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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Nov. 8, 1968 Dugway 's Mustangs Basketball Schedule - UNIVERSITY I fTu u EP 10 1339 TOOELE " ALWAYS RRST QUALITY November November Decemlwr December Decemlwr December December December ANNOUNCING OUR BIG IPEBE IHOILE DM (Ufflffl. Pre-Holid- ay Hundreds of fantastic values in every department A FEW EXAMPLES OF YOUR MANY CHANCES TO SAVE! G WOMEN'S FASHION COAT SAVINGS! WOMEN'S POINT D'ESPRIT NYLON PANTY HOSE BUY! WINTER-WARMIN- iMtrtiftfl CMh m f mi aU e nnn mmm tfym 111 mnl NmNy aartarai ia MtiwWy kaM a m- lafiy-laaiar all aaa mi4 wim a Mart I 88 I -j WOW! WOMEN'S SMART FALL DRESSES REDUCED NOW! w far tiril cheice mt haw taahianabla aVauei in II the vibrant calm Hurry IVka. NOW Dalifkriirlly 7J9 o)MQe A TERRIFIC Claawc nylafl fahwa wHt. Macular eincJ bvttaaa4avai Ian. SaM calan. cal anf. NOW 4 A N A mmm mm m i p "" I arfad far warta Hum Iha caM vaaikar akaa4. Gnat iar aiaaa-m- i tar rka lawHr, tar raaw. akirii aha .iMna. and lfd. Uiy AND SWEATER Niyk taifciaa iaaat caataina vanatilify far aarrp valve far pirkl frattv calan la taty iv.nf lag style, that eve aarfact Iar icVaal ti paj . 7 W 14. SET ON FLUFFY, CHASING BLANKET! GREAT BUY SPECIAL BUY ON SEAMLESS LONG WEARING NYLON HOSE 2for5 4yd.l M aaaaiiaa.aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaiaaaaaaaaaaa-- CHILL DtlifMw calan ia fiaa rayaa aytaa Maaaill wifk mwmp nykn biadiai tar Mti mar. Madliaa aaSaato, IvfcvwajrM walar. A tar aarwrn faat Hajchtfia wasa aavar SKIRT - ,,.- f.Jwir wt u" iaai awlj aaaaMa I I. 2P,1 22 $4 rrtkfiftilMl BOYS' RUGGED WESTERN CUT Folding High Chair DENIM JEANS RJEDUCED1 wMi ' 199 99 tftMtJy MfC, lonsiwv (M ftp riMfJH rig.!. Mr.la ctvvi a.a.llaa,H.laaa, 10M Compact EwyiaMej at at at at at at at at Dugway South Summit Dugway Dugway Wasatch Acad. Dugway Delta Dugway's MOS Library is presently supplying publications 13 and reference materials for mili14 tary and civil service personnel 20 and their dependents in three 27 & 28 Dugway states - Utah, Idaho and Montana. Admission will be In all there are 23 supported milistuall to charged dentf for these games tary units that work out of the Dugway MOS Library. at Dugway Alumni December 30 THE MAIN function of the Wendover at Wendover 3 January MOS Library is to provide miliSt. Joseph, 2:30 p.m. at St. Joseph January 7 references and publications tary at 10 Tintic Dugway January for all MOS job titles, and in USD at 2:30 15 USD, p.m. January this manner the library aids in at Grantsville Grantsville January 18 preparing military personnel for at Dugway St. Francis January 24 the pro-pa- y examinations by exat Wendover 31 Dugway January panding their knowledge in their St. Joseph, 2:30 p.m. at Dugway February 4 particular MOS field. The library at Tintic Tintic February 7 is an excellent source of AR's, at Dugway USD, 2:30 p.m. February 12 FR's and TM's. Wasatch at 14 Wasatch February The library not only supplies at St. Francis St. Francis February 21 publications and reference sources All homes games start with the Junior Varsity at 6:15 p.m. for expansion in new fields, but and the Varsity at 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. it also has on hand many books suitable for excellent review work. Available are books from the third grade level on up to the Mixed League Monday Might high school level and then right on up through the college level. w L In the college level the library 12 4 1st Place - Team No. 1 supplies all texts and references 7 9 2nd Place - Team No. 5 needed for use in the United 7 2 No. 9 3rd Place Team States Armed Forces Institute College Correspondence Program 231 E. 231 Bennett High Game (USAFI). New publications need223 618 Series Colanto J. High ed for use in the USAFI program 218 182 G. Asplund High Averaee are received regularly. Team 1 Team 5 Team 2 For those interested in a forBill Wilcox Walt Cooper Bennett Marge eign language, the library has K. Malone La Verne Cooper Sally Wilcox numerous language texts, tapes and Loretta Ott Dave Vanzile Seccter Malone records on hand. If there is no F. Ott Ed Bennett material on a particular language in which you are interested, the MOS library can order the text Wednesday Night Handicap and have it for your use in two w L weeks time. Included in these 1st Place Team Nal 194 4tt language references are books on 2nd Place Team No. 3 17 7 the languages taught under the 3rd Place Team No. 2 8 16 USAFI program. PERSONNEL about to take Ron Jorgensen 269 High Came the General Educational Develop656 Marv Morris 250 High Series ment Test (GED) will find that 198 Bob Solomon 244 High Average many of the USAFI references will aid them in obtaining a betTeam No. 1 Team No. 3 Team No. 2 ter test score, as the more than D. J. Levy Bill Wilcox Brent Ritchie 500 different publications include Richard Bates Bill Roy Bob Solomon excellent study material on matheB. Fowler Larry Nygren Jerry Oyler matics, social studies, history, Art Brosius Tom Donnelly Grady McEvoy etc. The MOS Library also has Russ Larsen El Brooks Walt Cooper many technical type books on