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Show THE BULLETIN Fear of Public Speaking Conquered by Home Study Fir, Spruce, Pine Share Popularity Personal Touch Arsenal of Health sl'';;'y:'ylj''f:w,MW?.T While we ore all consciom of the gigantic work going on in our steel mitti and factories to produce the equipment that will keep America secure against outside attack, few of us know about the Christmas trees aren't snobbish. total war that is going on to crush the enemy within DISEASE. They art willing to than their (lory In hundreds of laboratories men and women labor to crush him with trees of any "nationality," with vaccines, serums and toxins. These photos show what goes on whether they be oak or spruce, elm in the William llallock Park laboratory in New York. or tamarak. Althoufih any kind of tree can be a "Christmas tree," most people feel that they must be evergreens. Even here there are many different kinds which can be obtained for this . . . BAUKHAGE , At Christmas Time Tha Natl Farm & Home Hour 19.30 each morning, Monday through Friday KUTA, Salt Lake at 570 KC and other NBC Blue Network Stations Farms in Sweden of the 430,000 farms ia One-four- th than Sweden cover less purpose. Several different types of evergreens have been tingled out at "favorites" TO LISTEN five acres. for thia Important an nual role. The Her Poise Awes Timid Speakers. "aristocrats" are the Art, mainly because of their the timid soul when an ex- fine pyramidal perienced speaker shows no fear. shapes, beautiful But the experienced public deep green color speakers smile at this "bravery" and soft fragrant idea. In order to be sure of your- needles which do self, they say, you have only to ' not shed easilv learn to be .sure of little details, after the trees And those you can practice at begin to dry. home. These trees can A1 Just stand up there, relaxed, nothing In your hands to distract you and give I Our booklet tells now you can practice to develop an easy, charming speech technique. Tells how to prepare a speech, gives sample speeches, also rules of par. Send your er-liamentary procedure. oer 10: az-pa- SERVICE San Francisco, Cant. Enclose 10 cents in coin for your copy of PUBLIC SPEAKING SELF TAUGHT. Mam HEADER-HOM- E 117 Minna SL Address Instead of sending her pres- them herself. It adds a personal touch that is greatly appreciated by friends on Christmas day. Black Spruce usually be recognized by their flattened leaves which are arranged in two rows on the horizontal branches. Each needle ia a shiny dark green above, and except for the prominent midrib It silvery white underneath. The species of fir available vary with the locality, but the most popu lar kind offered In the Eatt ia the balsam fir, the bark of which yields the known .... First Christmas Seals Originated in Denmark To Fight Tuberculosis That harbinger of the holiday tea step in the concentration and refinement of crude serums, Harmful substances are removed by precipitation with chemicals ton, the cheerful Chrlatmaa Seal, hat recently made its appearance and collected by filtration. as asso- the National Tuberculosis ciation opened Its annual drive for well- - Canada CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Very Good at History that it is much more widely disA famous alienist met a certain tributed and much prominent official. After some lets valuable as discussion on the mentally un lumber, is the small, scrubby sound, the official asked: pine and its jack how do tell "Doctor, you really numerous related it a person is insane?" "Oh, we merely ask a few or species. Three other dinary questions which ordinary trees are also can answer people correctly." used at Christ"What type of questions?," "Well," replied the alienist, mas trees in a "this sort of thing: Captain Cook few homes White Fine the made three voyages around the throughout world and died on one of them, country. These an arborvitae, a familiar ornamental species with Which was it?" "Oh, I say," objected the offl flattened, scaly foliage, the common cial, "I'm afraid I've forgotten red cedar or juniper, and the Douglas fir or Douglas spruce. which one it was." Cm may excite at diarrae i no. aracae eaBeu-an- ii gva eat and of UwflutMt-artln- iw n Heart actloa mil i ta art na trtm had to risen nearly eacn in us own way, In addition to the United States approximately 40 other countries have adopted the Christmas seal for funds. raising Gallachers Gather Christinas Greens USED seeks and chain. Ilea, typewriter!, addiag Bath's, safes, efc caea. S. U DERK EX- - IS W. Broadway. Salt Una AND PERSONALS HEMORRHOIDS, (pilea). hernia, raptare treated without knife. OSTEOPATHIC, SURGICAL AND NONSURGICAL CLINIC Salt Lake City Templaten BIdg. til Gifts ! u. known d occu Gallacking ia a pation, because the leathery, dur able galax and laucothoe leavea and Lydia K. Pinkham'a Compound other gnena are put to constant use Tablets (with added Iron) not only relieve cramps, headache, by florists and other