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Show UTAH VALLEY NEWS Men's Hanes FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's Heavy UNION' Men's or Ladles' SWEATER -- WOOL Sunday evening was given by the Inga at tha Girls Horn la the companionship, gathering from genealogical society. The prelimi- canyon, ao graciously offered to all of Utah the National parts nary program waa In charge of Ivern Pyne of the ward bishopric. the Scouts by Miss Elisabeth council. Activities Included an intensive The time waa then turned to the Souter and other officials of the with sco Y.W.M.I.A. Ferry people genealogical Explorers, uteri, training for patrol leaders, and Liston conducting. The speakers scout masters, and other scout ofexplorer leaders and commissionwere Mrs. Nellie Cordner; Albert ficials and executives filled the ers, as weR as reports from variBlgga; and Mrs. Florence Shepand for ous with r Cold Weather Coming Men's Henry . home" committees, presentation rousing activity herd. Special musical numbers two the open fire, of plans for tha coming year by enjoying days, were vocal duets aung by Ivern and the warmth of fellowship and the planning committees. Pyne and daughter Fern and Mrs. Florence Shepherd and daughter Florence. Complete Line Boys A very Interesting program was given In Relief 8oclety Tuesday DAY LESS afternoon. Mrs. Martha Reynolds Wool teachers the the 100 -topic, presented Boys Zipper Overnight MINOS YOU A WHOil YIA OF OOOO MADINOI Leatherette Coats Sweater Coats subject was "Fear." The regular SCOUT CASES S2.BS Values theological lesson waa given by for Boys and Girls" Real Values Lexis Harris on "The Medlteran- for 18 Inch sine (sixes 26 to 80) eun world In the days of the I 98c (UrgmlarPrktftrOmt Ymr-$l- oe Apostles The program next week will be given by the work and AND $1.98 business department. Mrs. Joseph H. Rowley gave a Boys' Heavy POLO SHIRTS UNION SUITS birthday party last Saturday MECHANICS afternoon for her son, Leon, who For Men Long Sleeve MAGAZINE waa seven years old that day. Abont twenty youngsters (KtgmUrPntiftrOm 368 West enjoyed St. Provo games which were played on the lawn. Refreshments were served A $4.50 VALUE FOR YOU GET THEM BOTH and a birthday cake was tha main That Type of Driver ONLY Banking Note STAKE GENEALOGY attraction. and Mrs. George E. Bishop Economist: "Borrowing money "My son wishes to become a Harris have returned to their Amelia Latin, Reporter KEEP UP with tha Joneses, tha Smiths and your home In Chicago, 111.,' after ten ia the same as borrowing trouble." chauffeutT What do you advise?" Fbone 048J1 other neighbors by reading Hilt nawspapar and days visit with Mrs. Lexis Harris "Well, personally, I wouldnt Except that you can Layman: ind other relatives In Utah. Mr. KEEP UP with Hia rest of tha world by loading senior temple excursion Is Harris was one of the successful stand in his way." till borrow trouble. set for Thursday Nov. 10, to the deer hunters while here. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE Salt Lake temple from Sharon An effort Is being made by the More than 6,000 pictures end 3,000 stories every year lake. y. Bishopric of the ward to Increase The atake bus will be available tha attendance at priesthood Hundreds of moo 17 miking and labor-savin-g ideas, Cum aid for all wishing transportation. meetings each Sunday morning at household hints, bom workshop dps.Tha latest invendonnew Please send In your reservations 6:10. An interesting program la devices which yoo have never seen but which yoo will nst totnow early. The fare will be 60c the outlined for each quorum, and row. Scores of building projects for the cnAamaa. round trip, The bus will leave class loaders have been appointed Orem at 9:80 a. m. to give the lessons. They especiYOU SAVI 11.89 by signing this conpoa and Ring or bringing It to by Worumbo this newspaper with you money. Special rates can also ha ob- ally want to interest the boys of tained on the Orem line on the jthe Aaronle Priesthood age. They Once you see and feel a I is first train leaving Provo at 7:11 ara asking that tha parents co-IML Stmt m Luxora Topcoat, youll apa. m. These rates will be in ef- operate with them, by the father preciate the significance of fect from Lakevlew station at T7e who bold tha Melchealdek Priestfor tha round trip, good to retain hood attending and bringing their Fabric by Worumbo on any train tha same data. boys with them. , you'll understand why the Tha Salt Lake temple will he Tha Church History class of the iB Mill Worumbo recognized dosed Armistice Day, Friday, 8unday School held a vary Uvdy November 11, 1BSS. as the foremost producer of Halloween party at the ward hall Tha Sharon Ward Genealogical Mat Saturday night. All tha quality coatings. Committee is sponsoring n Senior witches, goblins, ghosu, etc. of temple excursion to Suit Lake the season were represented and For luxuriousness, softMonday, Nov. 18, and extend an light refreshments ware served. durrichness and for ness, Invitation to nil members from The entertainment waa in charge Sharon stake to join them. There of tha class leader, Ina Poulson. ability (all of which make will he a apodal testimony meet- She was assisted by Katherine for value) . . . there is no ii Mitchdl. ing for the E oclock session. other topcoat like Luxora With the October Issue many Thirty members of the family at the low price of . . . subscriptions to the Magaslna ex- of John H. Murdock mot at tha pire. The genealogical society asks .Murdock (home last Sunday to for onr cooperation In securing