Show 1 41 reder fieder ck ek albert a former es dent and business man of eureka who for the past spar has lived at salt lake d ed at that a decerb Dee embr r che deceased had based the aft eth milestone of his life ir and ou death on came after a lengthy illness brought g ht on by a fall from a tree some two years ago he was well known to near ly all of the older rosi residents dents of the camp and being of a congenial conee nial disposition was liked by all besides a wit wife and three step children his brother charl a alborg alt erg survives him aa As soon moon as charlie learned of bis his brother brothers s death he went to salt lake and made arrangements for the burial the tho remains were brought to eureka over the oregon short line yea ves berday morning brief services sery ices were held hela under the auspices of the christian sc so enlists at 10 I 1 0 0 P F hall immediately after the arrival of the train some ap prop nate ato evsi was tarnished furnished by john ivey frauk frank morly john strong strang john morley and A N wallace the remains were laid to rest in ill the city cemetery un der the direction of undertaker wallace |