN 1x I' - ' 4 - In connection With the- ‘ 7 -- f- COACHES Farmers Freighters and Minerilvisitlng or passingthrough i" the City will fin : ' U1 I ' OAlii - Tills Line is rvw running s - r''-- MAIL j - -- — ' - ’ — r V - x : ATLANTIcaND PACIFIC iTATE P p t - i : j ' xir- - rt kvv: --I :' 7 ! ASfD MAKE CONTRACT' 'v THE GREAT THROCfili '1 7 ' L ! Y: - : X SINGLE TEAM CARRIAGES DRUGGIES ' V' PL’ :'“: A y I HORSES RC '1 SADDLE - D I A TE L CALL PIMME M !' X : ' ! 4 j ! In" v) ( fXvi ' Propi : ATS MY STORE - IllSIf IIQLtTApAYi Yre prteter j ?7 Xv X' — with - !fvvr'J' iwW LIVERY " nish i Operations produce denote' exceeding buoyancy— holderst obtaining fur their grain almost any figure they Y Cy TJ ‘ of the- - b&ukers and merchants is steadily increasing and the Idea Is becoming prevalent among the miners of the vast gold fields of Idaho and Montana that ibis market af-fords bettor facilities than any ther os yet opened for tha conversion of their dust into a readier medium of circa- f L p X x pp-'- P X quantity of native ore daily passing into 4the' hands -In 1 ence P i'V i ’V V -7 X7k:''X X:X- iOK ’ ' ' V :x v - JfT OVERLAND iTA37tlNEl 7' n street i :"'X w®W b - ’ ? sXi I ‘ ‘I -t iUwworksJj ' ' Nothing has been received per dispatch since yesterday to materially affect the gold status of our lxuit quotations There j Is however a little more firmness if not a barely perceptible advance In the price readily paid lbr Coin and dust at! the tankers' ccounters We give rates of actual transactions: a old coin— 225 Dust— Banbock 38 SQktirgl&is 38 00 ' j 1 ist f r ! I "ij uceeen ®° of 8lt Lake were of we believe them fo thq coutnu-ythe nuwtld and ntl pocketing money enough tarUn cuUKondli of exchange to afford a rcry during'the lcgltlmate dajrs eafa margin for all etatwl and lncidefital lnterregnums ln tnrintr operations! Being :the Fonrth of Jnlr abo a' In date will be still more readily ezcafled— Of course the Commercial Department wanted to see tho JV- : v- i 7 7 1 ci SB " r if ' the toker jf4ha Ubpitatloniltat’I7riilhiiuri X I' i " i to their proferbUlly cnipulou lotiuert : ' wtbet the error jwn - " - ! u W ' therefor deem it Imply one of -with the utmost reluctance that we wool J i L I 1 W--- ' bakkvi COMWRCAf Vaken 1 Hi 11yx!' - ' r Ereoiof JolA x''-JLlthMcbTndA7 ina- wowero of etnUy In pnr quotation none of our itreet witk freolj boylng goW on8undajf ttnAcn w5 ponfl(iently predict were In tho slightest coimcI® "v f ’l n t : - V! i i yvS "- '" ' - i - 1i :l i" R-:- - !'X 'fe V- - : i v 'c" - y-x- :' ?-- y 1 'j k- : ? I X vV ' I'"--- ' - ' X : i ' Nix —4 A ' : t:-'- i- - r : S' M 1 ' j v- : ' ' 77 7 yX - sr- ' - p- - -- - caaaun j ° L EXCELLENT CORRAL ACCOMMODATIONS vkult - : bctwcxx: V SALT LAKE AND ATCIUROK f r v A tried transaction In the direction of a gold basis took in charge of the most Competent and Truttvutlbj kt-place this morning floor was offered for $10 00 in coin Vv 1 v w 323 00 In currency— rthe sale closing withgoldv CAN BE