decorators. help backache but also weak, The demand widens at Christmas cranky, nervous feelings due to monthly to open a market for balsam and functional disturbances. spruce trees, and for laurel twigs. Taken regularly Lydia Pink-haMost of the evergreen collecting Tablets help build up resistance against distress of "difficult in the mountains it done sporadical days." They also help build up red ly and according to the press of ypiooq. roiiow label directions other work. Whole familiet move into the forettt on sunshiny days, WNU W "crop" home for sort 5241 taking their and ing, grading tying into bundles. Hundreds of buying agents purchase Obedience a Step Through obedience learn to this material direct, shipping them to dealers. command. Plato. Dozens of little backwoods shops are now springing into activity because of the seasonal demand for Immediate processing. Here the native evergreens an turned into variout wreaths, trees are packed Help Them Cleanse th Blood and trimmed, and Uuiutands of of Harmful Body Waste yards pf "rope" an, made from Your kidneys are eonetantly filtering spruce, pine, laurel and hemlock. warte nutter from tha Mood Mnam. But kidney omrtimr lar in thair work do not act as Nature intended fail to remove imparities that, if retained, may Druids Credited Mistletoe year-aroun- WEAKNESS - poiaoo tha ayntcrn and upset the whale body machinery. Symptoms may be nerving backache, r nVa nl BaraiatjMlt ha H. nhs wi mania, awriiina. punn toe under eyre a feeling of nervous anxiety and lorn of pep and strength. Other liens of kidney or bladder disorder are lometinies burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There ibould be no doubt that prompt treatment ia wiser than neglect. Use Ittan if Fill. Pom's have been winning new friends fur more then forty yean. ii;..;.. lost' reputation. . MtJiil hub). fc. "All-Hea- Or SCHOOL Quish BEAUTY CULTURE Larcmt In the Wen. IS yearn ma. etaaful operation. Modern, thorough, prae-tieEnroll anytime. Write for eatakvue. SSS South Mala Salt Lake City. Utah al Bendix and Hotpoint Washers We have largest eelaetion Slaahcd prise 111.60 up. 1 of wed waabera, yr. snar. Terns. INTERMOUNTAIN UTILITIES 111 South Bute St, Salt Lake City, Utah MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Reconditioned Band Inatruments at bargain Srieea. Liberal trade. BEES LEY MUSIC BUSINESS COLLEGE TRAINING Work available for students to earn bond and room while attending Collet. Writ HEN ACER BUSINESS COLLEGE Eaat Broadway Salt Lake City USED EQUIPMENT INTERMOUNTAIN MERCHANTS SCPPLT (Dealer in Bankrupt Stocks) We buy and sell all hinds of buainani natures and aouipsMat Cash recietera. meat aealea, off lea equip. M EL 4th So Salt Lake City SCHOOLS TRAINING Serve Your Country Now! training 'rye's with unlimited enaliflc yen far a Jab future and excellent pay. No teats ner previaas mechanical eipcrience DAT and NIGHT CLASSES. If between II aad 4S. oca or write tedav. During; p reseat emergency office open till m. Sanaay, 1 till I p. m. k. Frye Aircraft Co. of Utah Aircraft Factories, CaliL NEED MORI MEN and WOMEN. Train and barn by actual experience. Our short coarse qualifies pea. Minimum entrance fat. balance after r amnLivient- - alna.ii Fr n--il wire far free qualification tart. G. H. GATES New Grand Hotel Salt Lake CHy St First Pole Sitter Simon Stylites pillar for 30 sat on too of years. in Mails Uncle Sam will soon make nrnflta by selling Christmas presents tent through the mailt, but he would much rather deliver them and he would, if he knew when they were supposed to go. American people an so rich ami in such a hurry that they don't even take the paint to tee that their gifts tent by mail an properly wrapped and addnsted. Of course, all are not careless about it, but the postmen do have a hard time during the holidays. Extra mail clerks nceive millions of dollars in wages, and a good shan of this extra force is kept busy handling poorly wrapped and im properly addressed packages. Many thousands of Christmas gifts will be sold because they contain no clew concerning their sender or tha intended destination. The "unad-dressedepartment of the inquiry section of the post office in large cities resembles a warehouse. Some gifts cannot be held lone. such as alligators from Florida, live chickens, turkeys, or fruits. These an Quickly sold and the sale nrice. held in a fund which is ultimately turned into the treasury. When all efforts have been exhausted, the un identified and unclaimed packages an sold by an auctioneer. d" As in anti-toxin- s, Wrong Uae The name Kriti Krinale is some every other step of the preparation of sera, vaccines and times erroneously used to designate extraordinary precautions are taken in bottling the Santa Claus. Kriss Kr ingle la a corA glass window covers most of the filling operation to ruption of the German Christ-kinde- l, products. prevent air contamination. the - r omtorti.f What Convenience! What a Location! . ivi wnat ft. i l n'i.. a.ii gin LIU blijl