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Show t ' The Bulletin May&n Carved Scenes and Persons in the Current News Altars Masterpieces of Art Two grant rarvoil altars, funster-plivoof prehistoric American art, Imre lieen discovered at the ruins of Qulrijfua, Guatemala, by Karl II. Morris, archeologist of the Carnegie institution of Washington. The stone altars date hack to a very early period of Mayan history. On ench altar block an unknown Indian I'libllas sculptured the large form of n human being In distorted posture, elaborately clad and wear-na large and com pi rated headdress with face musk. The remaining surface of the slab was used to record a long uml delicately wrought Inscription In Muynn hieroglyphs, with serpent motifs uround the margin. ltotli altars are very large, one being 11 feet by 12j and almost two feet thick. The backwash of the Montagus river, nearby, had deposited thick mud over the lower portions of the city ruins, covering the alturs and preserving them from centuries of weathering Science Service of the New York CHICKS BY SEX IS BEING INTRODUCED Japanese Method Winning Favor in U. S. Dy U li-- the New York Stats of Agriculture. WSU Korvlco. M. Hurd of g I Col- - Chick buyers In a. year or two may old chicks by sex when they purchase from commercial hatchcrynien. A method of determining sex In chicks, develop to a science in Japan, Is being widely introduced Into the United States. Federal Department of Agriculture experts are now teaching members departments of state universities and colleges the '.methods employed In Japan. Memlicrs of the poultry department at Cornell have already had such Instruction and have Cloudy Weather tried It out in a practical way. with Jones Why do you let your wife much more success on New York rule the house? farms. Smith Itecause If I didn't let her Male chicks may be separated from stifl'd storm: reign the females with SO to 00 per cent accuracy by those trained to the Japanese method. In the future, farmers DO YOU may buy only .'half the usual number of chicks to raise pullets for their aying flocks by purchasing only the FROM females. This will help to reduce feed males costs. The may aqd equipment be sold to those, who specialize In proAmerican and European Scienduction for the brollpr market The technique of. determining sex. la. tists Agree That Mineral chicks may be. learned In two days to Water Is Beneficial a week, but a thousand chicks at least' should be studied to obtain skill and ' f . speed. . order their one-da- y World-Telegra- William G. II. Finch of New York, appointed assistant chief engineer of. the federal communications commission with supervision over the telephone section. 2 MaJ. Angel Echeverrla (left) and Capt. Augustin Erice of the Cuban army hearing the death sentence pronounced on them for conspiracy to overthrow the government Dorothy Thompson Lewis, wife of Sinclair Lewis, who was expelled from Germany. 4 View of one of the cell blocks (n the Eastern State penitentiary of Pennsylvania after 200 convicts staged a riot 1 SUFFER NEURITIS? - , Theyre Not "Fair Weather Friends, Either . TRY THIS NATURAL WAY Chick Piling Means Big Loss' to tho Poultryman . The piling- of. chicks frequently Is causes heavy lop&ps. .This common with chicks' ranging In age, from two to four 'months, but Is most disastrous with chicks Just at the (line heat Is discontinued, isays the Missouri' Farmer. To avoid these losses often taxes the ingenuity of the poultryman. The danger ceases aa soon as the chicks take to the roosts. To encour-- . age early roosting, roosts should ba. Installed at least by the time the chicks are six weeks old. These' should be' placed In the rear of the house only a few Inches above the People spend hundreds of millions o! dollars every year going to the great mineral water health resorts of Europe and America. Many of these people have to travel thousands of miles. Many of them were suffering untold pain from rheumatic" aches, from arthritis, from neuritis from gout Others suffered from certain stomach ailments or excess acid or sluggishness or a general rundown condition. The scientific and medical records of Europe and America show that a very large percentage of these people gained blessed relief and help by these natural mineral water treat- - . ' . ' ments. . Today, however, you do not have to travel long distances to partake of the healthful qualities of fine natural floor. The losses from piling are due to the chicks on the bottom of the pile smothering or sweating" which saps