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Show I The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Xov. 8, 1968 Career Counselors Corner of stateside training center of the we will mans choice. Qualified NCO's be writing a periodic column in and Specialists in grades E-- 4 which we will discuss reenlist- through E-- 7 can reenlist for this ment opportunities and provide duty while in Vietnam or any information that might be useful other unaccompanied short-tou- r to you in planning your Army ca- area. A big advantage of the drill sergeant program is that a reer. man can be promoted from E-- 5 to BECAUSE we plan Jl'ST cover many areas of interest to to E-- 6 without regard to time in you in this monthly column doesn't grade or service. Eligibility lists mean that we are closing our for this fast promotion oppordoors to personal visits and ques- tunity are made up from those tions. Quite the contrary. We hope drill sergeants with four months that this column will stimulate of outstanding performance. SO, AS you can see, a tour additional thinking and additional visits to our office. We are in in Vietnam offers you both firoom 1602 in building 5450. Drop nancial and career advantages. We have additional informain to see us. tion on the subject and we will use would that we Thought this first column to discuss some- be delighted to discuss it with Starting with this the Deseret Sampler, issue thing on everyone's mind, Vietnam. As we all know, there is a job to lie done over there and etperienced men are needed. However, a tour in Vietnam also offers golden opportunities that will lrenefit you from financial and career standpoints. For example, have you ever given any thought as to how much additional money you can make and save while in Vietnam? you. Hope this column has leen helpful to you. For complete details as to how you can reenlist for Vietnam or to obtain information alrout other options see your career counselor today Dont wait. Call 2884 now. Secure your future. Stay Army. -- Service Club Notes Tonight at 2000 hours at the Club Dr. L. Kent Kiin-lsa- ll of the Middle East Center at the University erf Utah will present a very provocative talk Conli entitled the flict - Is There a Solution?" The third of the lectures in the Serviev Club series will lie held Friday, December 6 at 20(X) hours in the Service Club main room. This will be a slide lecture and will lie presented by Dr. and Mrs. Brigham D. Madsen. Both will speak and show slides on Stage Coach Travel from Utah to Montana DR. MADSEN, who is Administrative Vice President and Professor of History at the University of Utah, received his MA and PhD degrees from Berkely at the University of California. The doctor is also the Assistant Director of Peace Corps Training in Washington, D.C. and is the Director of Training for VISTA. From 1943 to 1946 Dr. Madsen was stationed in Heidelburg, Germany, where he was a First Lieutenant, Infantry. He has also lieen Chief of the Historical Section for the United States Third FIRST OFF, all pay and allowances for enlisted men are Just add your withholde to your taxes pay ing and you can see how much additional money you will have. Thats just a start. Add the extras. Depending upon your rank, you will receive an additional )8 to $22.50 a month forei- Service tax-fre- e. take-hom- Arah-Israe- pay. Thats pay will add another $65 a month to your paycheck, again Ilos-tile-fi- re tax-fre- e. gn-duty tax-fre- e. What other benefits does the man in Vietnam get? WELL, there is free postage and up to seven days of R&R for every 12 months of service. For this R&R, the Army flies you, free of charge, to such locations as Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Singapore, Australia and Hawaii. You may also go on a three day R&R within Vietnam. tour of When your one-yeand if in is over Vietnam, duty you decide to extend in the country for an additional six months, you will be given 30 days of non --chargeable leave, includ- 1863-1880- ar transportation ing free round-tri- p to almost any point in the free world that you select. For the man who does not want to extend his tour in Vietnam, there are other oppor- ." Army. The fourth lecture of the series will lie held Monday, January 20. Speaker will be University of Utah Registrar Mr. Clarence Reedtunities. er. llis lecture will be entitled TOWARD THE end of a Chost Towns of the Great BaVietnam tour, any enlisted person, sin. Slides will also lie shown regardless of pay grade, may by Mr. Reeder. reenlist for the CONUS Station-o- f On Monday, N'oveinlier 18, Choice option. This assures a a variety show, will lie held and one-yestabilized tour at the is open