Show 5: iHA-Ve- r A lucky (BSEBffiB SBEIgteai ticket to CEU by Jeremiah Stettler staff writer this quarter an entitled “Not Is Or It” was sent to all faculty on College of Eastern Utah campus deail Early scribing a controversial drawing which took place at the CEU information booth during the Carbon County air show Six full tuition schoLships for the CEU fall quarter were apparently given away in ps i imy-iSUW- :- tfwV i I i 'ii i ft lama b ' ri VI i i4i JJJjIfiJ'i x(jjTi?rsl- conjunction with that drawing In response an interesting question arose Has CEU indeed arrived at a point where excellence and achievement are nothing but trivialities in the scholarship qualification process? Some claim that it has Others maintain that CEU has not lessened its standard of excellence but has rather opened its doors to students who would not have the financial means of affording college on their own Dean of Institutional Advancement Karen Bliss responded to the incident by explaining that CEU’s involvement in the air show was attributed to providing the public with information concerning the educational opportunities available at the college CEU which has unfortunately remained somewhat “invisible" during the past number of years had anticipated that this public presentation would have a positive impact on students considering CEU Events such as this had proved successinstitutions such as ful in years past for two-yethe Salt Lake Community College which had oftuition scholarships in a number of fered In light of these previous successes drawings CEU decided to offer six scholarships in conjunction with the air show Stan Irvine science professor at CEU feels that this was an embarrassment to the college “I'm embarrassed for those who feel that they through academic effort have earned a CEU scholarship a scholarship that now has no academic significant - fcnadAI uatcii lit: ilk li: ni EIMeJuf30it:) frmw7riPr-MimT- i ar full-ye- & ar fall-quart- er QHKti&iM taaElKEll meaning at all” In response to this statement Adam Stevenson a CEU student says “I can understand the situation since it is a small school but I think it's pathetic It makes me wonder why I worked for a scholarship when I could just go down to a 'raffle' and pick one up" In spite of opposing views Bliss maintains that these scholarships will have no negative repercussions on the current student body She claims that the outcome has in fact been relatively positive Three of the six scholarship recipients arc currently attending CEU with a fourth planning to enroll for winter Each had a financial need in regards to quarter education which these scholarships were able to satisfy “Without these scholarships they would not have been able to enroll at CEU We figure from the that the results are outstanding" people point-of-vieOn the other hand some students feel that this w funding should have been awarded to students seeking financial aid One of these students was Jenifer Christensen who responded "I hate the entire idea of a drawing I think CEU should have at least made an attempt at finding people who really need that money" Irvine confirmed this statement by asking ‘Can't we be more imaginative or constructive than this?’ drawThe question of whether or not the Bliss decided left be hut to ings were appropriate is explains that this was but one of the many efforts CEU has made to help those who are educationally disadvantaged I don’t think that these scholarships take away from any of our current scholars I will however be sensitive to the feelings of people on campus and quite possibly never do it again but do I think that it hurt the image of the college or do I think that it cheapened the value of our scholarships I don't" air-sho- w Campus police receive new breathalyzer tiQBU&ngm) (UnST1 by Heidi Mathle ataff writer 39’ The College of Eastern Utah campus police recently received a new portable breathalyzer tester (PBT) The new breathalyzer is valued between 700 and 1000 dollars but was at no expense to the CEU police department An organization called Mothers 'HABIT: Against Drunk Driving (MAI)D) awarded eight Utah pol ice departments the PBT and our very own CEU campus police was one of the departments chosen lire campus department was ISldStelEEI' ' required to submit an application to the MADD organization and they were chosen from that application According to the campus police this particular type of breathalyzer has many advantages First it has a more accurate reading In states such as Idaho and California not in Utah yet the results of this PBT can be used as evidence in court Previously the suspect would be taken to a jail or somewhere else with a breathalyzer that could be used as evidence This PBT is also more cflicicnt in that it allows more tests to be taken in a given time In the past the ollicer would have to wail ten to fifteen minutes between each lest but w ith this PBT it allows an officer to lake (lie tests consecutively A not tier advantage of llii s hreat holy cr is that it is portable The campus police will no longer have to take pcopledown to the police station for an accurate reading but it will be available for them on the spot if needed So how docs this new breathalyzer effect the students at CEU? Last year there were only a couple of students arrested for alcohol abuse but the campus police say this new breathalyzer will be a great tool in the prevention of drunk driving and alcohol abuse If an officer has probable cause such us a strong smell slimed seccli or open lonlumm they may ask you to lake the breathalyzer test I low the ollicer w ill lead depends on your situation If you arc driving a car and the lest result is OK you will In- taken to the police rwwuBB gig'g- -- rrs-i- -- p r JP-i3- wi station If you arc simply at a party and your test result is 08 and you are of the legal age to drink the police will confiscate the alcohol and make sure you have another ride home Unless you are on campus then it is against school policy to drink on campus and administrative action would be taken The main goal of the campus police with regard to their new piece of equipment is in fad prevention of drunk driving and alcohol abuse on the CEU campus So students get ready to take a deep breath and a long hard exhale and just for the heck ol it why not count backwards starting with ten |