lima iii .tskeiliii. niai. ..hi emr mar ...wtlHtl ItM . . . leg liilir fitti. I.LJ.I.VJi l VlI !2SSlliaJJllJ IfJIIIIIrIKi I A complete adult set of tenth con sists of 32. MAY WITHERS Says: I the Sell BEST for LESS! riate$22 Genuine Acrylic Christ-chil- d. Mountain Beauty Christmas in the Swiss mountains ts full of acenic enchantment and poetry. Every hamlet and everv village la a wondroua vision inwhite, with its flecklett beauty still accentuated by the taoDhire blue of the iky. With Miraculous Virtues as it was Mistletoe, or called by the Druids, was thought to hold many miraculous virtues. The Scandinavians dedicated it to their goddess of love, Friga. This god dess of love it probably responsible for the custom of kissing under the mistletoe. Tie superstitious believe that a mnidrn who is not kissed under the mistletoe will not marry during the coming year. SCHOOL BEAUTY Post Office Auctions FEMALE country over. Ark your ncieMor DeL, Wilmington. Red Cross chapter designed a seal that was sold locally. The campaign was so successful that the next year the National Red Cross adopted the idea and conducted a nation-wid- e campaign. From then until 1919 the Red Cross continued the annual Christmas Seal distribution. In their last year the have interpreted the Christmas snirit anti-rabi- a to neighboring coun tries. Christmas teala appeared in the United Statea in 1907 when Mitt Emily P. Bissel of the Beginning with 1920 the National Tuberculosis asso ciation began distri bution of the seals. The designs of these stamps have been the work of promi nent artists who , nation-wid- immediate popularity and soon spread returns Hell-a- n They have a funds to continue work in the prevention and cure of this dread dis ease. The idea of the sale of seals to aid the fight against TimTTI tuberculosis origi- naica in juennuri in 1903. The following year the first seals were sold. The idea gained almost 14,000,000. Christmas is coming, and a vast HUTO IK1AL doiaat prova army of North Carolina "gallack-en- " better, boOJa ta aad raoura lXJtJBL; Hum Uuck. SZ an happy. Demand for their harvest of leaves, evergreen sprays," trees and other decora Whip of Repentance Wearing aseptic masks, caps and towns, women technicians are No man is more severely pun tive material ia now at the year's c on sterile cubicles, filling the vials with vaccine. working and the firm. an ished than he who is subject to the peak, prices "Gallacking" is the business of 7 Ais product has saved the lives of many bitten by rabid animals. whip of his own repentance. collecting galax leaves and other Seneca. decorative greens. Thousands of persons make all or part of their Relieves distress from MONTHLY living harvesting the leaves, tips. roots and herbt of the Appalachian region, and this It their busiest teason. AM PM.HIM..4imI law OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW M awdfrhie wa When la RENO. NEVADA slap at the HOTEL GULDEN Rene's largest ant start pepalar heteL A balsam used in medicines and perfumes. In the southern states the Eraser fir or the balsam, very similar to the northern balsam Balaam Fir fir, la common on tha market, while on the Pacific KNIVES coast the favorite la the handsome white or concolor fir, Probably Your Last Chance Competing with the fin for Christ-ma-t To secure a genuine "Kutmaster" Butcher Knife of extraordinary value. Due to con popularity in the Eatt are the servation uf meet, our supply umiiea. luxa aunlitv spruces with their scattered four-tide- d Order now and own thia da knife. S blade, made from heuvy gauge needles, that teem to point In man caroon crucioie eieei correctly nnro-ene- d and tempered to hold lasting cutting all directions. Spruces an often edge. Delivered price gl.OO. If not satis- confuted with pines, but they are fied, money cheerfully refunded. Order writing aaareia plainly. toauy.BORDER easily distinguished by the fact that DISTRIBUTING CO. BUUea A This technician is operating El Faee, Texas. pine leaves always occur in groups Unsung hero. A sterile canula of from two jo five, while spruce has been inserted into the horse's the apparatus in which final steri leaves grow singly. Blood is drawn the into lization and filtration of biolog gular. Frequently used for Christmas S" Perhaps Official Wasn't tube clot. allowed and to ical u carried out. rge products trees, if for no other reason than INDIGESTION the HOTELS ents through the mails, this young lady prefers to deliver l" small quantity of blood is taken from ear win of rabbit. From this blood a quantity of serum is extracted. A Tip on Toys To be In demand, toya should be educational, full of action, or dupli cates of large articles. Most toys used through the ages full into one of these three categories. Genuine Vulcanite Plate $6.50 All Dental Plateeare made only upon .,-'- iru" " ana areera from and "tieta. Werkmanakip nam "117 guaranteed. lJL--S DENTAL LABORATORY SERVICE 1iVt Be. Main SaK Lake City uaaaa"jvaiataM,) yPy. Wk "e. 4111 SALT LARR r |