Show L i The Herald Journal Logan Utah Saturday March 23 2002 — A7 World IThstoheir to LONDON CAP) — Margaret Thatcher the indomitable ‘‘Iron Lady” who led Britain through 11 tumultuous yean is retiring from the public stage after a series of small strokes Her decision came after a fresh blast at the European Union — and the continent in general — put her back on the front pages this week and caused some members of her Conservative Party to wish their 76-former leader would quietly year-ol- d leave the limelight Thatcher was resting at home in London her office said j “She is all right but this is a sig- - told her to cut back her program at once and in particular to avoid the undue strains that public speaking places on her” Her ailment came to light in January when Carol Thatcher confirmed that her mother had suffered a small stroke while celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary Earlier this month Thatcher turned down an invitation to travel to the Falkland Islands to mark the 20th anniversary of her great triumph the war between Britain and Argentina but that decision was attributed to the husband frailty of her Denis nificant precautionary measure to avoid any future such strokes” said Thatcher’s spokesman Mark Worthington “Obviously as you would imagine it’s a big change for her but she's bearing up really well” Thatcher had canceled a speaking engagement on Tuesday and her office confirmed Friday that she did so because of another small shoke “Over recent months Lady Thatcher has edanumberdf small strokes” her office said “After thorough investigation involving a number of tests her doctors have told her that these can neither be predicted nor prevented They have therefore : : route As prime minister from 1979 to 1990 Thatcher was the ideological soulmate and fond ally of President Ronald Reagan The “Iron Lhdy” nickname was coined by the Soviet press in response to her vigorous Though she had said she intended to go “on and on” her party — in a panic over low poll ratings — ousted her in 1990 She stirred new controversy this week with publication of a book “Statecraft” in which she called for Britain to withdraw from key EU institutions Final curtain: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announces she will quit public speaking due to health problems Busti warns that poverty helps I breed terror proposes more aid tance by 2006 and make money available to qualifying countries over the next year French President Jacques Chirac likened the campaign against poverty to the war against terrorism “What can be done against terrorism can surely be done against poverty in the nariie of a more human manageable globalization” he said But he said poor nations are coming to understand that they can no longer expect development money without strings Bush directed his secretaries of State and Treasury to devel- op eligibility criteria and promised those criteria would be applied “fairly and rigorously” He called for dispensing more aid in the form of MONTERREY Mexico — President Bush urged world leaders to demand political reform from poor coun- tries in exchange for increased aid ami warned Friday that unchecked poverty can foster terrorism “We fight poverty because hope is an answer to terror” Bush said in a speech before representatives from 171 nations taking part in die UN International Conference on Financing for Development ' The president outlined his proposal to link US foreign aid dollars to a country's Ability to rid itself of corruption and walk a straight narrow path to economic reform He said he will ask Congress to put an extra $10 billion into core US development assis (AP) i t AP photo Relatives of Peruvian police officer Saul Diaz who wait killed during Wednesday’s car bombing near the US Embassy in Lima Pern mourn during his funeral at Santa Rosa's cemetery in the outskirts of Lima Peru on Friday Saul DiaZ's son Joa walks holdng Ns father's portrait US President George W Bush will be visiting Pem during his four-da- y trip to Central America In brief US Embassy American player running for the ball tumbled near the stands crowded with Afghans celebrating fee Persian New Year said Right Lt Tony g Marshall a spokesman for the international peacekeeping force in KabulTwo Afghan spectators kicked him in the head according to Marshall and witnesses bringing an Afghan guard from the US Embassy to his defense Dying to keep the crowd back the guard rocked his Kalashnikov rifle and unintention- ally fired off a round as he used it to press back fan Marshall said Two spectators suffered gunshot wounds in their legs said a witness Wahid Ullah fee stadium’s maintenance chief SARAJEVO (AP) — The US Embassy shut down all operations Friday because of a terrorist threat just days after police raided ah Islamic charity arrested an espionage suspect and seized bogus passports weapons and plans for making bombs officials said - A t embassy in Sarajevo had reduced opera- tijns Wednesday aft receiving word of a posterrorist threat On Friday it got new information “that prompted us to take further precautionary measures and close fee embassy entirely’’ spokeswoman Karen Williams said “We are