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Show - - Colonel Ralph FREEMAN RECEIVES CERTIFICATE Rashid, CBR commandant, presents a CBR certificate of achievement to Specialist Fisc Bradford Freeman, CBR Detachment, on July 12. TRANSCRIPT AND BILLETIN' AD RATES: 5 cents per w ord Regular iliglil face type) Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word 50 cents per issue I'p to one inch (monthly rale) 8 .50 per inch Display ads 7sver one inch (inonithlv rate) 81 per inch MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with business firms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN' ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should he reported immediately - the paper is responsible for ine incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will he included in the DESERET SAMPLER, a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugwav, Utah residents und workers twice monthly, without additional (gfi) (bail 1 6 v I, BY is OWNER, 4 bedroom, brick, carpeted, fenced, landscaped. 3261 So. 8280 West, Magna. 297-706- 9. -2 HAINES REALTY, 191 NORTH MAIN, TOOELE. 116 WEST MAIN, GRANTSEVENINGS VILLE, COME IN AND SEE OUR LISTINGS. CRI 882-139- 884-663- 882-356- 6. II a.m. day of publication. home. Large workshop. Pedersen Realty, CRI (bait 882-357- 2. Phone CRI 882-006- BATCH. APARTMENTS - Cook-in- g red-roo- m stove, 882-473- - 882-022- ' SlODERN frig, small cement mixer, desk, 5 misc. 1 trucks. or 8824)336. YVE DRAPERIES READY MADE or ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned CUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics, modem designs. GORDON and repaired. ELMERS, 38 YV. VINE. FURNITURE CO., 60 So. Main CRI e. I JACOBS CARPET and Fumi I ture dean, tint, dye, etc.l Please call Henry Jacobs.! HAVE YOUR insurance rales gone up? Check our low rates. PEDERSEN INSURANCE AGENCY. CRI amps. Salt Lake prices. As low as $8 down and $8 per month. Chau-doi- n Music Co.. 220 So. Main, Tooele. Ph 88241336 or 28 882-482- 6 882-108- 1. 884-383- FRAMING PICTURES LEAKING FAUCETS or foully toilets repaired. Call 8822603 after 5. 30 YYALKERS ' .. PHONE .v ,145 lYest First South CRI Tooele. 882-145- 9 882-459- 884-396- 5. -6 882-073- 8. 882-357- 882-388- S 882-389- 882-262- 1. 882-100- 882-103- 882-31- -2 882-389- . 4. - 882-305- - Situations 297-245- 1. 882-341- 8. 297-245- 1. 884-338- - P-- - 882-301- 6. 882-305- 0, -9 882-203- 882-354- 1. 882-117- 882-260- 1 E PROFESSIONAL nig care. Carpets and upholstrv cleaned in your home. Free estimates. - SAGE KENNELS Boarding cats - small breed dogs. 75 30 day. two racing slicks. FOR SALE 775x14. 882-270- 7. MR. PARKER of Parkers Music Co. in Tooele has lieen in the hospital for over one month. YVe are in financial bind. YY'e have 16 pianos and 6 organs that we would like to sell to relieve our debt pressure. There are no tricks or fast talking involv- ed. If you have thought alxmt buving a new piano, organ, or anv other musical instrument please take the time to call us EXAMPLES new PIANO reg. $685. our price at this time $395. New THOMAS ORGAN reg. $801), now $560, new CLARINET reg. $165, now $95. Free del. within 50 miles. Toll free Please no. in SLC 297-651- 1. call. YYe need your business and we will make it worth your time and effort to check with us. Ph 884-341- 882-496- 7. Dugwav once each week. AL AND LID FURNITURE & APPLIANCE. 