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Show Dcerct Gaiitc Distributed to over 24,700 Families -sgirHJWL-- - 1 1 -( -- September 26. 1975 PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE DIRECTORY I ('sMertaMEssaoran ) I RUB QBIHIHSlj STEAM EXTRACTION METHOD COMPETENT CARPET CLEANERS McDOUGAL BENM call to our Want Ad department will not only sell your service, it will give you the most effective A OF REALTORS MULTHE USINGS results and the coverage you want. Careful, UUID DEVELOPMENT RIMCIM HUMS PttVHN COMTMCTS INCOME PROfEETIIS CMSTRUCTIM COMHEICUL PROPERTIES . LOTS . SPECIALIZING IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES r work, fact sorvico low roct pert Want Ad writers will quickly ex- help you with your Ad. For your best spent advertising dollar give us a call today. 561-75- 51 Free Cheeking 4. 561-14- 14 020 S. 2700 W. WEST JORDAN DIAMOND MIKES (oosball electronic games 7800 So. 3200 West Jordan Phono 255-980- 6 VJW, iz7M n. 255-356- 1 Foo4mN tourney every Sjfamby nighl u' 561-529- E Hunters Sperial 1972 Toyota Extra low Land Cruiser. miles, brand new tires. Sclcc-tr- o hubs, roll bar. radio-sterehard top. rear heater, extra fuel. So elean. must sec to believe. 53.800 Just in time 1 for the hunt. ' Call j or after 5p.m. zodesperate need of property ned for horses. With or withAll sizes and loout homes. cations in Utah. Call o Golden Vfest call edith 254-063- 5 HELP WANTED !oST,irip"o,i Experienced Grocer needed, good pay, good opportunity with growing progressive food 1 chain, call 254;072 255-852- CANNON IMPORTS I 255-986- JL2) low cA 561-755- 8523 Soeth Slate; laformatlve fTroimsaltj n . Larry 1 or 561-518- New visit WILLAS BARBER SHOP 1824 W. make offer Regular $20.95 Sale $15.95 Riverton. Utah or SHOP CLOUGH'S 571-302- AUTO REPAIR FOR SALE 1973 Monte Carlo at a give away price of 53295.00 3 Call Excellent Condition style 12580 So. 950 E. , Draper lor appt er 2 Watch far deep hi. Ever thought of going into Real Fstate? At Present we have openings for several Wc will help train to pass test. Call us to learn more about what is required. Call Miller E 50 East 9727 South Sandy,Utah BABY CONTEST ma? prizes! Rules- 1 . Aka! Video Tape recorder for sale. Excellent for sales presentations, home movies, learning and many more things! Includes Video tape recorder, batteries, AC converter, camera, tape. TV monitor also attaches to home TV! 561-143- Send 2.- $1 non-profession- snapshot al .00 entry fee Call Randy at 561-755- 1. FRUIT DRYERS, slicers, uicers, wheat grinders, apple parers, deep freezers, wheat. Stones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready mount on your motor. GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C, .521-050- 521-05- 05 FOR tVFRYONt SOMETHING West Jordan OPEN HOUSE WEST JORDAN DENTAL PLAZA Announces an West Jordan 7800 South AJX 2600 West See Rate Information in Box Below MMIMMMMMMMM 1 2i to 5 years Child Care old. varied activities, full or 0 half day. Draper. 19. SPECIAL SERVICES 561-143- WL- -i TRXl IKIBnKs - 1 iHlSOft 255-650- 0 makes lawnmowcr sharpenand repair; free pick-u- p 1 Call and delivery. anytime AH jg 255-195- - Alteration is what do best. Call Maria I 255-918- 8. MINT a Wc Care About Kids IDS I.D RicharSN Me Dental SOMETHING McDmiI FOR s4(c7)cugal Went ivnroNM Jordsa Marta ary 4 Gasrflcd AdsotiangMmutkn Dental Plaza 1550 W. 7800 So. West Jordan, Utah 84084 Tax iwiMie If you an looking lor a home with la rebate credit give us a call. Wc have two luxury homes in Willmi iicek area and several less expensive homes in the Sandy area. McDougal Realtors &HIS0B w mm 2 ways to buy (1) low down, low interest contract with owner (2) fantastic assumption even lower interest. 