A. Robinson Red Kirk Greg Torre such things as electricity and Poppy Ott Ray Zylstra diesel engines. The MOS Library which is Re-Up- s located at the Education Center Ware Barracks, is open every day from 0730 to 1630 hours includA native of San Angelo, Tex., who had just returned from a ing the lunch hour. Dugway's MOS 12 months duty in Korea Oct. 24, 1968 for six years, Librarian, Mrs. Janet Robinson, in the office of the company commander Headquarters Compinvites all personnel at Dugway, any, at Dugwav. Equipment Control Branch here. whether they be military, civilian Class Daniel After Sergeant First he received or dependents, to visit the MOS E. Adney was by First a bonus of $889,,, Library and take advantage of Lieutenant Barckley W. Toole He and his wife Shirley have its excellent facilities. acting commander at Headquar- three boys and they are all li" ters Company. ing at Dugway. My Sergeant Adney who was bom in 1938, has been in the Army for 14 years and during this time he has been assigned twice to Germany and once to Korea. At the moment he is working at the 7 SF SFC D. Adney Comfortline FANTASTIC VALUE! GIRLS' SAVINGS NOWI la waar la h'tah iktrta. aanH, win. flaral caayltfary faniniiM. WOMEN'S TAILORED BLOUSES AT aaaa anrf SPECIAL BUYI WOMEN'S WARM FLANNEL SLEEPWEAR arif.tll taftll m. van arif. M0 GAILY PRINTED FLANNEL AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON FLANNEL PAJAMAS 6 North Sanpete South Summit Altamout Tabiona Wasatch Academy Grautsville Delta Dugway Tournament Park City South Summit Tiutic From Dugway MOS Library Dugway's Bowling Standings metropolitan stores (plus Ogden, Provo, Tooele and MagnaJ will be closed until 11 a.m. on Thursday, November 7th to prepare for our Clearance. Here is your chance to save on hundreds of Big, Big items we are clearing from our stocks to make room for new Christmas merchandise. All Salt Lake City HERE ARE JUST 29 30 3 States Borrow 22 NOW Use Your Convenient Charge Card and Save! For Six Neighbors Arrival of Babies At Dugway Hosp. AVE 20 on all Magicolor Paints Nov. 6th thru the 9th only! ft(3GnuG0? PRE-HOLID- AY SALE! Here Are Sav a Few Samples of the Savings: 1.60 to 2.60 a Gallon Custom Colors: Select any color in any lmih flot, gloss plus exterior f iniihei hundred of luscious lhades to choose from, including new, deep-tonaccents. - semi-glos- e Savo 1.90 a Gallon The Super homogenized satin enamel for kitchen, both, woodwork and furniture. Guaranteed to cover any color in one. easy coot. Flows on easily as latex, dries no odor quit kh, leaves or lap marks. Colors match 7.39 gal. 9.49 Semi-Gl- o: non-dri- for Piui: The homogenized, double-late- x walls, ceilings and woodwork that's guaranteed to cover any surface in just one coat. Odorless, dripless and quick drying (20 minutes). Clean up in soapy water. 16 colors, plus White. Satin Save 1.00 a Gallon Paints, before your holiday guests arrive!" 5.99 gB. Latex Plastaron: The answer to problem walls. Points, plasters and textures in one coat. Coven cracks, seams, nail holes, botches. Flows on with a brush, makes new walls from old. "9- - W 3.99 gal. RADIO ELECTRIC "Redecorate those rooms now, with Magicolor one-quart- er Save 1.50 a Gallon "9- - 7.49 Born to Sergeant David M. Knight and Mrs. Knight on Oct. 18, a girl; the child weighed 8 ounces pounds, 8 and one-na- if and her name is Kimberly. They reside at 329 A West 3rd Ave., Dugwav. BOi 'I TO Specialist 5 John Swansoa. and Mrs. Swanson on October 25, a boy; his name is Richard Carl and he weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces. They all reside at 361 D West 2nd Ave., Dugway. Born to Specialist 5 Charles Harris and Kirs. Harris on Oct. 27, a boy whom they named Bradley John; Bradley weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Specialist Harris and his family reside at 5356 C Harris St., Dugway. Born to Specialist 5 Rolert Bartkowiak on Oct. 30, a girl and her name is Sherry Lee. Sherry who weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces resides with her parents at 325 C West 3rd Ave., Dugway. BORN ON Oct. 31 was Renay Lynn, she weighed 9 pounds 15 ounces. She and her parents Sergeant Jerry Needy and Mrs. Needy reside at 221 B West 2nd Ave'., Dugway. Born to Specialist 5 Lawrence Stipe and Mrs. Stipe on Nov. 1, a girl, Maria Chirel is her name and she weighed 8 pounds ounce. They reside at 357 A West 2nd Ave., Dugway. ii 'Have you any without bristles for use in disciplinary actfonT Catch NFL Football See all Hit actioa m Sundayl See me for CIS-T- V better deal m your car, heme or lift insurance any dayl 4 U tM(l Mia) LEONARD HANSEN 49 S. 1st East UHHUC 882-300- 5 STATE The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: FARM Home INSURANCE Office: COMPANIES Winois Bloomington, Savins is the key to independence! When you save your hard earned monejfj at your credit union, it provides generous dividends Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and lave together not for profit not for charity -but tor mutual service. - and Hardware PHONE 882-066- 4 "Savings future" Credit 14 NORTH MAIN 1 is a key to the Dugway Union, Federal 532-257- 2 |