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Show The Deseret Sampler, Friday, March 9, 1973 The Credit Union Umbrella Man laving is ewhoy to aye Savings ot your cradM and aaloty. Credit union members work, loan and lava locator-n- ot lor not tor charity -profit but for mutual aorvieo. Sovinga tarro'1 is a hoy Ddgway Cradit Union, to Nm You should, of course, have a will, so that your wishes for those you care for may be carried out after your death. Our courts will then see to it that your wishes are put into effect. TIIE EXPERIENCE of many people who have difficulties after the death of a loved one suggests that a will is not enough. You should leave in addition to your will, a letter to your wife, husband, children, executor or close friend. Store the letter in a place readily accessable and known to the addressee. In it give facts and advice about pur affairs to help your heirs. Your last letter should answer some of these questions: Where is your will? In a safety deposit box? At your office? Or tucked away someplace for safe keeping? You might have hidden it so that nobody can find it. Unless its location is known it might lie lost or destroyed accidentally. Your will is no good unless it can be found. MHO IS YOUR executor the person or institution will? whom do you deal to out want With you your carry Law eve your hard earned mono) at your cradM yniM.ll m your life Write a letter to your heirs Fedorol 522-25- 2 Strictly television at the bank? To whom do you look for sound business ad- vice? Mliere do you bank? Some persons have a savings account in one bank and checking accounts in others. Where are your safety deposit boxes? Do you keep other important papers in other places? List these places. Note these subjects: old age and survivors insurance, pensions, profit sharing plans, group insurance, club memberships, royalties, estates and trusts, and joint ventures. Put down your social security number. SUCH A LETTER also provides an excellent opportunity for you to say something personal to those you love and it gives you an opportunity to express your desires concerning burial arrangements. The letter cannot and you should nod attempt to male it a substitute for your will, but it can be an important source of vital information and comfort to your loved ones. This column is prepared by the office of die Staff Judge Advocate and is intended to inform, not advise. Rotating series here to stay by Gary A. Tomasello What do the new shows have in common with a show from say 1950? Not very much you might think, but if you were around then and can remember early television, you might be able to think of similarities. For instance, the rotating star concept has been around since the early 50s and is stronger than fever now even if they are in different formats. In the 50 s the rotating stars performed in Variety shows rather than the dramatic shows as they do today. People like Jimmy Durante traded off with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in The Colgate Comedy Hour. Durante also rotated on Four Star Revue in 1951 and The All Star Revue through 1953. Ed Wynn rotated with Durante on Four Star Revue." Television had gotten away from this format until NBC came up with The Name of the Game a few years back and ABC has jumped on the bandwagon. First came the NBC Mystery Movie which moved to Sunday and added the day to the name. They added the NBC Wednesday Mystery Movie and Search to their fall lineup and now have three rotating series. CBS is currently the only network that doesnt have a rotating series, but they probably arent very for behind. ABC started out the season with two rotating timeslots but quickly changed one of them when Alias Smith and Jones was cancelled. Their remaining rotator is The Men. THE MEN (ABC) The Men is ABCs entry into the multi-sta- r, rotating " series. It is composed of Assignment: Vienna, The Delphi Bureau, and Jigsaw. At first the shows were rotated in the normal manner with a different segment being shown each week. Now it seems that ABC has innovated a new procedure. Each different program is shown three weeks at a r. time for the purpose, I imagine,- - of letting the audience get acquainted with the show and its characters. ' i i. - ASSIGNMENT: VIENNA Assignment: Vienna is filmed in Vienna which of course is an advantage towards its success. Its star is also an asset as he is known for his popular portrayal in Wild, Wild West; he is Robert Conrad, who also starred in the The D. A. Conrad still does all his own stunts, although they arent as demanding as they were in previous shows. In the series he owns his own bar called Jakes (the character he portrays) and drives a yellow Corvette while being an undercover agent on the side. It has always been a mystery as to why agents are called undercover if all the enemy agents know each other. Charles Cioffi plays Major Caldwell, Conrads cenfact in ill-fat- ed Vienna. In one episode, Cameron Mitchell, Maria Schell, and Jack Kruschen played characters that made an interesting show. Mitchell was a former agent who taught Conrad everything about the secret agent business. Mitchell was caught some years earlier when the two ' ; of them were on an assignment. After his capture, he goes over to the enemy and marries the number 2 person in the country. They