4 bedroom, finished basement, beautiful formal entry way, and luxury family room. Private dead end circle, shaded area of luxury homes, Call Paulina at $33,000. or Shcrma at 571-635- S.L.C. of the alette oh 5 ' 2 grab this 255-51- 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) H0MES INC. General Contractor and Builder TfLS) 255-437- GREAT NORTHERN eptember MAIL TO: 1 7642 exchange. Saturday 0 acre lot for sale, 2 shares of water, fenced, West Jordan area, call 561 by owner: TIRES - New tread highway caps. $9.88 exchange - same guarantee as new tires. 3 year guaranteed batteries $19.95 This L Address Or Telephone No. 1 255-650- New metal Detector Rayscope Latest model 5125 or best offer 2 Call tc mustjbejand West Jordans First Dental Plaza Your Nome For Our Record Wst faUns GfaUn 255-383- jut flyer. i 2 Harold Bill & Twe Barbers stylist new. Rex Regen, aed Cnig Day 52.00 dhreant as S6.00 hair 255-034- 7 Sell 561-76- Phono aymcnl. 255-219- 1 Saddle, just like new, SIMCO, 15, been used once call BARBER WRITE YOUR AD HERE Gazette Real Estate Ads 254-99- 72 REXS caB 10. o Realtors Bj Owner: S20.500. easy loan assumption on this 3 bedroom with garage, fenced yard. H'j interest SI 48.00 MISCELLANEOUS 12617 So. 1700 W. 41 ORDER BLANK 4 monthly POA Mare: 3 years green broke, gentle, Quality Shoea BANK " N 571-31- 6 McDouga! Buy-Lo- 5 12600 So. 4 Steve Help wanted: The Gazette is looking for boys and girls to deliver our paper to the communities of West Jordan, Kea-- l rns, Sandy, Midvale. Riverton, and Draper. 1 Bills Sine PERSON-TO-PERSO- Don't Read this advertisement unless you are looking for a burgin. Must sell this 3 bedroom completely redecorated home. New appliances, new carpet, new dreapes, new wallcoverings, new waterheat-cr- . Priced Right. CARPETING Spanisk Medttetraln decor Wholesale Meet er 2558744, 0 YOUR sell or 67 Merc cougar trade for hay, gold couch 8 Vi, YOU Deliver the Open 9 am to 6 pm weekdays Reaitns 255-650- 0 1 VIEW 10 till 9:00 Monday thru Friday Hone Horae: We are in Horse 561-755- APPLIANCES REAL ESTATE 17. 5 272-270- 5 MOUNTAIN NAMED Need Ride to Pykc Munufac-lurin1025 S. 7th W., willing to pay. contact Sliauna Keeleh 1 Economical. dependable. P.S. I.B. 1550.00 ph. Hmn TWO LOCATIONS 254-392- 1 i7M w. No Minimun Balance required MISCELLANEOUS 67 Cougar h ynunA rmiMM W. RUCKS 255-795- 6 LUMBER A HARDWARE PAINT A GLASS am9 -T- 66 Ranchcro 5450, 60 C'hev. 6 cyl. Fishing truck 5250, 3934 Country Squire Drive, after 3 p.m WEBSTERS. INC. pool, refreshments CARS CHECK YOUR AD Classified and legal advertisers should read their ad the first day it appears and report errors not later than 10:00am Monday. The Gazette will be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion and then only to the extent of a make good insertion or credit for that mk line. The Gazette reserves the right to properly classify, edit or refuse any advertising. n-- Gasified Service ffl- - KlSQfi 561-755- 1 TbHaeeYar Clarified Ad at MAIL Gasified Dfcpt. Hus legal Notices 2 Boats 3 Business Opportunities 4 For corrections or cancelations 8:00 am to 10:00 am Monday ' Cars-Truc- 5 6 Help Wanted 7 Instructions 8 Livestock-Poultr- y 9 Lost and Found 10 Mise. 11 Misc. Wanted Cycles-Scoote- Classified ad must be to our office by 12:00 noon, thursday to he in weekend issue. Closed Saturdays, Sundays, m Sale-Tra- Mobile Homes ivi.i iris Homes ' I2B Campcrs-Moto- r 13 Mobile Homes I3B Mobile Home with lot 14 Money 12 1 1 Placing Classifieds 8:30a.m. 5:30p.m. Monday thru Friday jnJfolidsys M 15 Pets 16 Real 17 Real 18 19 Estate Rentals e Estate Real Estate Open Houses Sale-Trad- Special Services 20 Work Wanted (Jen Rates 1 Isaac S.IU per wont 2 Issues S.08 per word 3 Issues S.07 per word 4 or more Issues S.05 pi Sl.M Mia. per wrek Commercial Classified Open Rate $.25 per line For Contract Rale Information call 561-755- 1 |