8824)964. CRI DICKS SALES & SERVICE R J. BURRASTON, 136 Utah Ave. Hours 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. TORO MOYVER SALES. Expert Auto Repairs Service for Cars 882-246- 8. or High return. Excellent Part-tim- full-tim- e High demand manufactured. e. for 882-374- 0 goods IF YOU DESIRE MORE INWRITE to FORMATION, P.O.BOX1 MB3.SALTLAKE CITY. - FOR SALE $18 per ton or 8824)107. Call HAY ' BEDROOM white frame home with large livingrooin ' and dining room, w to w carpet. Phone TWO 882-419- 4. 9' CREDIT UNION MANAGER for Delarge Uluh Credit Union. gree preferred plus experience in the financial field required $9,000 to $12, 000 a year. Contact Mrs. McCormick, Dept, of Employment Security, 379 So. 6th East, Salt Uke City 322-- 1 133. C-2- LOST cream laxly, chocolate markings, white feet. Reward. Also black tomcat. MALE SIAMESE 884-667- e are pleased to announce that we are now prepared to take care of all kinds of auto repair work on all makes of cars. We specialize in the following: Automatic transmission over haul Motor overhaul Brake system overhaul Ignitions and electrical work, generators, starters, etc. Fender and body work painting and glass replacement Lubrication and maintenance All work, done by experienced mechanics and fully guaranteed. V CAT, P-2- -9 Tooele Plymouth Sales and Service 87 North Main, Tooele, 882-k6- 21 chest type frcccr. reBest offer, takes. needed. pairs 25 East 1st South. 882-3- 15. 1 - FOR SALE ACE TONE comlw Excellent condition. organ. ask for $273. Inquire D&D SALVAGE cab high camper, FOR SALE stove, storage room. and lieds. seals Upholstered 328 I Holland Drive CAMPERS for Buy at Tooele County Dealer, Tooele Plymouth Sales 87 North Main Street. CRI 884-330- 3. 882-470- 6. $500. 23 ly ALUMINUM, RADIATORS FREE PICKUP 14 PHONE 884-324- P4W-- 2 882-358- 8. Milk Cow for sale. GUERNSEY FOR SALE livestock rack, galvanized steel, fit all 1960-66 pickups. $100. 882-212- 1964 InternationMUST SELL al Harvester, Hi ton truck. d trails. rear; 12x8 steel bed; dump hoist; dual wheels; power brakes; 23,000 miles; excellent condition. Call 8824X104 or see at 40 So. Coleman. Terms can PRI lie arranged. Two-spee- ROBINSON (list oui Spraying. All yard insects, ('all 8824)867. 1 - 1962 Ford Galaxie FOR SALE Y6 2 drive, hard top. Good Condition. Ph 884-550- 6. - FOR SALE 1955 Cadillac. Good condition. 8824)14 1. FOR SALE - 1962 Willy Jeep station wagon. 4 wheel drive, want hulls, radio, lucking differential in front and rear axles. $800. S-- - 1961 Poutia ConFOR SALE vertible as is $150. 44 YYest 2nd So. - $3(X). FOR SALE - 2 66 OPAL 2 door, hard top, 4 cylinder, economy engine, 30 miles to gal., disc brakes, per1 fect shape. Call or C-9 evenings. 882-262- 882-358- 2 882-358- 1966 Honda 160, drum set $150. 882-27(4- 4. 273 or hard top. air conditioning, perfect condition, tires and all low mileage, still well in factory warranty. Cull evenings 2 or weekends P-- 9. 56 CIIEY'ROLET 4 door sedan. New automatic transmission. Runs fine $1(X). Call 882-357- 2. C-- 2 63 RAMBLER CLASSIC tip top hxiks and runs toils, air con- 65 C1IEV 1MPALLA Looks fine ditioning, good tires. top. Cull 882-357- 2. 67 RITCK two dixir, hard top. standard transmission. Perfect P-- - 2 shape, gixxl tires. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN All types wiring and repairing. Air conditioning sales, ser8 vice and installation. 