Show delinquent the apex and milling dilli og company a corporation organized under tl a e laws of tl e state ot of utah locacio i ot of pr ac no pal place of business busi nees eureka juab county utah there are are delinquent on the follow ing described stock on account of a assess sess ment no 23 levied on the of may 1903 the several amounts set opposite the names ot of the respective shareholders as follows name no no chrs amt JW J W hurd 19 2 50 J wiled W hurd 1500 7 50 JJ J J harper 25 00 W F shriver 88 95 5 00 C A vade wade 23 2 50 AMye A 1000 5 00 and in accordant accor dai dat ce ca with the law anil and the order of the board of d rectors maae on the day of MI 1903 so many shares 0 of eacel parcel ot of sa d stock as may be necessary to pay the assess nent and cost of adNer advertising will be bold sold at public aution at tl il e office ot of the becie i twy of the company in the stott bu id eg ug at ell eu reka C ty utah on the letl day of july 1903 at 2 0 clock p in NI D HOWLETT secretary eureka I 1 utah june 26 1903 first icat on june 26 1903 |