Show south swansea s annual the first regular annual meeting in four years held by the south stasea coin p any w was a pal pai tic in by the share I 1 h holder id tue tuesday day afternoon at salt lake several special meetings have been held during that time but for one reason and another the regu ar annuals have been pasted based up nothing out of the ordinary occurred and the old board of 0 directors was re elected officers we a e not chosen bui but when the board meet meets to organize it will stand ai as it has done as follows C V wheeler president J T coxall 11 treasurer J al wheeler manager W H farnsworth Far secretary the file other be ing L E riter A report covering in a general vay the business of the company for the past four yean years was submitted it was hown shown that daring during that time 15 tons of ore of a a average value of 23 13 12 u abr ton had bee been marketed while the receipts from all sources aggregated in I 1 aund figures dividends mount bg ng to 39 were paid on the old capitalization of the company aside from the stock dividend which earne when th capital was is in creased for the purpose of taking I 1 over the four aces the new year begina begins with 1 13 38 in the treasury and the mine idle |