Show CEU honors its top athletes of U coach featured at annual Athletic Banquet U Kristie Eliason men's sports co-edit- or 1 f ' sc'Mzs $22 v Sophomore Cindy Jones was awarded the female Athlete of the Year trophy by CEU Athletic Director Bob Tanl-gucHer skillful basketball talents as well as a winning attitude off the court helped to earn her this honor Photos on this page by C Hamaker hl Racquetball tournament The CEU Spring Racquetball Tournament was the biggest ever held at the BDAC Forly-cigparticipants played in the open tournament with 18 Intermediate Singles and 14 Doubles teams The winners were Finally decided after over a month of play in round-robi- n competition The finalists were then decided in an elimination tournament Don Larsen won the Advanced Singles division by defeating Jeff Johnson his doubles teammate Johnson placed second and Gary Takcnaka took third after beating Brian Noel who was the winner of the Winter Holiday Classic Tournament Bill Barnes took the consolation ht bracket prize In the Novice group Steve Murdock defeated old Thad Whiteside for First place 15-yc- ar Whiteside is the youngest competitor to ever place in a BDAC toumey Curt Jenson won the Intermediate Singles division by defeating Gary Arrington Dennis Christensen placed third with a win over Ron Piccolo The top Doubles team was Jeff Johnson and Don Larsen for the second consecutive time Second place went to Miles Morctli and Bill Barnes All winners received trophies and prizes for their accomplishments University of Utah's head football coach stressed commitment and involvement in athletics at the Annual College of Eastern Utah Athletic Banquet Jim Fasscl spoke on the importance of sports in the lives of people and declared that this type of motivation helps in all aspects of life rather than just competition CEU Athletic Director Bob Taniguchi introduced the speaker and others that presented awards at the banquet held in the Elks Lodge May 13 Several parents faculty members and community supporters were in attendance along with the athletes themselves Athlete of the Year awards were given to Cindy Jones and Nelson "Stretch" Stewart for their impressive athletic talents and outstanding performances in representing CEU sports Other awards were presented by various coaches Assistant basketball coach Guy Bcxh gave the volleyball team their recognition and awarded Heather Miles the most inspirational volleyball player trophy Jcri Anderson was announced as the most improved player while Chcrisc Pincomb was the outstanding offensive player and April Bennett was the outstanding defensive player Beach also presented the girls' basketball awards including the outstanding freshman trophy to Laurel Davis and the outstanding sophomore trophy to Michelle DiAntonio Jones was the best offensive player while Tina Sperry was awarded best defensive player Tammy Taylor won the most valuable player trophy and was also selected for the First team in the ICAC Assistant softball coach Terri Rushton announced Tina Sperry as their most valuable player Pincomb was awarded the most improved player and the best defensive player was Casey Cutler The most inspirational player was Haylcy Briggs Anderson was given a special softball signed by her teammates for being the most inspirational at a time when it counted most In the Final playoffs Anderson suffered a broken jaw but continued to play anyways The team had a vote to decide whether they should continue and decided Anderson's health was more important Head basketball coach Ronnie Stubbs selected Matt Smith as his defensive player of the year Most inspirational was Darren Stuart while Dana Adams was the most improved David Baldwin was awarded the freshman of the year and the MVP was Stewart Stubbs also gave special awards to his sophomores Stephen Jennings and Leonard Langdon Stcavc Wciscr CEU head baseball coach gave his most inspirational trophy to phris Heaps The First Tim Cross Memorial Award went to JcfT Ciscncros for having one of the best hitting records for the year It was also announced that Ciscncros was selected for the Todd First team Bcndixon was the outstanding pitcher and the most valuable player was Rob Conrad Chccrlcading advisor Susan Polstcr honored Kcri Maccy as head songlcadcr and Wcndi Young as head cheerleader Nancy Karpowitz drill advisor team recognized several Blue Debs in attendance at the banquet Jessica Taylor was selected as the most enthusiastic team member while Kim Murray earned the most dependable award Amy Carpenter and Cami Knudscn were awarded super sensational dancer awards as voted on by their team Sophomort Ntlton "Stretch" Sttwart It CEU't 1988-8- 9 malt Athlttt of tht Ytar Ht wit alto chottn by head basketball coach Ronnie Stubba aa the ttam'a MVP |