their vitality. Some poultrymen avoid piling by Installing wire frames, For Instance, a frame two feet wide running the entire length of the north side of the house frequently solves the problem. mineral water. You do not even have to pay the excessive cost of having it shipped to you in quart or gallon containers. For Crazy Water Crystals bring to your own home the precious minerals of one of the worlds fine mineral waters in crystal form at a great saving in expense. To Crazy Water Crystals absolutely nothing is added. All you do is add Crazy. Water Crystals to your drinking-wateand you have a great mineral water which has benefited , This frame; covered with has completed bis term of wire netting, la sloped np so that the After watching the clouds roll by" for fifty years, Dr. Charles F. Marvin, seventy-six- , At retirement Into farewell bureau and the weather States United with service party given in his honor back edge is about ten Inches above gone the most member to Join the bureau. the floor. As the chicks crowd toward Annie Miss Is recent shown he office Belie, his fellow congratulating workers, by the corners they are elevated off the o r m - This discourages piling, and If the frames are provided with a couple of strips, they will serve as roosts. floor. Putting Uncle Sams Brands on Drouth Cattle Ration for Growing Flock . A practical ration for the growing flock of youngsters must be of a kind to supply materials for growths, bone structure and for reproduction. Such a ration contains plenty of digestible millions. If you, or any of your friends, suffer from rheumatic" aches or pains we suggest you investigate Crazy Water Crystals at once. Just ask any of tlie millions of people who have given them a full and fair trial and you will realize how beneficial they have been to so many sufferers. The standard size box costs only $1.50 and makes enough mineral water for several weeks treatment Crazy Water Co Mineral Wells, Texas. fata and carbohydrates, , proteins of the right quality, enough minerals, some ballast" or indigestible material and a supply of the highly ' Important! vitamins. Some of the necessary ele-- j ments In such a ration are: yellow corn, wheat middlings, raw bone (calcium phosphate) grit (calcium caN bonate) milk and salt (only a small quantity). Wisconsin Agriculturist are for sale by dealers displaying tihe red and green Crazy Water Crystals sign. Get a box today. . A federal worker with a brush and paint la putting a few daubs on purchased by Uncle Sam. Other cattle bought In the drouth area In Kansas Bossles coat to show that she has been are near-b- y waiting to be checked off and marked. Carrying Home Their War Canoe After a Race Separating Chicks ! When cockerels should be separated, from pullets in the flock of baby chicks depends upon the facilities' available, but as a general rule the birds should be separated as soon as the sex la determined.- The new quais tera, however, should be well heated and the cockerels fully feathered be-- ; fore they are moved. Cockerels make a much more rapid growth than pul-- ' lets and as a result. If the. birds are not separated, the hopper and floor apace will be crowded and make the chicks more susceptible to disease' ant cannibalism. Colored Minorcas Girls who took part In the annual water sports day line, carrying home their war canoe. Shco Heel Persian Idea Shoo heels are of Persian origin, and were originally nttached to sandals so wparers might keep their feel above the horning sands. No at the Luther Gullck camp Improvement Jud Tunklns says if he had his life to live over lie suspects he'd make Just as many mistakes, only mebbe they'd lie a different kind. on Lake Sebago, South Casco, Distended Lips Once Useful In Africa, the custom of stretching the lips with wooden disks was begun to render tho women valueless to ol Arab slave traders. Originally, according to some early writers, Minorcas were seen In a variety of colors and In recent times the cuckoo or barred and blue varieties have been developed. Blue Minorcas are said to bare been produced by crossing the black hens with heavy Andalusian roosters, There Is no mention In poultry books of buff Minorcas or any others except as above mentioned, the tendency being to keep close to the recognized types, which appear to meet all demands. Sfllt Lake Citys fewest Hotel r fcS r1 HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths in every room. RATES FROM 1.30 Radio connection Imt oppouit Mormon Tobtntodt ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. |