come back to Vienna posing as defectors who in reality want to capture Major Caldwell and sabotage a Trade Conference being held in Vienna. An intricate and entertaining plot to capture Caldwell - dominated the show which included getting Conrad on Mit- chells and Schells side. Of course Conrad unravels the plot but in good form. $220 cash award Captain Thomas E. Johnson, U.S. Army Hospital Supply Officer, receives a suggestion award for 1220 from Hospital Commander Colonel Sergio S. Danganan. Capt. John-son- s suggestion to eliminate 17 telephones saves $3400 annually; Desert drifts Dugway Wo men9s Club News Manipulation is the most apt label this writer can find for the recent luncheon activity of the Dugway Womens Club. SCIENTISTS INDLUGE in genetic manipulation, financiers is stock manipulation, and politicians in vote manipulation. We decided to conform to the times and do some of our own in a way. Birthday manipulation is what ours amounted to. light-hearte- d, About thirty-fiv- e women decided rto ignore the calendar and celebrate ah extra birthday in February. The hostesses, Pat McMains and Liz Roberson, set the mood with festive birthday decorations. Every celebrant received an attractive and useful white elephant as a gift. February is the birth month of many of Americas fa- mous and great men. We dont pretend to be great, but the luncheon can be summed up with the current expression, its the greatest! MARCHS ACCENT will bie on the arts and crafts enthusiasts. If you are one who delights in projecting yourself through the beauty of personally handicraft ed objects1 and wearing apparel, this is the luncheon which spotlights t JIGSAW James Wainwright is an improbable series star, but he does an adequate job in this story of a California Bureau of Missing Persons lieutenant. Each week he unscrambles the evidence in a missing There really persons case and locates the person in question. than it show other is an averisnt much to say about the twist. different little with a age detective show A difficult to tell which one of the shows is bring- be Jigsaw. ing the ratings down, but a good bet would other two. the as as not is good Not a bad show in itself, it with this season of I the end do the at will ABC What series is doubtful at this point. Would it cut one or all of ! the shows is not known. The rotating series is a good concept and will flourish series did when The in the coming years as the J Its te ' 2.99 99 4 Scott O. Hail of the US. Army Hospital Registrars Office received $25 for an adopt ed suggestion. MENS and BOYS -- FAMOUS BRAND JEAN SALE through next year. ' REG. Specialist from the factory special purchase from one of Iho Worlds largest jean manufacturers! A co-st- ar ; NOW AT SUNSET. Women from DT will be guests. What beauties have your fingers wrought? Add to the visual delights of spring by sharing them at the March 20 luncheon. J TIIE DELPHI BUREAU; The star of this show is Laurence Luckinbill who isnt is Anne known for anything that comes to mind. His series. old from the Topper Jeffreys Luckinbill as Glenn Garth Gregory has a photographic In each epimemory and is a government research expert. and sends him with contact sode Miss Jeffreys comes in be to out turns dangerthat him mi an assignment always ous and invol ves his fantastic memory. But you usually dont care because the entire show is ala I Spy . entertaining with bits of humor thrown in this the best makes and well Luckinbill plays the part very of the three in the series. This segment hasnt been as good as the movie that introduced the series but it is well done and should stay on , Casa of 135 taragtt you. Virginian innovated that format. Chaplains corner series of messages This is the last in the three-par- t given at the 2nd Annual Dugway Prayer Breakfast on Feb. 1. The address by die Protestant representative, Mike is printed below. Prayer has been called the greatest unused power in the world. Jesus prayed to his Father, and He taught his disciples to pray. The Poet Tennyson wrote, More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of. There is no apology for prayer. both talking to Prayer is communication with God Him and listening. God works in mysterious ways. He reaches us through minds and hearts. out , To pray effectively we must have faith that God will hear our prayers and answer them. He always answers sometimes the answer is no. We must pray expectantly. One may pray anywhere, anytime and in any position. Prayer is like the flow of electricity. We are told that electricity is everywhere and merely needs to lie put in motion. The generator puts electricity in motion and we are able to use it. A prayer of thanksgiving gives us a proper attitude. A prayer of intercession helps others as well as ourMa-soia- Just in time for Spring! Most popular wide flare bottom jean styled with famous long and lean cut. REMINGTON MOHAWK (Sdightly irregular) L.R. REG. n, selves. A prayer of forgiveness well as a new beginning. direct gives us a peace of mind as .22 SHELLS METALLIC LADIES PANTS FLECK CRASH HELMETS al safety standards Deep foam padded shell Padded chin strap A Meets Cords Doubleknits Levis Wranglers VALUES Lees TO A Choice of colors $15.00 Your Choice REG. 12.99 ( o)99 Stock up now at this lew, lew Sunset pried BOX OF 50 QUALITY ROUNDS. . |