THISf SXCELjLENT jCOAL The vexatious fluctuations and depreciation of the conn--‘ Xj This Line also runs :T: ’ ' x'r fiar:eocy— whatever may hare been its commercial PROCURED AT TIIE SZINB Tni-WEEICudvanUges In tlie past—is" rapidly disposing dealers "in COACH C- Si produce to discourage Ita cirouUtion add to confine themHORSE BX p selves to Csrrylng IVunengers Mails and Express Mitttr Utwctt syeitem Of barter in which the inhabitants AT TKX aWtX XATX x x r $$&'' ' schooled have been thoroughly ofJJteh Persons wishing to sell or- purchase Ho rses Mules or Stock and which evSdes x- the precarious reyalsions which hare signally market the Orders left at the TELEQRAP1T OFFICE OSL SALT LAKE CITY AND VIRGINIA CITY IDAHO City or of any kind will do well to give me a calL history of Government paper since the war began at this CX)IJTEH Y wm be promptly attended tW a via BANNOCK CITY AI Z Of wheat there! is little or none in the market 7 5'i ' lotation belowl therelbrel are' iinereiy nominaL GKQ W CARLETON ' i Other supplies range as herein quoted Y! X "i 3ETWUX: GREAT SALT LAKE CITY MARKETSL i j KANcimro ' j pj WALLA VALLA OREGON AND ‘SALT LAK2 Cm' i par noons: Horses and Mules herded by the month or — i j y 2 25 I i Heavy brn sheetings fi580 Skein Cotton pr lb reasonable rates Stock Insured "via BOISE CITY! WEST BANNOCK rVi' '!70 Ginghams do ' '"P 60 a 75 I Fine ' : 10 a 85 Flannels 75 a 90 Dloached sheetings Time to DENTES? V c Dsja rX 1 TO a 90 Delaines ? 50 a 75 Denims p‘ xx Stripes 75 aOO Kentucky jeans ’ 125 a 1 90 XI II JU JFAUSTf Preprleter 90 a 125 Blue drills Ticks v 60 a 70 f Prints 45a Hatting pr lb 1 00 W £ II AZSEY1 Agent V I' ' imay-choosotoask- 73400 j j A - f - - ' i ""r 44 ' pi: '7 - - i i p - - ' : LY i ii f ‘ j - 1 it" ! ' - s - J j l " i- ' v ? - f f - - i !! - xv : ’ - I J - " I ' - ' ! - link TRMVEEKLY ' - -- ' ‘1 - ' - i ' £ S' pV' l r -- px X' ! j f I y A ?l ''? t A: "- ‘ 1-- S - t i iyunnels 1x4 i Liners Ii ' ' Brown - L r-'- 4 ' J-- Ii ' ii-- 14 i' vi: W7i ! - t ry a f i xjt ' Molasses pr gallon Cloves 11 THE UNDERSIGNED HATE JUST OPENED smcesx’ OOlNntmegs y iBosin - THE LARGEST AND MOST CGMMMODIOUS S : White lead pr kei pr botGe 1 50 '60a75 dr i' 6 00 Kerosene pr gallon 6 'J- x Shingle and lath All slzeq upwards 11 Costing pr lb r M"- Lead V : eukss 8x10 10x12 - v See Brown transient passer by Farmer Territory Where the ' J I ': -- s XiWheatBarley- - 1 sl Peas Flax seed - 10x16 r ‘f X' ' 1: - taw V 1 1 V -- X V I" r 'i a t p I- '4:a 't s x -- i KV 7 ! ’ 4 Coffseprlb 20 00 iATdpr lb ' t (142 Haaa ' f A " 00 for the resuscitation of thnselves as well m their weary and jaded animals i made I -i-V :- ' - - - - v j l - A — - SALT! LAKE (CITY DAILY AJJ P ffCLOCK n - j W V i 7 V 9$ Baltin sacks B tfOHNlNO i - 1 Cattle in order lOODO a 125 xV r p I':- x - 'y-- - OOj j iUj - ' ’‘'bl H S RUMFiDLD? 5 PA-CA- SH v - : t ' PAID FOE HAY AND GRAIN " !' p‘ Vr7 I "‘'Xp - x-- 1' - '"' 4I- V ft- - 7 Gk y "V Aqt V X 164 ' r 7- 7- -' t: x r I It i ‘'t j i - V rV J 1 fr : I “! ' - rW X - k&4 V - N - ' j - 7 ( : v - ' 7 ! 