Show CARBONICLE Editor-in-Chi- Friday February 18 1949 THE WEEKLY CARBONICLE Page Two DINOS SNATCH GAME Friday January 14 1949 Inquiring Reporter EDITORIAL STAFF By Nan and Beth Jolene Bryner ef Associate Editor two-poi- The question for this week is: Helen McDonald What is your pet peeve? Sports Department — Editors Stanley Anderson Don Donaldson Sports Duffy Kayo Niwa Feature Department Corky Klapakis senior: “People popping their gum It drives me mad" Leon Jolene Bryner freshman: “People who are discourteous to telephone operators Ahem!" Kenneth Guymon sophomore: Lee Gordon “WOMEN!!" Janet Beckel Louise Neilson junior: “Having McFall to go to fourth period study” Joanne Jerry Phillips Janet Carr freshman: “Tony Stanley Barras Sadie Westenskow Dolores Wheeler O’Berto He now likes Helene News Editor Feature Editor Exchange Photographer Alumni Anderson and he doesn't know whether he's coming or going” Reporters George Bradley junior: “To Nan Leonard Beth Frandsen Nick Nikas Non Merrill Arlen not find the right girl in the sick Clavel Darlene Christensen Lorna Grames Dorothy room" Hardee Lyle Conover Ted Milovich freshman: “Doctor Jones and grabbing people Business Department throwing them in the study hall" Business Managers— Jim Bergera Nick Kiahtipes Henry Bobby Thomas junior: “Girls Washington scraping their taps on cement Ellen Chidester Dorothy Hardee That really gets me" Rewrite Ellen Chidester Fred Civish Proof Readers Claude Lacy senior: “I haven't Intramurals Dear Reader: those about Carbon who are going steady Definitely and Completely-prepared by yours truly Janet Beckel Charmaine Hill Kirk Alger Betty Ori Bob Nichols Madeline Cima Louis Tone Marjorie King Dick McKinnon Betty Jo Fazzio Matt Klocpfer Mary Ann Rodish Burton Reynolds Gwen Anderson LaVillc Dennison Ardith Catlin Ray Winn Shirley Gilli-ga- n Gary Bent Helen Klapukis Tom Steele Joanne McFall Sharon McDonald Lee Gordon Robert Bryner Irene Christensen Beth Leavitt Mike Dougherty Alice Arnett Crawford Jerry Ben Ward Jerry Dowd Kent Enid Seaton John Halverson Jones Jeanne Rowley Bert Dart Joan Malaby Dan Murphy Lois Malaby Ronnie Edwards Paralce Johnston Bill Mathis Janet Miller Louis Bosco Bonnie Roberts Richard McAllister Elaine Waterman Robert Burgcner Sally Buffmirc Norman Pike Pauline Lorna Stella Junic Lindsay Grivct Bill Perry Beth Campbell Morris Nelson Frances Blackham Harold Cunningham Subject to change without notice Those on the tentative list are: Ted Pappas Edna Bliss Cara Lou Redd Reid Powell Louis DeMarco Bonnie Bacon Katherine Smo-lic- h Jacketta Nick Kiahtipes World Elmer Thayn- Carol Harvey and Tammy Migliaccio Those going steady with people - 23 er 6-- Roses are red Violets are blue But they don’t get around-Likthe dandelions do! one I love everybody and everybody loves me” Carbon’s Love Scene I respectfully submit my list of The Carbon High Dinosaurs nt snatched a victory from the Lincoln Tigers last Friday February 11 to break into ths win column in league play The first half saw a slow deliberate type of ball game with neither team connecting from the field The score at half time was 10-- 8 with Lincoln holding the two point advantage Both teams came back strong in the second half and with Lacy Alger and Griffith hitting regularly Carbon took the lead 24-mark The at the three-quartDinos protected their lead and went on to win 4 by playing a control type of ball and stalling out the last few minutes of the game Lacy Carbon guard and Bohn Lincoln center led scorers with 10 points apiece The men’s “B” series basketball championship was won last wqck by Cowley's home room when they survived a last minute rally to win over Bithell’s home Washburn 20-room won a victory over Larsen to take fourth place by an 18-score Von Wayman freshman: “The college bus from Emery county S 'nough said" Shanna DeAngeles senior: “People who continually gripe about the Carbonicle and don't even have a subscription" Staffs note: “AMEN!” e WE DON’T MAKE i ANY FANCY CLAIMS Our Work Speaks for Us! i i 24 12 A Puzzling OK Cleaners High School Students Work On first Aid BELTER Question The physiology classes have once again begun their yearly orand bandaging Hey kiddies guess why the deal of splinting You in the gym can find them to wrestlers like lie around on the 2nd 3rd almost during day eery mats and groan? or 6th periods learning to become Well could it be because of that sweet I said sweet smelling stuff expert That's why some of the feminine Non Merrill puts on the new plastic mat covering every day If half of the student body don’t he will tell us what it is we will look so feminine these days Have put it up in bottles and sell it to you checked the flashy blue jeans they are sporting around? a throw the girls at two-bi- ts If anyone needs a bandage or a who don't go to Carbon are: Don- splint applied just contact Mr ald Potts Tina Williams Rae Pea- Merrill and he'll have one of his cock Mcrlcnc Stark Scott Reese experts take care of you Helen Rowe La Raye Bcndall Colccn Simmons Fae Bcndall SNOW THUMPS EAGLES Norine Long Eunice Shearer Donna Simmons Alma Lee BerThe Carbon College Eagles took gamo and Alice Hanson Further a 7 trouncing from Snow Colinformation can be obtained from lege at Ephraim Wednesday Febthe people I've just mentioned ruary 0 Girls sporting those stones on 6 The Badgers gained a the third finger of the southpaw lead in the first quarter and were ore Betty Milano Karla Wood- never threatened throughout the ruff Mary Zamatakis and Flor- contest Eleven Snow players ence Poulos shared in the scoring with Hal Mistakes are to be blamed on Hatch sinking 19 points for I'll verbally honors Tom Steele Carbon cenbad information case an error of ter hit the hoop for 15 points in apologize first-aide- rs : You Could Be Another Drummer Like Jimmie Dart Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa Practice Makes Perfect — ami Having Instruments of Finest Quality Spells Success 60-3- 30-1- hh IF IT’S MUSICAL— WE HAVE ITI House of Music Ph 748 Price Theatre Bldg |