Show NEWS of the TINTIC MINES minesa grand central 11 aa af after ter con consultation between counsel and court the hearing upon the appeal of the mammoth mining company in iti its con t tro troT Terey eray with the grand central from an in order loy judee judge marioneaux ui of the district court hs has been continued until next september says the tribune in the erder order of th lower court the main mothe moths bill under whit which it claimed the right tonking to mine ere ore bodia bodies if iz the consort aad nd Silvero polia polis mining claims was dis missed in Inthe the meantime each of the proper ties continues the product leit of ore the management of the mammoth ke the rout routes between the camp and th the valley emster eniel tero quite warm while lethe the mill will the eisent month add not a few dollars to the earnings just ae as active in piling up itt iti earning earnings and in the distribution of dividends IB in the grand central whose ondi tion compares com paree favorably w faith ith that of per od in the career of the property so 10 that while the litigation goes on the th shareholder find finds hi his needa quite hand homely conserved ener ved dension confirmed in the state supreme up reme court tuesday morning a decision was handed down at t finning firming the judgement jud gement of the fifth d s brict court in the case of william h mor aa RA ond and D castelina Caste lini against the mam moth mining co for personal injuries received As a result of the opinion morgan receive receives 2500 2 from the oom blany and castell ni III stock ia in th the old colony upon vl v I 1 eh ob no 5 remain remains unpaid be cause delinquent yesterday day of sal sale 0 june inn assessment no 4 of 5 caits sl al are OTI on adais stok stock became dell deli y ster day day of ale 1810 jule the day of sale of del stock in T the martha IN ashington mining co wae was jast ast monday very few shares were al clowd owed to fio fi o 0 under the hammark hammer av ft suu t manager C E alien allen peat pent yesterday at the mine jamea jarries P motherwell was over from silver city yesterday the employee of the centennial eu reka r eidd their monthly pay heeke aday the liast convention ot of the western federation of miner will be held at butte hont unlit president tnt marsob of eureka miners union 10 no states that the th ember member ship of the enion union is growing rapid rapidly ay there are now between one hi indred an and d fifty and two hundred bundred members embers in and ap are pouring an n at almost very every meeting V |