Show I 1 the thatcher stock company will ap pear at odd fellows hall in eureka on saturday n may oth in the great society drama moths this dramatic company was recently organ zed for the purpose or touring the n country presenting a numb r of 0 standard high class playa plays whose except onal dragat e strength has been blen the sour e of much favor favorable ablo corn com ment among the plays in tl e thatcher corn com party a repertoire to wh wit eh ch special atten tion is 13 called is moths this is an fin intensely human and natural story of life in it gh circles be ng in fact what is commonly known as a society drama it is a dramatization of ouida 9 famous novel of the samy name and upon which the fame of the great writer may securely rest it is I 1 lull ull of 0 heart stirring climaxes climaxes clima aes Ss situations wh eh ahr 11 with their luten a sty ty and in the tle unwinding of the plot aphea appeals Is to the audience with an oven in beasing interest in the character of 0 I 1 era in moths ie is ore of the most beautiful pictures pic tires of young womanhood ever painted for the stage if ouida had given both noth ng dg to the stage bat but this chat chai acter aeter he would still have immortalized hie his name the thatcher stock company has just completed a most mot successful edgag ment in salt lake the company scored sueh inch a pos tive five success both from the public and i ress as to justify in every way the cr er t cal taste for wh wit cb ch the city is no ted it is not necessary to specify the va ious tons pro pre a comments it being lei let t to sav say that the entire press of the e ty bestowed the warmest pra se so and most unqualified approval upon the dra matie matte al ab I 1 ty ot the i batcher hatcher stock corn com in eureka one t may ath |