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Show News From Dugways Ed. Center - SS&srptt'zrirsT" These classes will prepare students to take a CED test within 12 weeks to obtain their high school diploma. Between nine and 10 enlisted men assist to this course. Thanks to this GED program their chance to pass the test in- creases a great percent. TO THOSE officers taking courses at the Universities, either in Salt Lake City or Provo on their own, should contact the Education Center at Dugway so that their records between here and their unit will coincide. Night classes at Dugway has been postpone until January 27. The reason for it is that the Mf DVd W Qir new,y gned Director of the t.hm'n Wlth Sergeant Keith Whigham, CBR Detachment, the future plans while in the U.S. discussing Army and after discharge. EMMlCeiUe?NnDIREC0R.' Dny." TOWELS Double 47' T 17 II Asst. Fabrics Reg. 99' OF FABRICS T VaL to 19 77 67 ma - T This 8 Reg. 2.99 LAMBS Sizes 34-3- O leg. 3 77 4.99 S - M - Reg. GOWNS & PJs 31 Black and Brown Mem Sizes 7 leg. 9 Asst Colors and Styles Reg. to 2.29 77 " II 57 leg. 1J9 WOOD GRAIN BOTTOMS 44 Large Only r7 1 17 leg. 179 BIG PLASTIC STYLE WASTE BASKET WASTE BASKET Reg. 1.49 Reg. 1.19 SWING TOP Reg. FLOOR TILE TIP BROOMS Out 37 U Unit of Reg. 1 179 Week Days 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Asst. Colors 215 sq. ft. leg. MUBETT 4 151 NO. MAIN I VALUES 77 irsaiHRifs youriuctm day at By People ... the people who misjudge road conditions and speed, or let their attention wander, or grossly disregard rules of the road and good driving practices. As long as people persist in such errors on our streets and highways. any of us can lie involved in a serious accident earned by someone clse's careless driving. Safety lielts can protect you and members of vour family -from death or critical injury. An immense amount of scientific research, including actual vehicle crashes under controlled Mantes Chevrolet Co. - conditions, proves that the automobile safety licit is the most effective single item of protective equipment presently available to reduce the toll of traffic injuries and deaths. 0 an,e Phone CARRIERS Reg. 10.99 Box Enough to do 6F' Open Accidenls Are Caused CAKE FEATHER dost 199 IT NEW WASTE BIN STl -- MET TEAM RECEIVE HOLIDAY COOKIES . . . Sp4 Goodman, Sp4 Stock, and SSG Grind-la- y of U.S. Army Meteorlogical Team are receiving holiday cookies from Dugways Girl Scouts who are staying in the during their annual cookie disbursing to the enlisted men of DPG barracks during the Christmas holidays. Giving the cookies are Miss Jill See, Miss Angela Nieto and Miss Cathv Morris. 67 MENS THERMAL WEAR TOPS 6-- D L II 198 LADIES FLANNEL LOAFERS Sizes 3.99 - SPORT SHIRT Big Stuffed Animals WOMENS MENS AND C MENS LONG SLEEVE OFF Dolls, Drum Sets, Boys and Girls Toys Galore - Asst. Colors 8 - Reg. Sizes WOOL SWEATERS B 198 GO 100 Sizes A - NOW Group Must 11 LADIES PAJAMAS Special Group of Big Toys Permanent Press Asst. Styles ft Colors li FLANNEL TOY SALE LADIES BLOUSES 32-3- MATERIAL Reg. 99' up TOILET TISSUE Sites ASST FALL CORDUROY DELSEY Two Roll Pkg. 39' VaL eligibility for converting the servicemens group policy to an individual policy. Within 30 days of separation, the VA will send each individual covered by SGLI additional insurance information together with Everett Morse, Thundeibirds, Mr. Don Lindsey, Wildcats, Mr. Neil a list of all participating insurMagann, Colts, or Mr. Ivan Henderson, Trojans. ance companies. FALL CLOSE OUT Reg. or Hard to Hold Schedule For 1969 members. Also, the Armed Forces of the United Stales Report of Transfer or Discharge (DD Form 214) now will lie used to establish Reg. 79' up HAIR SPRAY Style or Aqua Net Pamphlet to Explain Insurance Program Veterans Administration pamphlet explaining insurance protection and the conversion privilege under the Servicemens Croup Life Insurance program soon will lie included in die separation papers for military IT 77 Boys Basketball League (VA) SPECIAL Luxury Muslin 2 in Pkg. Reg. 1.19 of Jan. 1. A Spring Fabric CASES Hope Luxury Muslin 72x108 - One Size Reg. 2.39 E-8- T1 PILLOW SALE Reg. 1.00 Reg. 39 8. SHEET Fully WASH CLOTHS 8. 14.99 leg. lined Ready to hang 84 length 37 't"tr.Div,d Guarantee 2-- yr. DRAPES HAND TOWELS & Dugways Intramural Basketball Schedule j Single control PLASTIC CANNON r .udent Ml CANNON BATH Reg. to $1.19 Asst, patterns ion The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Jan. 24, 1969 Mure than 6,000 new Chief wouL,d have r th they nor' and senior master sergeants will ave .; gain their new ranks during calowth the i"sPtttion endar 1969, according to rested the Air year pers0nnel Force. have P,,lem t0 come IN ADDITION, 113 will adC2T" .of vance in reserve and Air Nation! Tre al Cuard units. t Slated for E-- 9 are 1,637 sed"1; 9 interested in tak- - lectees while 4,256 will lie prog dr,ven course moted to E-Reserve and AXC M the Education promotions will hike 50 to chief r I5uK'y- - This would and 63 to senior grades. P Vk1'ho wuh 10 ot,uin Of the total, 166 put on new E-- 9 !?h.JnVm b?,e stripes in January and 299 h make E-t,me However, only 30 of " . llee" aPPved. for it the chiefs and 34 of the seniors are from the 1969 group, the people interested. remainder being holdovers from the 1968 selection list. IT WAS explained that the 1968 selectees would have a date of rank of Dec. 1, 1968, but their pay and allowances would date from Jan. 1, 1969. This was necessary so that the 's left over would lie eligible for promotion along with their conOtherwise temporaries. they ELECTRIC would lag a year behind. Reserve and Air National BLANKETS Guard units had one promotion to each grade with date of rank Twin Sites MS7 iXfiMrs , Top AF NCOs Will Gain in 69 Open Sundays 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. t 1 13 S. Main liquidation Sale Ends this Sat 1.99 7T 882-3- Only 2 days left for these bargains i 882-400- 0 - Sale at 33 No. Main (Formerly Sales Craft) w |