Show Now! Relief from the itching " and scaling that cause ' FASHIONS ft: Russ Tog’s elegant suiting for picnicking on a criap afternoon: a'brU-fosea-NwooUt pill p ante nit with Nonce Ensemble about $30 coordinating THE HEARTBREAK nt us of PSORIASIS formula New works 3 ways to relieve these symptoms of PSORIASIS T fast-acti- ng By ROSALYN ABREVAYA WHIN PUNCH DESIGNS Coco helped launch pants for women by first wearing them in pub-li- e in the 1920s American women soon turned out similarly attired— and faced a ground swell ‘of unfavorable male criticism But by the 1980s women were firmly ensconced in trousers— and who could blame them? They had at last escaped the confines of the skirt and could experience a freedom they never had known before The average American male is still strongly opinionated about women in pants — and up tin now he has had some justification More often than not pants have revealed too much contributing to a downright look But this season both sexes will ‘witness an exciting change Many of the leading fashion designers who for years wouldn’t think : Above: you’ll be pretty as a pied piper about to gather a following in Stiletto’s luscious brown pants suit with ftted but generously cut trousers About $45 BAow: perfect for enjoying the natural habitat is tkis corduroy suit sans caller from Florence Walsh Retails for about $35 ill-ke- pin-strip- ed double-breast- of showing a pair of pants in their collections finally have capitulated They've turned their genius to giving pants a newstraighter dimension and added a matching or conwell-tailor- Main Street UJ3A hoc bore Hufcr WolboKi -- - '' (7) dust (8) back (13) fact in fesohis spotsi (VaNsroas (10) katas (U)tUfhs (12) tap ' Psoriasis of the acalp causes so much extra embarrassment And it can be so difficult to treat But no longer Nw there's a shampoo especially formulated so that when used with Ifegrin Cream it gives you effective relief from the itching and scaling of psoriasis of the scalp It's new Tcgrin Medicated Shampoo Tegrin Medicated Shampoo wadies away loose psoriasis scales on your scalp It leaves your hair cleaner and heahhier-lookin- g So for effective relief from the itching and scaling of psoriasis of the scalp get Tegrin Cream and newTkgnn Medicated Shampoo Both are guaranteed to bring die relief you winter your money back! look V no NOWFORSCALP PSORIASIS SUFFERERS: ‘ New TEGRIN MEDICATED SHAMPOO MnmUi S fM : easy-to-use-- PishmUsn influenced separatee it preeented As Catalina’s expertly cut twitl-kn- it jacket $35 and toffee pants $19 Ammmrim bp by ng Psoriasis spnptsau-- 13 (5) anas (2)- mc (8) kinds f Left : evidence that the ioey (1) scalp V pants-su- it f or back Today for the first time your comes new relief from the heartbreak of die itching and scaling of psoriasis It's a new medicatfed formula called TEGMNt’ TEGUN b a fast-acticream so safe you need no prescrip- tion It’s pleasant lingering medical smell or stain And it’s extra effective because it works three ways: 1 Speeds sooOfag relief from Itching 2 Walks Cast la remove scales icf now i ou trasting jacket to boot Dubbed the pants suit the jacket is often lined and constructed like a suit jacket and many of the new pants have a trim but more generous cut -- Ift a hsarthmsh if psoriasis bows yoer sUn rough and scaly and if nodkations Ml to bring own tawparary relief Tests prove tegwns unique tripie-actiformula brings such we make this guarpronounced clearing in so many cases-t- hat antee: TEGUN leaves your skin cleaner clearer smoother or your money back So why suffer from the itching and scaling that cause the heartbreak of psoriasis? Whenever these symp- toms appear get new tegrin ed Separates also have been influenced by this new trend and tops and pants are cut in the manner of eleganti suiting But the pants controversy rages anew when the question comes up: ' where should women wear these new outfits? Many designers prefer that women wear pants suita only in the country or for travel But if the past is any indication chances are the in-dependent American woman is likely to follow her own whima and wear these suits smack in the middle of ed Ift a beartbn wine you haw psoriasis and do sotMngaboet those first sign- scrusty patches on ysarokia or scalp ' v : L Ji ¥ b |