Show vyr- X v ' '" 'i fH X'v - a:' " vj XX - :i'--- V'C--- x- rt!h- - - '’ ' " f ' ’ yV ?- f ' vT' '' ''v ?'Vv’t ?'&$?' y-- VO" : ':v y xx' ' ' of Bush’s tax cuts He said Sunday night accusing him of failing to protect die troops ” seek international help or American the with level peox XV-- pie"' ' “Uke father like son four vears l this president is done” said Rep Dick ? Gephardt of Missouri voicing die hope of all nine presiden-tihopefuls sharing a debate X ' c - challenge from the Ohio congressman accused Dean of running a television commercial that falsely says he was die only Dean - admit you made a mistake and By prior arrangement die take down the ad?” said ! X'fX second half of the debate Kucinich who voted against X X focused on cpoKcy the war resolution and noted X and the Democrats that Sharpton and Braun also eager to criticize one another ‘ sp £? i"1"? (fefoatt® ' & J 1 xixxvwxV?'Xy‘1X “ that would mean middle-clas- s v taxpayers would lose a child: ' tax credit as well as resume marriage paying a penalty again He referred to ’ so-call- : gram went into effect Kerry favors repealing the X portion of Bush’s tax cuts that benefit the wealthy but not : the balance of the reductions' ' he won from Congress: i al X "Vstage “We cannot afford to play Bush roulette with die lives 'X of American troops” added X' AlShaipton in remarks that drew some of the loudest ” applause of the night Over 90 contentious min- X- utes the Democrats also trad-e- d barbs with one another over Iraq tax policy and more ? — die leaden in die polls often on the receiving end 5 5 Retired Gen Wesley Clark a newcomer to the race who runs well in national surveys drew fire several times his y main antagonist being Sou V Joe Lieberman Fortner Vermont GavJs'&f Howard Dean of Vermont mar- leading by double-dig- it X New Hamp-shi- re in in polling gins the nation’s first primary state did battle with X Massachusetts Sen John XX - Kerry as well as Rep! Dermis ' ' ShowDir Gore jnnsfi m ffew off ftlhe SMILE N01TJ! IMAraV S iscmrais Xi Hr'v ZvZ- zfz KinichL:'XX::!y On other issues in die fifth c debate in seven weeks: — Sen John Edwards of XX: Nor Carolina attacked Attor- E ney General John Ashcroft for -“abusing the discretion” he XX was given in legislation known as die Patri- ot Act “The liberties and freedoms we’re supposed to ' be fighting for arein danger-every single day this adminjs- - 'l tration is in office” he said X '7 X’ X V — Former Illinois Sen XXX V Carol Moseley BraunX expressed concern about inter- national trade “I think die V: Xyfirst thing we have to do is 'X X V make certain that die globally ization oftrade does not ere- - v ate a race to the bottom that X X r creates die exploitation of X': workers abroad and the hem- y v orrhaging of jobs here at y - y home” die said XXXX- - jX The nine Democratic hopt-- ' fuls met on a stage in Detroit V at a forum sponsored by theyX ' Caucus ' Black Congressional y X Institute and the Fox News y - anti-terroris- m : - Qta flams $ taaDmQamt P ’HI ! ( ¥ - offtliilitW ‘ Hilfigef X Channel X: TheTirst balloting of die' X ’X yZ r primary race takes place in : ! less than three months — theX ? X h Iowa caucuses art slated for V XJan 19T the New Hampshire ::i-follows eight days other states will vote' on Feb 3in the first X multistate contest of the nomi- : nating season With American troops being X killed at the rate of roughly one a day since the end of v major combat operatioivs in Iraq and public opinion polls showing eroding support for the president postwar policy dominated the debate Lieberman an early and aggressive proponent of the ' war said Clark had taken “six different positions on whether ' going to war was a good idea It took him four days to decide” his position on Bush’s recent call for $87 billion in aid to Iraq and Afghanistan the Connecticut senator y mm -- dQMOIE) Ery qQMID - added Clark said he had been “entirely consistent” in opposing the war Lieberman also accused several of his rivals for being inconsistent by voting to support the war yet opposing Bush’s request for postwar Girls’ funding Kerry rebutted that charge by invoking his service in the Vietnam War Addressing Lieberman he said he had “seared into rnean experience you don’t have and that is being one of the troops on the front line when the policy has gone wrong” The Massachusetts senator ' wasn’t the only one to stress his military experience Clark a retired four-stgeneral said after fighting in Vietnam he “came home on a stretcher” That alone was noteworthy in a debate among Democrats Public opinion has long shown that voters prefer Republicans to Democrats on ar $ DRESSES Infants' & Newborn PLAYWEAR SETS SALE DISCOUNTS TAKEN AT REGISTER miBtiandlM If SELECTED unteH oltiwwtM noted Solacflon vtrtet by atora Limited to Mock on hand Bade' nwrctancfiM Is not Indudad Son w cannot areopl phona or mal ontora on daamnoa marehandto AN ii um OMfre nNMteyateafw paaaDHMEipriti CndtAMML' mi ui eir wy wiiwMbms fm ' - Om CM I ' Ml ii Praam a rVMPMflW hftflraniMeniM "ii ! |