Show GREAT SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY JULY 3 NO 3 1864 YOL 1 r ( r Unilq (T’rlrgrr: published every morning except Sunday T B H STENHOUSE Editor (T (Ojfire — Opposite the J $1000 - Budnom Card (five lines or less) one month Od teiuare (ten lineH or less) one'insertiujn m “ “ two insertions “ i ii one insertion one week - - - - - one month - - - 4 - dJilumn one insertion “ - --- er Drugs Medicines and Dye Stuffs Carefully Prepared 250 325 400 800 300 600 1200 500 T B PEARCE 1500 Surgeon Dentist at Residence BANKERS £n HOLLADAY HALSEY 6l Hankers Hast Temple Street IV D IIalset GSL City II L Newmajt Powers W B POWERS NEWMAN Jk Farr CO fitirt Temple Street (God he’s Old Drug Store) GSL City Dealers in Coin Gold Dust and Exchange Austin M Clark John Kkur Milton E Clark 4b CO W CLARK Bunkers it Temple Street (Sait Lake House ) GS'L City Exchange Sold oh any part of Europe WM JENNINGS Attorney at Law and Clerk of the US Supreme Court THOMAS - HENRY L RAYMOND ARTISTS HOOPER A ELDREDGE East Temple Street G S L City J B Kimball KIMBALL East East Temple Street west side G Paints etc sold by retail A for Gold Liberal Discount made Wit ? 4 Dry Goods Merchants and Dealers in Groceries and General Merchandise i- - f Engraver and Embroider Stamper Corner of East and Second South Temple Streets ‘ G S CO East Temple Street G S L City Cigars etc etc GILBERT A SONS East Temple Street GSL City WM Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries Clothing General Merchandise II WATCHMAKERS West tide East Temple Watchmaker East Temple Street west side GS L pity GSL Repairing done promptly and satisfactorily East AUERBACH Street HENRY RISER ELIASON i Watch and Clock Maker Temple Street west side GSL O Clothing and Furnishing Goods Dry Goods Fancy Goods and Teas a AARON NEWFIELD East Temple Street (Opposite gait GSL jke House) City BOOTS AND SHOES a C Gentlemen's and Ladies’ 8an Francisco Clothing House West side L (at Martin’s Paint Shop) City East Temple Street opposite Tote Clock ' : P PASCOE HUGH FINDLAY GRENIG OF i 14th Ward GSL ity (Opposite Mr S Snider’s lumber yard) Varieties of ash always on hand RUBY VjIELEY H EGAN 4 SONS v I M - 4 i rK 1 Sight Drafts on Salt Lake City Utah Territory “ “ Austin Nevada Territosy Particular attention given to Purchases for Utah L B BENCHLEY A CO i 236 and 208 Battery Street between California and Sacra- mento San Francieco Importers and Jobbers of American and Foreign Hard" ware Cutlery Farmers’ Mechanics’ and Miners’ Tools etc REMOVAL STAGE LINE and the Banking of Ilolladay A Halsey has been Removed to their New Building East Temple Street a few doors above the Salt Lake House THE OVERLAND J HA IT CONTRACTS LADIES’ DEPARTMENT MRS COLEBROOK East Tomple Street second door south of the Post Office ’ T GS L City Ilae constantly on hand every article in the line of Viiiin-er-y of both Straw and Silk and Fancy Trimming STENHOUSE ! wishing to make Contracts for putting 'mp J) ARTIES HAY on the OVERLAND ROUTE Eastern Diviakmwill apply at their Office for three days W L HALSEY' - Agent ' COME AMD &E TTEE f without delay W Milliner One block north of northwest corner of Union fleman 19th Ward GSL City A Superb selection of Ladies’ Fancy Goods on hand BALLAD m this opportunity of returning thanks for the fjl IKES liberal support he has received and begs to say that t- FOR n L City Utah HOUSE and LOT in the HOTEL F REICH Proprieier South Tomple Street G8L City lr sale: 16th Want fronting on North Temple Street known as the McIntyre place sitoaCa North of Mr Staines’ and East of Bishop Kwier’i t 1 ' For farther particulars inquire of NATHAN TANNER 14th Ward 1 y 'j p nothing will be wanting on his part to have a continuance of the same a Stock af YOUNG’S Train I ato expecting by E R Goods such as CLOCKS WATCHES AND JEWELRY which I will sell reasonable for Cash to suit the time 8ALT LAKE HOUSE