7'- - - - ' - y ' i 4 p 4 - i XXX) Hi' A W ‘ $' r V 1 City July -- ’ j A 1a Ti p KjJoIrtnjVwaSp’ i 1 - 'v- : n - 1 v— ' l-- v : 4 ' x- &frt Bmth Tmpl Oma-n-tit New Store ELSWORTZI dkl TtYTSf 230 00 a300 001 Wagons li - l r-fii Alas to connect with the Overland Stage v‘ - " 4-! - i&ryi y- 4 X k '! 7 i ' j i 'X : - ARRIVE FjlOH THE WEST EYERY SO X r f rry 1 ' r-- - v- 'i HOST DESIRABIE RESORT 6 00 x yjyilii-yyv- The Trip from INSIDE OR FIVE DATS ' 1 -- V 125 -- wcx j‘7 i iff i i PoSatoeA" —f 4 ii ' ? Ten do 7l60a200 Belt Lake butterpr lb 160 ? gw: 1 - y ! pfewt' - ' ' COxnmodiouR itfiJ - XX - I" Wdors Aun r saoxs 00 a 20 00 Men’s soarse shoes 'Bacon T TSs b5 I 'V the Zuznanod Squaax and within convenient dla-thence by rapid means of conveyance to rU:ertill EsC tancefrom ths central portion of the City Tritvelwa' will "J ' r' fy mentoi and San Francisco idaklsg tho : find this placs a Ai'kp:y-- 1 INSIDE OP T DATS k i THROUGH TRIP 50 1 i p I T- - r&iiMesfie fclfbootslO do coarse boots v 1000 Women’s fins boots' ' ' i‘ VIRGINIA CITY IDAHO r I"’-1exoczxxxs arb raopuen j 7 ‘v y 12 a 15 : - COASJS- SALT LAKE CITY TO ! VIRGINIA Mansion house 2 50 ' -'’ 'I s - We' most Reasonable Terms X Harness pHb-V-Bridle pr side j 8 00 a 12 00Klskiiia! ' "ft v r ’J ’ f y? special attention is paid to the comfort and convenicece passengers Being contiguous with (he 10 00 j ' I :A V ' CAL 1 504 - j- ii ion 15 00 a IS 00 ' V xliXx The Coaches of this line are Neat and' 00 spook 1Xyx 1 - ' Ilims 7 'x r : - : AND PLACERVILLE i x 300 7- prlb yDried ' ' 11 KANSAS and a perfect line of communication between ' 450 450 450 t ' xx Bee( e L rAClFlC THE ATLANTIC AND ' BEST PEED I 5 00 Hams' dried cwS Nrioar Niirnffletf ' p ' V Com Oats y: X x germ xi 1 ill v i t ' 3: 1 I S5l0'xl4 60 ' ' pr lb i i r ' WBOLXSALX XATZS ' 1 I:-- si v 'J ATCHISON Sheet iron N A' U - SCTWU1 ! : BAXDWARK— XAILS -- r ‘ ' i : 3 ! GREAT OYERLANP DIAILXI it abies I r-- t MAIL COMPANY euTyln & THE: OVERLAND Lake City to Virjpai States Mail from-Sal- t Nevada forms in connection with tho Overhand Stags Us V and the Pioneer Stage Company M'est the V -- I 'p-’j'-- t iy 1 Castor:" : :v - ‘ V 1 - Olive vJ ‘ f?:-- Castile i ‘ ' : r MCf 05Jpoarse PAiXTs Uin) OILS "I TO VIRGINIA NEVADA TERRITORV xf'I ' : IN 5 DAYS f v Allspice i ' : I 200a300 : CT Great Salt Lake Cify 50 Soda 50 Saleratus 1 I y 400 Star candlos 't-- ' Cassia ' J frr loo V Pi CORNER OF EMIGRATION ST A STATE ROAD i r ’ GXOCXXIU V1 j ' pn VTobacco 4 - ) Tea Drled apples Dried peaches i 1 ' JSl !X: ' IX l t rjSs - CO i 150 a 2 50Diaper 1 00 a 1 5pCrash Irish 7 i W77 OVERLAND MAIL L A j 125 V'Xr i1 E1UHIE1KA OTABILEg! Aft 90a 150 Shawls X 2 00 a 2 75 Blankets i p Ay: ' Cassimeres j r' - ' Broadcloths - - h' ' W00lLI3r' Vll 00 a 12 00 Linseys 3 50000 Poplins ' r- -- -- ’ ) - -- ? i : j - i 'J f i j ’ : - fyk&yAVxffli Y K ' "i - I r - ' I r ! p- :: f- - ' t |