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Show in.' . la.cttc September 19, 1975 Ihv-.-i Page 7 3KS) Distributed to over 24,000 Families Cl -V arrnsJaNJg"i!RLiiaAjfliiia - - r- PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE DIRECTORY ,Mk$tetaMe&iiii MBira RU6Croj I Phono AL MASK or 266-83- CARL LANCE 255-556- USTIRfiS OF MULTIPLE LARD DEVEOPMENT FMANCIM LOTI. FMNS OUYIK CONTRACTS INCOME PROPERTIES. CONSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES SPECIALIZING IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES X 5 DIAMOND MIKES WEBSTERS. INC. LUMBER A HARDWARE PAINT A GLASS foosball electronic games pool refreshments So. 3200 W. fSk AJ West Jordan Phone 255-080- 6 PlINMM surruii . 1Z7M 10. 17RRW. 254-392- 7951 M. STATE 255-356- 5fri '& 254-072- 19453 So. 7th East 2 Smritt 9 SpanJah Modi terrain decor Wholesale Prices ar 2558744 4 8523 South Slate, consider any size parcel of ground n..F CAR- S- n TRUCKS 66 Rant-her$450, 60 Chov. 6 cyl. Fishing truck 5250, 3934 Country Squire Drive, after 3 o 255-795- p.ni., 6 Quality Shaei Hunter's Special 1972 Toyota Extra low Land Cruiser. miles, brand new tires, Sclcc-tro hubs, roll bar, hard lop, rear heater, extra fuel. So dean, must sec to believe. 53,800 Just in time 1 Call for the hunt. 5 or after 5p.m. Horse Horse Horse: We are in zodesperate need of property ned for horses. With or without homes. All sizes and locations in Utah. Call Gaidai 561-755- 272-270- 561-143- Regular $20.95 lake Hair dresser wanted for Salon Sandy. Following not e Call Bob for appointment or information 2 Call 12617 So. 1700 255-034- Bill & Valley Meals J32IHIS. 1:1117 2 Harold 561-305- C tack available. Call Scott 8 No rcsonahlc offer refused. 10. . . 50 East 9727 South MISCELLANEOUS Sandy(Utah Solicitation of Subscriptions Now in Progress SALE-TRAD- E 255-437- FRUIT DRYERS, slicers, juicers, wheat grinders, apple parers, deep freezers, wheat. Stones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready tc mount on your motor. 7 guarantee as new tires. 3 year guaranteed batteries $19.95 exchange. GREAT NORTHERN . 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. 521-05- iMiSIH Subscription Dept SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE co The Deseret Gazette 1550 W. 7800 So. West Jordan, Utah 84084 learn more about what is quired. Call Miller 3TUS) 561-143- 1 255-650- 0 ( I News Sawn Gill NORM 561-30S- U MAIL TO: Brick home. 4 bdrms, 112 baths, double carport, private fenced backyard. Beautiful ' fireplace, carpets, drapes, spotless manicured vard 4 SB - VISQfl McDougal Realtors 4 1550 W. 7800 So. Willow Creek Area. Beautiful Wooded lot. 2 fireplaces main floor. 3 bdrms. spacious kitchens. You must sec these homes to appreciate luxury in new homes. Call LaMar McDougal Realtors West Jordan, Utah 84084 See Rate Information in Box Below VWWMWMMl 299-305- 3 I 19. SPECIAL SERVICES Golden 561-143- 2SS-6S0- 1 0 Tax Rebate If you arc looking for a home with tax rebate credit, give us a call. Wc have two luxury homes in Willow Creek area and several less expensive homes in the Sandy area. McDougal Realtors i CHECK TOUR AD Classified and legal advertisers should read their ad the first day it appears and report errors not later than 10:00am will Monday. The Gazette be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and then only to the extent of crea make good insertion or " Uwnmow,cr sh?rfcn' and repair; pick-u- p 1 and delivery. Call anytime 255-195- Alteration Call Maria For all your rental needs. Contractor equipment, vara tools, party, wedding, sickroom. automotive equipment. Visit Taylor Rental. 9315 So. 700 East. Sandy. is what do best. I 255-918- 8. You'll Find It Right st(cVcuqal 255-688- Here In H'wl Jordan Msrfasry Typing - Fast, reasonable rales 6 experienced. 571-752- - Gasified Bfept Service Child Care 2', to 5 years old. varied activities, full or half day. Draper. 