Show NOTICE OF or forfeiture to frank and A Ca stellena 3 ur he r ra and assigns your are hereby notified that I 1 have ex in laboi and improvements on tl e molley dewey and mary mau in mining ining clams cla a cuate in north tintic mining d strict utah county atah in to bold as sad d prem ses sea anier the brov of 0 sect on 2324 revised statutes of the united states beng be ng the amount required to hold the game same tor for the year 1900 end ng nad D cember 31 1902 your proportions of sa d expend buies re ire unpaid be ua bao 0 each and it if within 90 days after this not ce by bubli cation you fa I 1 or refuse to t your ona ons of expenditure aa as co owners together with costs your in teresta teres tsin in said claims will become the pre perty of the bubser ber her under ea d see tion 2324 RASMUS NELSON E reka eka utah peb feb 10 1903 first publication feb 18 13 1803 1903 |