i "vrjg ‘ HOTELS - 1 hereby requests all persons indebted to EMhimCASTE or to whom he is indebted to call and settle WATCHMAKER MARIAN PRATT Proprietor? NT Commission Merchant 208 Battery Street San Francisco California CASTE NATIONAL A JAMES LIN FORTH TAYLOR S- - A CALIFORNIA i Cabinetmaker One and a half blocks south of the Theatre east side Second East Temple Street GSL City Bench and Iland Screws made to order Lumber wanted F LITTLE 4 LATIMER A TAYLOR Travelers’ and 'Emigrants’ Depot Choice Liquors Tobacco and Cigars always on iuud First South Temple Street 1 blocks east of the Theatre Cabinet Makers and Undertakers JS Office of City Sexton M y Sash Door and Blind Makers Confectioners East Temple Street GSL City opposite R Daft’ Gunsmith Shop Crackers Bread Pies Cakes and Candies alwavs on hand fc ' Manufacturer of Matches Blacking etc Musical Merchandise Crockery Saler&tus and Genera! Notions East Temple Street GSL City Bak ery Dry Goods Grocery and Provision Storo (Two doors below Godbe’s) East Temple Street Great Salt Lake City CAPENER 9 Deseret Pottery 7th Ward GSL City Liberal Deductions to Dealers Merchant Tailor Eat Tempte Stroct opposite Town Clock GSL City Clothing of every description made to order in the latest Style of Fashion m dfc v JAMES A BEDSON E ARDLEY CLAUDE CLIVE KNOWLDEN - ' Combmaker i East Temple Street four doors below Post Office - TAILORS East Temple Street G RISER Fashionable Boot and Shoemaker City Blacksmiths Cor of East and Second outh Temple Street GSL City Are always on band to do all kinds of Blacksmithing Horse Mule and Ox shoeing done on short notice 7 7 — J SADDLER Milliner (First House West of Tabornaclo GSL City) Ladies’ and Misses’ Straw and Leghorn llats Fancy Straw Neapolitan and Silk Bonnets F oat hois Flowers Ribbons Laces Blonds Ruches Head Drosses etc Jewelry ropaired on short notice stand) R B MARGETTS North east corner Union Squaro GSL Qity Mill Irons and Machinery Forged to Order Blacksmith-in- g in all its branches Horse Mule and 0£ Shoes always on hand ip- MRS Watchmaker and other (At the late Stand of Wm Nixon) Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Clothing Boots and hoe Jewelry and Fancy Articles N BERG St O URSENBACH East Temple Street G S L City BOURNE St NEEDHAM East Temple Street G S JL City LAVE SILVER Civil and Mechanical Engineer and Draftsman Patent Office Drawings Preparod 19th Ward one block north of Union Square Dealers in General Merchandise have constantly on hand a choice Stock of Prints Lawns Delaines Broad Cloths Domestic Goods Groceries etc BODENBURG A KAHN East Temple Street G S L City J LUity Green’s old Blacksmitliing in all its Branches at Standish'a old Stand K ILDRUCE fc Dealers in Dry Goods Ready Made Clothing Flats Boots Shoes Fancy Groceries Cutlery Tobacco City Graining and Ornamental Painting J F PHILIP DE LA MARE & Manufacturer of YVhite Lead and other Colors North Temple Street 17 th Ward Lime and Vinegar always on hand CABINE TMAKER S Painter G S L CLAYTOH East Temple Street G S L City R AN SOHOFF City Rear of A Daft’s Store East Temple Street CRONIN Sl CLAYTON West side SL W V MORRIS G S L City Dry Goods and Groceries GKORGK CRONTJf EDWARD MARTIN LAWRENCE Temple Street Blacksmith Third South Temple (Emigration) Street GSlL City DYE A KELSON Bakers and House Sign Carriage and Ornamental Painter II jw Lawrencr M Saloon Confectionary and Eating House Moore " RJKERS Teacher of Music and Dealer in Music Musical Merchandise and Instruments Office— A doors south of the Post Office Musical Instruments Tuned aud Repaired Hi S Eldrxdgx Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Queens ware Boots and Shoos W H HOCKING J WALKER BROTHERS W II Il00Pflt 7m J C Wholesale ami Retail Merchant and Importers of General Merchandise Constantly Receiving New Goods from East and West ALLEN es Importer of all kinds of Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise — for sale at the lowest prices Fresh supplies regularly received of the very best quality of Violin and Guitar Strings Wholesale and Retail City ra ELIJAH PEARCE I Basket and Gig Body Worker East Temple Street GSL: City opposite Walker Bro of Utah Debts Collected Deeds Powers of Attorney etc carefullySAMUEL BRINGHURST § drawn up for ’the States and Europe Depositions AcWagon and Smith Shops knowledgments etc taken according to Law for anyat-of or Territories Declarations for Citizenship Emigration Street 3 doors east of East Tempi Street tended to at the shortest notice and on Liberal Terms G S L City Office at my residence Market Street one and a half All ikinds of Farming Implements ManuficturedjjO Order blocks west of the Market House GSL City P MARGETTS 6c A SUTTON Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Queens ware Boots and Shoes Highest Price Paid for Gou GSL 1 Coopenvare East Temple Street a few doors below the Post Office GSL City BURR FROST Professor of Instrumental Music and Singing Residence — Twentieth Ward Instruction given in class or privately Piano and other Instruments tuned Music arranged for Choirs and Hands East Temple Street H VAN NATTA J Manufacturer of Manufacturers of Crockeryware First South Temple Street G SL City(Baseinent of DAVID O CALDER WM JENNINGS East Temple Street GSL City J CROXALL CARTWRIGHT A fi ARDLEY Banker MERCHANTS : BLACKSMITHS MUSICAL Hast Temple Street GSL City Coin and Exchange Bought and Sold RIN E BOW Gy Harness and Saddleniaker East Temple Street west side G S L City H PROFESSIONAL W I APPLEBY thc-Stat- V First South Temple Street GSL City opposite Theatre Attorney and Counselor at Law and Clerk of thro U S Third Judicial District Court for Utah Territory Also Commissioner of Deeds for thh State of California Debts Collected and all Legal Documents made out and acknowledged for the Eastern States and California Terms Liberal — Office East Temple Street (opposite Godbo's Drug Store) GSL City Bunkers M 'W Great Salt Lake City PATRICK LYNCH W U IIollauat J Ward x Express and Exchange Offico East Temple Street G S L City Utah Manufacturer of Tin Sheet Iron Copper andinc Wares Opposite Walker Bros East Temple Street fe8L City p BUSINESS 1 3th Misce liane o us City G S L V LONG r v - T HAWKINS Manufacturer of Copper Tin Sheet Iron and Zinc wares East Temple Street opposite Salt Lake House GSL City Custom Work done to order Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Worker East Temple Street "west side opposite Salt Lake House Office P- Copper Tin Sheet Iron and Zincware Manufacturer East Temple Street opposite Telegraph Office GSL City Job Work done to order (Four Doors below Post Office) -- L T D BROWN ALFRED BEST JOHN 800 City Surgeon ami Mechanical Dentist East Temple Strectt G S L City one month - - - 4 - - - 2500 - -- - -- - 1500 - -- one insertion One column “ 4500 “ one month if Prescriptions HOUSE JOSIAII TUFTS Proprietor EDWARD STEVENSCjyV East Temple Street G SL City 500 “ j- “ “ $ - three iijrtei tjions - - - one week one month - - - - ti One-quart- - GODBE S GSL CARDS Corner of Emigration Street and State Road Exteusivo ards ainl Stables TINNERS Office — Two Doors North of the Post Office Residence — Two Blocks East of the Theatre W MANSION Constantly on hand h large Stock of 001118’ and Ladies’ Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes of the reat quality MD Physician and Dispenser of Medicines RATES OF ADVERTISING: II and Residence— Thirteenth Ward L DU3NYON TRIPE B East Temple Street M D Surgeon and Physician OF IMJJSIiVESS ManuCicturer of Boots and Shoes W F ANDERSON Office 600 350 125 100 E MEDVCAL Theatre) SUBSCRIPTION: ‘ One Copy one year si months “ “ three inoiitliH - ' one month delivered “ “ une mouth called for at office TERMS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CAROS I ’ V iki m A "7 |