to everyone at Dugway. stateside station you choose. It With the entertainment being is normally open only to enlistprovided by The Y's Five. This ed men in grades E-- l through show will consist of singing, E-In Vietnam it is open to dancing and comedy. everyone regardless of grade. TOMORROW night, Novem-lie- r The Oversea 9, the Roadrunners" will option is another reenlistment provide the music for a rock n opportunity open to enlisted men roll dance at the club. On Noin Vietnam. It is available to vember 23 there will be another men in grade E-- 5 or below with dance with the Size Five layless than seven years active ing down the beat. All EM, federal service. It is also offerguests and junior hostesses are ed to those in grade E-- 6 who invited and encouraged to attend have less than four years service these dances. for pay purposes. It is ideal for A Professional Christmas vathe family man. riety show is scheduled to lie A third option for which the held at the Service Club on Vietnam-base- d enlisted man is Monday, December 16. The show drill the is sergeant re- will lie entitled the Sounds of eligible enlistment program. It offers a sta- Christmas and will consist of at a singing and dancing. bilized tour of , -- ar 6. Area-of-Choi- Give Her the Ring of Remembrance , Project VAULT Will Train Vets For Ghetto Teaching Jobs ing servicemen, who have limited education or vocational training, to tieconie useful and productive citizens on their return to civilian revolutionary program called Project VAULT aimed at as teachers for ghetto area schools was introducveterans training ed at a conference in Washington Septemlier 4th. GATHERED IN THE pentagon at the request of the Department of Defense and Health, Education and Welfare, were educators from more than 150 colleges and universities to hear uliout VAULT and its relationship to Project TRANSITION. Project VAULT, developed by Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri, is designed to prepare returning servicemen, many of them high school dropout," for careers in teaching. DOD and Hew sponsored the meeting and introduced VAULT to the educational community in order to show how cooperative action between the military services and colleges can provide educational opportunities to men who would not otherwise go to college. Project VAULT was conceiv ed liy Welister College, as part need to provide through education of the Defense Department's Pro- an entry into the professions for ject TRANSITION. The program the culturally deprived. The Welister College plan commenced this past summer at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. tvpifies the spirit of many of industries and public Forty servicemen, in the last six our major months of their service careers, arid private industries, which who indicated they did not plan through Project TRANSITION were entered in the are aiding many of our separat to Welister College program. credential THE MAJOR many of the servicemen possessed was their service career. Most of them had high school equivalency certificates as their sole academic credential. During the summer the servicemen were exposed to a concentrated, preparatory program conducted by the college at Fort Leonard Wood. This semester 25 of the original 40 servicemen are on the campus at Welister College. Five more plan to enter college during the next semester. Miss Jacqueline Grennan, president of Welister College, in explaining Project VAULT, said, The curriculum would pmliahly not meet the standards of 80 per cent of the colleges in the United States. The portion of the curriculum given at Ft. Kraft Brow Leonard Wood was designed to immediate veterans the capture interest and then rapidly accelerate his basic reading and writing skills. Miss Grennan, who has the IS It. x 30 Roll reputation as a highly innovative commember of the educational R9 39 munity, explained that the VAULT program is designed to provide a bachelors degree and teachers certificate in two and one-ha- life. A Project TRANSITION was conceived by President Johnson in January 1967 as a program that w ould assist the servicemen, some of whom are from the ghetto environments, toward a better way of life when they leave military service. A large proportion of those, particularly from critical uriian environments, are unskilled and with poor educational backgrounds. The President asked the Ser- vices to do their utmost to upgrade the educational level of all servicemen who required to help and to provide them with marketable skills prior to their return to civilian life. "wn - WIVES VISIT CBRWOC SHOOT Members of the Dugway Officers Wives Club recently toured facilities of