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Show Pge 3 Deseret Gazette September 26, 1975 Starfish Proves Try Offering Your Plants a Spot of Tea Provoking By Frank and Carrie Connolly Entertainment Home and Family Writer rubs. Keeping your plants and flowers in tip top shape is discussed in this week's Home and Family, Do It Yourself Have you ever received a beautiful boquet of flowers an had them wilt only 2 days You can prolong the later? life of cut flowers if you fol- - V m itTifWl and Family vatcr line. The decaying vegetable matter poisons the these helpful hints. Spilt the branch ends of cut flowers before putting them in water. Cut a piece off each stem, then place into warm water, then cold, before placing in a vase. This process cause to expand and absorb more water. Each day cut stems just a little or cut stems at a diagonal with a knife and dip in salt. They should stay fresh a whole week. Don't crowd flowers in vase. Remove all leaves below the low -- Place a little boric acid in the vase water with the carnations -- they'll last longer. Ptnnics, ice cubes rin tablets arc and aspisuppose to lengthen the life of cut flowers. lf a lump of sugar is placed in the water, rosebuds will "pen faster. Don't place a vase of flowers on the TV, the constant heat on top wilts flowers. Hot water revives wilted flowers. -- -- Most Canning Problems Easily Solved ghcr temperature than '503 -- it- Hun nil iimi i tm for home canning & REGULAR MASON JARS freezing The season for canning is here. There are many things which the beginner at canning should be aware of. by Claudia Parker Home and Family writer Wen, here we are again in the peak of canning season. Every year at this time you can open any newspaper and find out how to do your home canning. Scldomly, however are you told how to correct problems or why problems I've chosen some of the common questions and and will try to give you the solutions to them. If the juice boils out of the bottles during processing, it is usually caused from filling the bottles to high not from loose lids. This problem is easily solved with rcporccssing. Meats and vegetables should be loosely packed because of the density of the it hard for heat to Fruits, berpenetrate them. ries and tomatoes, on the hand should be packed solidly due to the shrinkage that takes place during processing. large canners If your canncr will hold two layers of jars, by all means This process two at once. will not effect scaling and can save alot of time and energy. Discoloration, particularly in peaches and pears could be a cause by several things. If discoloration occurs only at the top of your jar, you should probably extend your processing time 2 or 3 minIf fruit is peeled and utes. lefi exposed to the air too long, it may discolor and if you can without sugar, your fruit will darken when the jar is opened. Pears retain their color better if I tablespoon of lemon juice is added to each jar. Corn that turns dark has normally been processed at a hi- m-o- st MMMMMMM foods-makin- g CUSSES FOR MEN - W6MEN - CHILDREN SITORS & NEW STUDENTS WELCOME fUDiy karate! self confidence PHYSICAL DISCIPLINE SELF DEFENSE ENJOYMENT NO CONTRACT for - CALL JOSEPH SHRON PHONE 255 - 1541 IDEAL FOR: SELF DEFENSE SELF CONFIDENCE control WHSOT PHYSICAL FITNESS . . . YOUR Mortuary 1691 1974 MUSTANG IM-I.ATIO- V into an perience for First Attempt by Chay Thomas LeSuer Efntcrtainmcnt writer One of the most enjoyable movies around today has a remarkable behind the scenes The story to go with it. movie is an independant fii.i released through Universal Pictures called Story of n easting up a cominert Pretty Good ex- little Teenager. The remarkable thing about it is an in the strictest sense of the word. The film was made by two young men: Don Coscarelli and Craig Mitchell, who wanted to make a film so badly that they took a class in film editing, found backers for their project and got Universal Pictures to release the film. What they have is a genuinely interesting and well made picture. While I was in audience the the sitting emotions went from laughter to sadness, it was dcfinatcly a Some of you moving film. may even remember a few of the things that happen in the movie happening to you when you were a teenager. TATA. this film is that independent film MOBILE HOME SALES 3777 So. Redwood Rd. 262-335- ... v 1 Largest Selection In The State c 14 X 70 CHAY'S CHOICE Models start at $8995. FAREWELL MY LOVELY IK non-aci- We Don't Meet Competition, We Make It. Easiest Place In Town To Buy a Mobile Home STORY OF A TEENAGER PG JAWS IPG1 JORDAN NURSERY and FLORAL Reception 7000 SO. STATE Center PHONE Seeing is believing Receptions Weddings Anniversaries Club Parties Private Parties 561-71- 265-137- 82 2295 W. 8200 So. Owners Ray and Ivy Smith MIDVALE, UTAH PHONE 4 Hours 9-- 7 INDOOR PLANT SPECIAl 2 6 Creeping Charlie Reg. 5.98 6 Piggy Back Reg. 5.50 8 84047 2 Closed Sunday 393 295 9S Star pine Reg. 15.95 1 1 Gal. Sisa (C95 W COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE containor. 