Show BANDITS BREAK JAIL condemned murderer kills drath watch and makes his escape A general jailbreak jall break took place at glasgow mont saturday night wll wit clarn hardee a condemned murderer awaiting execution I 1 filed charles williams his death watch with a 30 30 winchester rifle which he se cured in the jail kitchen he esl three other prisoners in the jail then took the keys keys and escaped the men are well armed they swam the mis and have probably made good their escape under sheriff rutter was on guard in the cell where the four men were confined at the time jailer dillard came to get the supper dishes the prisoners seized him and rutter and overpowered them one of them then went to the kitchen and secured the winchester and lay in wait for jack williams one of the guards who had been down town when he appeared he was shot through the body and ta fa tally wounded dillard and rutter were then beaten almost into ability and the men left lef |