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Show The Deseret Sampler, Friday, March 9, 1973 The veterinary section Its a lot more than Vv animal care Hie veterinary section has more responsibilities than animal care - including the inspection of food coming onto the post Here Dr. (Capt.) William S. Miner and Staff Sergeant Charles Willingham inspect beef in the commissary meat cooler. In addition to this duty. Dr. Miner is assistant Preventive Medicine Officer, working with Dr. (Capt.) Johnnie G. Fisher to insure that cleanliness and sanitation standards are met postwide. Dr. Miner and the rest of the section regularly inspect mess halls, the bowling alley, clubs - in short, all facilities on post Picture yourself at home, just sitting down to a nice, thick steak, when Fido runs into the room whimpering in tin. A quick surmise of Fidos ck leg reveals the of your youngest son. So you flush the wound with water from your tap, and truck off to get the poor ani-mal sewn up. IF ALL that sounds like a passage from a novel, or at best highly improbable, its for a purpose. Directly and indirectly, the situation represents three distinct areas in which the post veterinary section influences your life. First and most obviously, the section will provide care for poor Fidos wound. But . the section also inspected that steak you were about to eat, and analyzed that tap water to make sure it contained nothing that would endanger man or beast. Whether you realize it or not, the veterinary section does a lot more than give vaccinations and pick up stray animals though this is an important function. IT ALSO plays an important role in the human medical program through the execution of sanitary inspections and other preventive medicine Personnel programs from the section regularly inspect such diverse places as mess halls, barber shops, bowl- teeth-mar- day-to-d- , - A? I A . i' f . One valuable part of the preventive medicine program is the regular analysis of the water supply for chemical or bacteriological contamination. Sp4 Richard JKar-buses Petrie dishes to see what sort of cultures will result - if any. d ay post-wid- e. ks Often when animals run ing alley, clubs and even the freed beauty shop to insure that loose, their high standards of cleanliness dom and playful children comand sanitation are met. bine and an animal bite reSamples of the water are sults. This will mean quarantaken periodically and analyz-- tine at the clinic for the anied in the Hospital laboratory mal for ten days and again, a boarding fee. by these same people. Dr. (Capt.) William S. MiThe clinic provides a broad ner, the post veterinarian, also range of animal care programs has the responsibility of in- from boarding to routine imspecting all foodstuffs that en- munizations to emergency treatter the post. That means sampl- ment. The clinic works in coing milk, eggs, beef, poultry, operation with the U.S. Army pork, canned goods in short, Hospital at Dugway to proall the food that crosses your vide all the necessary equiptable, or the table of a club, ment for almost any pet emerbowling alley or mess hall gency. COUPLE ALL that with DR. MINER holds the an animal clinic held twice each Doctor of Veterinary Medicine week, and it adds up to a lot degree from Washington State of work and a lot of respan- -' University and has completed the Armys Veterinary Offisibility. The section also works in cers Course at Ft. Sam Houston cooperation with neighboring Texas. He has also, completed installations upon request to X training at Ft. Sheridan, 111., provide similar services. Once ' in food inspection, and addieach month. Dr. Miner and tional schooling at Ft. Housthe section travel to Tooele, ton in preventive medicine. So die next time Fido has Army Depot to hold an immuni-- , zation and health care clinic: problems or even when he for pets. doesnt, remember that the And routinely, he also veterinary section is ready, provides sanitary inspections willing and able to handle any and water sampling services situation. And the next time for TAD and Ft. Douglas. have steak, remember who ' you TOOELE isnt the only inspected it. installation to receive such Theres a lot more to the the Defense Depot at veterinary section than meets aid Ogden sometimes asks for as- - the eye. sistance, and regular clinics and other services are provided Ft. Douglas. All this activity keeps the new-foun- Boarding and quarantine facilities are available at the clinic locating in building 5714. Some dogs might not care for it, but Governor seems to enjoy the escapade. Dont chance your pets feelings about it observe the leash rules and dont let yours wander loose on post. Keep your registration up to date, and make sure the vaccinations are effective. ! six-m- an section jumping. NCOIC Staff Sergeant Char-- . les Willingham assists Dr. Mi- ner in the food inspections, as do Sp4 Gene Davis and Sp4 Randall Chesley. Sp4 Richard Karbel and Pvt. Lester Rosen-daperform most of the preventive medicine action, including the inspections and sampling of the water supply. Corky may not be able to say ahh, but he can stick out his tongue for the good doctor. Regular checkvaccinations are a valuable part ups and of the total health care program at Dugway - many canine diseases are transferable to humans. ; hl Understandably, Sp4 Randal P. Chesley shares the duties of food inspection. As a highly perishable item, milk must be checked religiously - as are eggs, poultry and everything else that crosses your table. it is animal clinic with which most people are familiar. Over 2,000 pets are registered with the veterinarian, and the clinic handles nearly 3,000 visits each year. Since the nearest civilian clinic is over 45 miles away, quite a demand is placed on Dr. Miners talents. PEOPLE HERE deserve and appreciate higji quality animal care, Dr. Miner has commented. Were very proud of our facilities. The clinic does face several very real problems, however. Many people are slow to get their pets immunized. Not only is this a health hazard, but it also makes it difficult to locate the pets owner should the animal become lost. Many people are also lax in the control of their animals and a large number of strays find their way to the back of an MPs truck, and eventually to the clinics kennels. If the animal is registered with the veterinarians office, the pets return is a simple matter and a I warding and impounding fee. BUT WITHOUT the identifying tag on his collar, returning the stray can lie a difficult process. ( Of course, the most apparent duty for the section is the animal clinic program, where there are many different functions. Sp4 Gene Davis gives Earlcne Smarts dog Boots the first in bi scries of vaccinations design-eto protect the growing dog from a broad spectrum of canine diseases. the d J WMUp Dr. Miner examines a cat for a military family in transit across Utah. On tlie basis of this examination Dr Miner can issue a health certificate allowing this family to transport their pet aboard p commercial jetliner funds activity, a fee is collected for services to a foreign duty station. Since tlie clinic is a to defray expenses. , |