3 to 4 Rag. $9 al. SO NORWAY MAPLE 8 to 10 Reg. SI 2 W S50 CUTLEAF SUMAC T to 4 Rag. 4.50 20 W off on all nursery nUITKKS! SOIL and BULB DUST Put our bulbs to bed now. Have beautiful Holland bulb flowers next spring. tor Daffodils SPECIAL SALE PRICE air conditioning, SOUND 3,391 MORGRO 6-10- -4 pinch to a plant! Meat tor indoor plants and Individual toad- - Recreational Vehicle A 40-l- b. Riverton AyiNUiMcoi . Effective thro Oct. Phone 254-39- 31 BAG 1 b. CONTAINER ANTI-FREEZ- E tad 4,50 45 15 BUB DUST PLANT FOOD FiMllciBfl tod West 7800 So. Crocus Vi, auto, train., power stearins, radio, radial tiros. Rfl 1 ROSE BUSH 4 Plants 14-1- 255-151- OTHER SPECIALS MDOOt PLANTS FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS FOR WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF PHARMACY ECONOMY CAR BUYI By us summing plete and living theatrical Teenager, d. WEST JORDAN BEST 4(rVcuqal Suit Ionian alogue. The set was very appropriate for this play, allowing a lot of freedom for the actors, and they used it well. We especially liked the stroll by the girl and sailor during they made a complete circle around the audience. This thought provoking play can be seen the 25th, 26th, and 27th at Elliot Hall. 569 South 13th East. Curtain time is 8:30. The best in casting can always be counted on from but we were especially pleased with Steve Cotterell who played the part of the Sailor. An added bonus to his acting was his quiet and inobtrusivc playing of the guitar during portions of the di- - Ic neces- sary. Beets turn white with age or because they have been to sit too long after picking. When selecting beet for canning, look for small, deep red ones. A good rule to follow when packing vegetables is go no higher than 1 Vi from the top of the jar and then cover i th water to Vi inch from the top. Most vegetables shrink during processing, however, thcr-ara few, such as corn, peas, lima beans, and soy beans If your vegetthat expand. ables arc mushy and fall and they were over-rip- e should't have been used or they were Several recipes call for blanching before canning, if yours dues, be sure to do it. Vegd etables arc and the bacteria found in them resist heat and arc harder to kill than the bacteria found in frYou arc better off to uit. over process than to under-proceand risk spoilage. description which requires no active thought on your part, let us all realize that the result is necessarily an over siIts sole excuse mplification. for being is to communicate to you some of the thoughts the play stimulated in us. We would hope thst when you see the play you will not be limited to seeing exactly what we saw in it and nothing more. This play is relatively ambiguous and thus easily lends itself to several if not many inTherefore if terpretations. yours differs completely from ours, it won't hurt your feelings a bit, because then the play will have succeeded in stimulating you to ci native thought. Perhaps were we to see it again, our impressions would be totally different also. The dialogue was full at with social comment galore. Much of it was tied in directly with the theme, for example: 'Home is where the cage is. If you are among those who enjoy a play that will stimulate you to active thought in order to make sense of what's going on. you'll really get on Ken Jcnks' Starfish currently being presented by Salt Lake Acting Company an directed by Larry Roupe. Mr. Jcnks' play acts as a springboard, literally flinging the directly into the face of sonic important, and perhaps to some, disquieting and uncomfortable questions. Those questions as well as various comments and ideas were swimming around virtually in schools the entire night but to us they all seemed to center around one theme. This theme is a conflict which exists in many people, maybe even most: The desire to belong to someone or to someplace. in short to have a home. opposes the need to be free from the cage in which this home might entangle us. In other words, the play seemed to ask if belonging to someone or something is a desirable and ultimate end. In our turn we would ask if Mr. Jcnks' solution to this dilemma is the only one possib By Shirley Farnworth Are you a flower and garden nut or are you one of those off-o-n gardeners? Well, whatever the case may be here arc some greats hints you will find surprising as ll as helpful. With winter approaching you'll be using your fireplace more. Have you ever wondered just what to do with all the ash buildup? Dont throw it sway, it's a perfect fertilizer for rosebushes. If you like tea. you arc not the only one, plants do too. A good tonic for ferns is to water them once a week with tea. Tea leaves make a great fertilizer and stimulates the growth of plants and sc- Writers site |