571-635- 0 test Heritors " ing 4 n-- ot Tour Informative Conwuually Address Or Telephone No. Golden Vfcst Realtors Orerfied AdvatiangMamrtn Deliver the Your Name For Our Record re- Free appraisal on your home. TIRES - New tread highway caps. $9.88 exchange - same Subscription Rate $9 per yr. Ever thought of going into Real Estate? At Present we have openings for several We will help train to pass test. Call us to 4 521-05- YOU WRITE YOUR AD HERE Gazette Real Estate Ads Gena New metal Detector Riyscope Latest model 5125 or best offer Call 2 GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. Send To: Realtors By Owner: 520.500. easy loan assumption on this 3 bedroom home with garage, fenced is yard. H' interest SI 48.00 Hones for Sale: Sorrell Mare and foal out of registered stud. Some horse 255-38- K Cattle pick up and km 41 ORDER BLANK Part-tim- 254-102- 5 FOR SALE 1973 Manta Carlo at a give away price of S3 295. 00 Call ExceUeut Condition VerlOII BANK " N 571-31- 4 Dial Dallas 3 year old cutter hor.se and 6 year old mare, by Go Man Go line, CLOUGH'S AUTO REPAIR 254-008- 4 PERSON-TO-PERSO- 6 McDougal W. Hilt! ('tiring YOUR 0 Sell CUSTOM Phono J109 Open 9 am to 6 pm weekdays unless you arc looking for a bargin. Mast sell this 3 bedroom completely redecorated home. New appliances, new carpet, new dreapes, new wallcoverings, new waterheat-cr- . Priced Right. Steve in 254-99- 72 ('lilting till 9:00 Monday thru Friday 2 BANK? Dont Read this advertisement salesmen positTwo part-tim- e ions now available to sell advertising for the Gazette. Male or female good supplimental income for husband or wife, high school or college students. Call Randy at Sale $15.95 531- - 255-650- window Open p SERVICE Mfest Realtors 1 Drive-u- A' FULL' HELP WANTED 561-755- 151 So. Main REAL ESTATE 17 Help wanted: The Gazette looking for boys and girls to monthl) payment. deliver our paper to the communities of West Jordan, Kearns, Sandy, Midvale, Riverton, and Draper. 1 or Call Norm at Buy- - Lev Ivory & Co. No Minimun Balance required WANTED 966-597- 67 Cougar Economical, dependable. P.S. P.B. 1550.00 ph. 571-155- Bills Bothwell at MISCELLANEOUS Need Ride to Pykc Manufacturing. 1025 S. 7th W.. will-iu- g to pay. cunlact Shauna K cetch 1 561-755- 1. We WantTo Buy Your Farm call CARPETING CANNON IMPORTS 255-98- Will Free Checking 4 4 urim "HpilvtBibsan Q3 Sandy 571-155- s APPUANCEt 'it Days iX your Ad. For your best spent advertising dollar 561-75give us a call today. radio-stere- VIEW AND GIT ACQUAINTED! Cpon pert Want Ad writers will quickly help you with o MOUNTAIN Cottonwood HeifMs Baoirty Salon COME IN oft 1 1 Liaiais Sawbi 1 DRAPER? TRUST ex- E iiiiinmiinin jHiivwvwny of results and the coverage you want. Careful, 561-52- TWO LOCATIONS Football tourney every Saturday night Formerly department will not only 51 M. 561-14- 14 020 S. 2700 W. WEST JORDAN 7800 Ad sell your service, it will give you the most effective KKna STEAM EXTRACTION METHOD COMPETENT CAKKT CLEANUS For RuiranfMd work, fast service. low coil coll to our Went A Hus Placing Gassificds 8:30u.ni. - 5:30p.m. Monday thru Friday For corrections or cancelations 8:00 am to 10:00 am Monday 561-75- Gassificd ad must be to our office hy 12:00 noon, thursday dit for that ana line. The Gazette reserves the right to be in weekend issue. to properly classify, edit or Closed Saturdays, Sundays, refuse any advertising. R and Holidsys or MAIL lb Hare You-- Qasrified Ad jQft Ebi Purified MadMGasifiaikiB Rotes 561-75- 51 Legal Notices 2 Boats 3 Business Opportunities 1 4 Cars-Truc- 5 6 Help Wanted 7 Instructions 8 Livestock-Poultr- y 9 Lost and Found e 10 Misc. 11 Misc. Wanted Cycics-Scootc- rs Sale-Trad- Open Mobile Homes-Iravc- l Trls Homes I2B Canipcrs-Moto- r 13 Mobile Homes I3B Mobile Home with lot 14 Moncv 15 Pets 16 Real Estate Rentals e 17 Real Estate 18 Real Estate Open Houses 19 Special Services 20 Work Wanted 12 Sale-Trad- Issue 5.10 per word 2 Isaacs 5.08 per word 3 Isaacs 5.07 per word 4 or more hones 5.05 per ward 51.00 Min. per week 1 Commercial Classified Open Rote 5.25 per lino For Lon 1 act Roto Information 1 call 561-755- 1 |