at honor Mrs. Mnrdock on the anleaat four subscriptions from each niversary of her birth. A lovely ward in tha stake. Beginning with dinner waa served and many nice the January leans there will be gifts received. Commander Suits a doctrinal outline for nse in the Introductory period of each cists By CLOTHCRAFT Moot daring the year 1989 and first half of 1940. SUITS $1.00 BOX 98 of COATS 25 Ladies, Mens, Girls, and 49 JM i f Thanksgiving SPECIALS 98 WINTER UNDERWEAR 98 A THAN $M9 $2.69 POPULAR FletcherS 69 Center Just about the most use- up-to-d- - fall collection. SATURDAY November 5 Only Training Marks Progress In Scouting Mads of Furs Worsted Fabrics TIMPANOGOS For Men Who Must Keep Their Appearance Up and Expenses Down TRU VAL SHIRTS and PAJAMAS $1.15 $135 $1.35 $1.65 TAJ AM AS at Tru Compare them, fabric for fabric, with higher priced shirts. Look at Tru Val Tailoring. Notice the exact fit. Try Tru Val s Fair Flex fused collar Shirts. and approved by the They are laundry-teste- d American Institute of Laundering. Tru Val 8 SPORTSWEAR IS MATCIILESS Vais closely. Look Ask To Ske It SHRIVERS Style Leadership Mrs. C. H. Poulson, Reporter Telephone 04J8 Children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Keeler surprised their mother last Sunday, the occasion of her being the anniversary birthday. Dinner was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keeler; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keeler and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Iverson, of American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warburton; Mr. and Mrs. Malan Clements and Miss Mildred Keeler. Greetings and gifts were also received from the two abeent children, Mr. and Mrs. Melden Keeler and Hr. and Mrs. Archie Brown of Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wllford Larsen, Harold and Dorothy Larsen went to Salt Lake Sunday afternoon to attend a farewell testimonial for Warren Ottley who Is leaving In the near future to fill a mission in the Samoan Islands. Warren stayed with the Larsen fmlly here two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Gappa-mayand children and Mrs. Ezra Billings made a trip to Roosevelt last week, where they visited with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Whit-ber- Orange All Types of Electrical Appliances EVERYTHING 5:130 Week Bays sotistactofY 7oOT R HoTn9-se- hon wr ords n nnnintntnnnmmntnnnumi ? j VOTERS of Utah County 1. The program In church 2. 3. Our Greatest Value in CIRCULATOR As individuals, what chance have we against these big companies? As a County the odds are in our favor. property tax. 6. 3 BOOMS aft CIRCULATOR 7. with tha same amount of fuel n smaller beater would $29-5- 0 A REAL NET VALUE m ! F:r give Fair vis-tors- . part of Assured Quality is Economical Do you approve the squandering of the vast sums of the peoples money on road county? I stand for an efficient and businesslike administration B. L. ASHBY, American Fork, Utah. Republican Candidate for 2 Year County Commissioner. -- (PsU PolitlMl mYLOR BROS COMPANY DIE DEPARTMENT STORE OP PROVO Social work of so questionable value as has been going on in the North end of the BKACTIFCL in DESIGN Economical in Performance When you visit the New York Worlds Fair 1939 you will And fair Fair girl guides in natty costumes ready to furnish information or even escort you around. The fair guide above is a fair sample of Ihc service the Fair will Do yon know the large Security benefits it takes to distribute it? I stand for more money for the needy and less for grafters, for less humiliation and paupers oaths before the aged can get help. with this OTHERS AS LOW AS Do yon know the state is now threatening the right of cities asd counties to participate in the gasoline tax? I stand the use of some of this money to reduce AT Air-Down-Dr- Do yon know the state hae taken from the connty the control of assessments for the safeguarding of this right, and HEATERS HEAT 9 i Do you know Salt Lake CaqaT companies are now sueing to obtain a hold on nearly all the water rights of Utah for taxation? I stand for the return of this power to the county. 5. lust Phone 411 to 6:00 Saturdays ; County? I stand for our county helping water owners to maintain their claims. WE OFFER ! Provo, Utah Do you approve of the way Salt Lake County hae been allowed to nse Utah Lake as a storage reservoir and drain it at will I It has caused property damage of untold thousands of dollars to Utah County. 0, for "T.aiaiBWi Phone 1432 West Center k. imtihiiiMiiHHiiiii mill l:C0 to 230 on FUEL Get Your Needs at a Savings in Our . Complete Hunting Department 3 Ii o ' , ; : ARE YOU PREPARED? .J a'i vOUtG5eprone ELECTRICAL Huish Electric Goiepanr 4. Pheasant and Quail Season Opens Sunday, Nov. 6th West Center St. I -- 52i V0 . Squeezers 4T 1 Juice . er ! Hunters Fun, food, fellowship, songs, barbecue, savage lunch, and demonstrations marked the Utah National Parka Council training moot held In the Y.W.M.I.A. home. Provo canyon, under the chairmanship of Roy Passey, as one of the most successful ever held, according to (Chief Scout Executive, A. A. Anderson. The moot also marked the finale for the year of all gather- - f E. Waffle Irons Tabric $22.50 ssm O. Topcoat $29.00 Aa Westinghouse Percolators .... A LUXORA 1 ! ful, enjoyable item you could buy for your home or as a household gift an electrical appliance that brings service and pleasure with half the work and at decidedly small cohL For surprise home values in appliances Bee this new 3 Tru Val 9' Friday, November 4, 1938 f |