the CBR Weapons Orientation Course and witnessed a demonstration. Shown above are the ladies as they were explained the use of items on display in the CBRWOC static display building by LTC Arthur Nieto. maKS&MNG" No Shop Cornets For Discount h VUiffS Cornets Overseas Discount Mailing Center PAPER lf years. A MASTERS degree is possible within four years. The planned course of instruction will stress action learning in the critical urban environment along with the development of the more sophisticated professional skills. Students will cany maximum academic loads during regular semester and summer sessions. Veterans benefits will provide an income which will enable most studehts to attend college without a heavy part time work schedule. What makes a former all girls college in Welister Groves, Mo., (an affluent white, St. Louis suburb) decide to train veterans (many of them Negroes) as teachers for our inner cities? Other than the fact that Webster College lias one of the nation's most forward thinking young college presidents (she is a memlier of the President's Task Force on Uriian Educational Opportunities and a former memlier of the President's Advisory Panel on Research and Development in Education), the answer is not simple. WEBSTER COLLEGE has on a program that attempts to meet two fundamental needs of our uriian society: first, the desperate need to provide inure qualified teachers in our city schools who are creative and innovative and, second, the Heavy Bold Rib Corduroy 97 NOW Reg. 1.49 Fall Asst. Fabrics Your choice Reg. 69 yd. yd. Flannel Material yd. Asst. Patterns Reg. 49 Wool Worsted Yarn yds. colors skiens - Reg. 1.29 All 1 NITE & Vi Gal. DAY Cosmetics Your choice Style, Smart Set, Sho Curl, French Touch Reg. 99 Deodorant Shampoos, ring of precious gold, set . with a birthstone honoring every member of the all of her family A lovely . .I rC ... nearest and dearest V ri as low as ones. Individually college training. Despite a requirement that veterans must have valid private licenses or equivalent in flight training hours and meet medical requirements for a commercial n pilot's license, the current G.I. Bill flight training program has attracted more than did the much n-trainees less restrictive Korean Conflict program at its peak. More than 17,(XX) vet'.raus have entered flight training under the present program. Peak enrollment under the Korean Conflict flight training program was reached in Novemlicr 1967 when veterans were enrolled. Pust-Korea- BONDED KNIT Rinses. Bath oils Around the dock prot. Vt gal. Big Family sixe Reg. 1.49 MATERIAL Reg. 1.99 yd. Now while it plastic container Reg. 1.59 lasts Limited yd. 9-P- New VA Program . ly DISCOUNT HAIR SPRAY Towels and Wash Cloths Teflon Set c. Ideal Gift - complete cookware set Reg. 14.99 than 55.IXX) eligible veterans have taken advantage of three new programs opened a Adyear ago by the Veterans ministration in keeping with their policy of providing complete for educational opportunities veterans. Effective October 1, 1967. trainflight training, ing. and training to complete high school without losing entitlement to follow-o- n college education were made available to veterans G.I. Bill. under the In the (last 12 incmths nearly 23.(XK) veterans have entered training while more than 15,(XX veterans have taken advantage of the special program A permitting them to receive education assistance to complete high school or take college courses without losing their G.I. Bill entitlement to ' Coats and Claries Bath towels Reg. 1.19 Hand towels Reg. 79 Wash Clothes, Reg. 39 r44 4 -ft. Potted Plant Artificial rubber plant, and split leaf phil. Reg. 16.99 KER-PLUN- GAME tantalizing game of nerve and skill Reg. 4.98 331 1 Reg. 39( - Full Size 99 Pre Christmas Toy Sale K A 77 4 Dish Towels TRAIN SET Battery operated Reg. 3.98 Check these Discount Nancy Ann Fairy Tale RAG DOLLS DOLLS Soft, cuddly Reg. 1.29 Specials Reg. 1.99 Only 41 shopping days till Christmas Post-Korea- n . . discount buys Shop Cornets and Save WRAPPING More . . . for (MAX DM OTHERS for that SPECIAL SOMEONE. travel to find VJtSEIY Prices llfceivi 55,000 Knrollees for MOTHERS need to 5)88 SLAP STICIC The wild wackey game that makes everybody slap happy - Reg. 5.98 SHOP EARLY 1968 Model CARS Cougar, Corvette, Mustang Reg. 1.00 SEWING Small Baby Grand Piano Reg. 89 MACHINES wplastic carrying case, battery operated. Really sews Reg. 7.98 MUSICAL W TOYS Trumpets, Sax, Clarinet Reg. 1.00 44 vetera- $1690 Gift box of course. COLORFUL . . . APPEALING. Largest supply of costume jewelry DISTINCTIVE . . . HOOD DRUG 34 So. Main 13,-(X- Open Every Night til 9:00 Sundays VALUES YMIY 10-- 6 151 N. Main i |