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Show ,..-s,y- a I T m jr j jir rw "art THE SUGAR HOUSE BULLETIN " p ; m u. I ; kh aw rip - 3i I f" r m mm n ,mm - a r 1 "l tt-- i aa i m JMeCSooi (Thtc is 0 irmw it A eter la turn hmpm la Wishing oky. XMAS CHEER heart. tmm Irm CnrlsCaaae trmm wlndwa A appropriate thank ymm far yaor patronage, and tm wloh jm Merry Cfcriot-bb- m mmm m Happy and PmpeNM Now Year. 60 East 4th So. Dial No. 2 2055 South DUI 61 10th East 22 51 OF THE SEASON 2t44 lit EAST M&UUAR HOUSE DRIVE OUT 1 6-86- &-SA- VEJ Highland Drive "We have not raised our Prices .CXhrisfmas. Chrlilmai Radio Service and Refrigeration Shops .0 64 rlaq oul wo loin la tha oenaial glad m to wish you and yours a mora Joyous and Fee four patroaaq wo on dooply grato-faand wo ronow eat plodga el fall orrico for Iho fatoro. 94 : COMPLIMENTS Chrisbaas again I Amd OTOr. East 21st South Dial ROOM Dial bounUhil 1077 JEANNE'S TEA 3022 1 EBMEYER'S BAKERY mmmt Sugar House than EVERYONE mmd mmt mi floms tm GREETINGS "Reign of Christmas" Is truly a reign of joy and happiness. We extend our cordial -wish that happiness may reign" in your home this Christmas and throughout the holiday season. And please remember that we are always anxious to serve and are proud of a long "reign" of service in this to glowlag doors. GRANITE FURNITURE CO. No. men op Christmas JofuLJjuktiat Among the most cherished gifts bestowed by the passing year is the friendship and pleasant relations that have existed between us. We hope for a continuance of this friendship during the year to come, and, in the spirit of the season we cordially greet you and wish you the most Merry of Merry Christ- -' mases. ' season joyous Tls Christmasl . . . time to count our many friends and recall the happy relationships we have had with them during the year . . . time to express our gratitude and to wish all our friends the choicest blessings the Yule season can bestow. mm i if mti m This is the season for. fateful good cheer though IQ41 has been. This is the season for peace in the hearts of men. May peace be yours always, is our wish in appreciation of your good will towards fSf Hardware ASHTON AUTO COMPANY Dial Allen Pyper Tents Awnings East Sugarhouse 31 Rod Ashton Pyrex Dishes for the 8 WALT CO. 2132 South 11th East 21st South LADY GAY Qjours Sleeping Bags WARD antI 011 Come in and see our Xmas Toys Home us. 1019 The "DISTINCTIVE WAY" 1058 East 21st So. w the 51 wmimsm SrUlETIOEI CftHnnGSs Pi T0MX SUGAR HOUSE TRANSFER MOVING CRATING GREETINGS TO ALL are grateful to you for friendship and patronage WE during the past year. To each and all of you, we wish the fulfilment of that great longing of the human heart peace and good will. Good luck and a Merry Christmas. (PIOWM Dial WISHING you all the joys and OPTOMETRIST 1090 East 21st South Dial 74 Our Wish for You ... .. . our Our genuine "Merry Christmas to All friends and customers. Pleasant times like Christmas always remind us of the pleasure we have had in the privilege of doing business with you. May good luck attend your every wish this Christmas! And may holiday good cheer brighten the hours of this glorious season! GRAND CENTRAL MARKETS And NEW ENGLAND BAKERIES 2$ of the DR. W. H. LANDMESSEH Cleaning & Dyeing Ca fatoW$ happiness Christmas Season. PACKING SHIPPING Licensed Carrier 96 i Wo nopo 70a ipend Chriit-niwith oil your heart. Laughter, kindncoa, simple cheer, peace of spirit, and gifts galore t are grateful to you for your kind patronage Jar-lu- g the year, and look forward to a eontinnanco of our pleasant relationship. Wo SUCCESS MARKETS GREETINGS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Granite Welding & Wire Works 2021 South 11th East Dial 45 Christmasl That glorious season of seasons which draws the soul out of bondage in spite of binding withes and cutting cords, enabling the spirit to soar upwards whence the melody has descendodl May that Peace of Spirit which is our divine heritage be yours in full measure this Yuletide season, with all the material joys that make life abundantly worth while. Laura Larson Ice Cream Shop 2103 South 11th z$Sy: East Dial -- 56 ilJr- |