reassessing fee situation continually and will reopen when appropriate” she said Bosnia-Herzegovi- na 4500-stron- - : 52 wounded in grenade : match turns violent : KABUL Afghanistan (AP) — A friendly j of basketball between a US and Afghan team turned violent when spectators locked a fallen American player in fee head — and a guard rushing to protect him unintentionally shot and wounded two Afghans Hie inddott Thunday aXataTk mainstaji- 11111 fir to an event Kashmfatote said ah officer afthe state’s wag° ter goodwill wrth Afghans has gotten out of police control room control and an Afdsporfeoffitlsuggest-jJout five hours latei at least two grenades ed fee games should be put off until the secun aOoM abusy bus stand inAnantnag about ' 4 ty situation in fee capital improves of WnjWfnnfo binding 17 pffoplf The American squad which included one MB ctvaiiimSS far two bas- British player pulled out (rf the four-da- y the ResetveFMice from Central troopers ketball tournament wife Afghan teams because ' Fonxsrid fee police control romn officer : game e ' Life expectancy for people wife Down syndrome has jxriod ' increased dramatically world-wif- e wide in the lari 50 years because of improvements in medical care and advances in surgery Other studies have found feat they are Uving'rix times longer than they did 100 years ago and w zn2ssdssni2a2a) PfoMiarOhBwNUhs- ETw 430 7B0 MSbSSuilli30 March 252002 The Time Machine mis 425 - 2297 N Main 'V 7y nw woBjB’Haii name ho flllACKHAWKDOWNl SNOW DOCSmv PMr MS HAWiY POTTBtjMtD THE SORCERERS STONE PR 2 - LoGiwpSTRlrt:Ar Whittier Community Center 090 N490ELogen) A' " ' ' !: K EIUm Lopi2 i ? 5 ' J i 'i'f'i- i ” r ‘A' — h t vv t HUlcrMtElemmntmry (960 N 1409 E Logan) Logan 1 1 12 13 18 19 20 21 23 76 28: J" : " 17 89 10 14 15 222429 Logan 2nd District TV EUmHtmry (34B W 390 Logtu 3 6 16 17 25273031 3233 ” 45 ‘ ' wtotast District v- - ' 1 ' 23 'X v 1 v 1 03 SMmtmPnn44met) :f CollegeYoung Millville Nibley Providence J j £ - ’ r 4 River Heights You’re Invited Ifyou are of voting age live In the district iand come In' good -- 1 — ‘ t v:- v- - 5'v Frt&55700 Sstia7) Hyde Perk City Hell 013 E CenterHyde Pmrk) : Hyde Park 1 & 2 N Logan 1 2 3 4 Smithfield 12 34 5 A:" ' 3 v- - kklUSN TO NEVEOANDf ' Showtime 4J0 we 5(46 Sun 2id0 7C0 ro-i- a 7C0 9:30 Sal & Sun 2:10 40Daysand40htiglfeR Singles Ward 4:30- 700 ia ' Sal & Sun 2C0 C ACHE4VALLE 1 Y3 300 North Main Bahind lha Mdl NO’bL&nia Blade 2 & MS'&ilSinUL Sararty Boys si 35 OO VAWAlKTOREMEMBBla ’ 4:40 ABedutiMMind OCEANS 11 Northeast District V' S15H5&ISmi215 60 Wey OO Nortk Oner Skie of Heaven ro ORD OF THE RINGS Northern District -- ft33Sd&&n2Q5 CINEMA-- IE HOTLINE Voters: Precinct Caucuses to select delegates to County & State Democratic Conventions' will be held at the following locations: !: 0S wo m were xaen h ©yiefonr 1 V Lewiston Elementary 00?'E 200SLewlton) Amslga Benson Chukston Cornish Cove Lewiiton 1& Richmond 1 A 2 Trenton J pc-i- s 93DUliSr203 1 7:00 PM Monday 13 MQ AFFORDABLfe Democratic Precinct Caucuses r : 2flD Court Of Monle Crislo ronnsiKsocHois ' ' on average Uve until age 56 The CDC study also found that cancer was not listed as a cause of death for people with Down syndrome as often as fix other Americans Down syndrome is fee most common cause of mental retar--i' dation One in 800 people are bom wife the condition People wife Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two 2450 North Main AFlNALtyS SHEKSEJKjHF - v people wife Down syndrome died rose from 25 in 1983 to 49 in 1997-Thaverage age at which other Americans died ' rose from 73 to 76 in the same nosed wife the genetic condition who died between1983 md 1997 They randomly selected 25 percent of all deaths in fee United State during that period to compare people wife Down syndrome to those in fee ' general population The average ag6 at which - (AP) basketball liS-Afgh- an LONDON (AP)- - Americans wife Down syndrome are living twice as long as they did two decades ago new US research has found The findings of the study the first ofits kind to look at the Down syndrome population in fee United States are consistent results from other coun- tries The research by the UJS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was reported Friday inTheLancet medical journal The scientists studied death records of 17897 people diag- in kashmir explosions Attackers hurled SRINAGAR India were made available by fee embassy de Study: US Downs syndrome population living twice as long of the violence The game was friendly until an Bosnia closes over terror threat in grants rather than loans arguing that a colossal debt burden keeps poor countries from healing their sick and' educating their children Bush also advocated opening markets and lowering trade barriers and expressed hope that a new global free-traagreement would be reached as a means of alleviat‘ ing poverty The president on the second day of a four-da-y trip to Mexico El Salvador and Peru spoke in advance of a closed retreat of world leaders at an art museum Later Bush was meeting with Mexican President Vicente Fox to talk about a US effort to foster private business investment in Mexico’s poorest areas 00 fc35toSui2a |