20 or 88241335. tKT TREAT rugs right, they delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shajnpqper $1. Cordon Furniture. -2 t IF carpets look dull and drear, remove spots as they appear with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sliuinpooer $1. Tooele Mercantile Co. C430-- 2 SPARE - TIME INCOME Re- filling and collecting money from XEYY' TYPE in dispensers your area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references. $600 to )2,9(X) cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview writ" PEN-IDDISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 2520 (A) S. STATE ST.. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 64115. Include phone numlier. ty coin-operat- A -2 tell us cleaning carpets the convenient way with new Host is a homemaker's dream. Rent Mucliihd'SI. Cordons Furniture. CUSTOMERS KK2-357- C-- 2 2 HH CRI high-quali- 882-156- 9. 864-347- 1. 884-505- 7. I - 1966 Honda FOR SALE Perfect condition. $235. 66 DODGE DART FOR SALE buy old gold, w'atches or lietter still trade them in for merchandise. Bateman Jew elry, 5 North Main. "YVe C0-- 2 C-- 2 P-- 0. BRACE yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue1 Lustre to clean rugs. Shainpooer For Rent. Grantsville Drug Store. P-J- 249 Griffith. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner. Good condition, gas incenerator. ph TREE TRIMMING and rgrnov!. Free Estimate. 882-162- icc-lio- x. HAY LINER sale. JUNK CARS, BATTERIES, BRASS, COPPER, 682-16- Kevin. 19 882-311- 1 YVE BUY SCRAP, LARGE Call 8824)392. PAINTING, interior and exterior, licensed and insured. Free estimates. YValk and YVrathall. FOR SALE Coif clulis and bag. $30. 8824)144. 2 131 S. CoIemM 7 Tooele "PEST CONTROL, yards spifcyed. Basements and commercial. State license. M. O. Fongf, ph LAYVN MOYVER - TILLER SHARPEN - REPAIR - SALES 882-413- 1. FOR SALE If) inch girls bi. Like cycle with triangle new $10. Plume SS24E22.P-- - 3 30 884-393- 882-139- 882-356- 882-286- con tractor. f patios. Licensed Call YTSTA REPAIR all makes of stereos, radios, black and white or color TVs. Fast Guaranteed Service. Special service to YY'E 882-286- 2. ss MASONRY YYORK All types, fireplaces, garages,! ' FOR ELECTROLUX SAES AND SERVICE SEE LOUIS R BELLS 884-505- 5. 882-465- 4. 16 23 y 882-389- 0. - CRI 5 7 PROFESSIONAL 7 PORTRAITS, SUMMER YVEDDING ALBUMS SPECIALS! J Call NOW! ROYS PHOTO 387 Lakeview Ave. - FENDER GUITARS CUSTOM KILLING UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE GRADE A GRAIN FED BEEF, 50 CENTS MUTTON, LAMB, 53 CENTS; PORK, 38 CENTS; Silver Store. Wedding Photography Grantsville. 882-357- 2. YVILL pay you $1.6$ for your silver dollar, or better still, get $2.25 in meijchan-disBateman Jewelry Your CRI facilities. Private bath, heat CRI and air conditioning. $50 and Trailer. Call up. Utilities included. 365 E. FOR SALE PRICES INCLUDE 7 after Vine St. Phone PROCESSING. 4:30 p.m. FINANCING AVAILABLE TWO BEDROOM furnished apt. TROPICAL FISH Ghost Class PHONE Air conditioned $130. 260 Cars $1.98: Marble Mollies 75 North 1st East. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -CRI YOUR CORRAL. CALL US YVE DO THE REST. WHOLEFOR RENT nicely furnished SALE MEAT, USDA CHOICE apt. Close in. Suitable OR GRANITES ARISTO-CRATEfor couple. $65 including utili51 LB. PROCESties. Inquire O. T. Barrus 4 SED. TOOELE ICE AND or or STORAGE. EASY TERMS AVAIL-ABL- NEW HOUSES FOR SALE under construction near to East EleHOME on 2 acres with mentary School. Special feawill ture. All utilities are under-- , 1 TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. take part in trade. Two Priced $13,900 and up. ground. at 61 N: MAIN. CRI house to Ire moved. Ph Low down or paint for down. FHA and VA approved. Phone LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE or evenings 2 NO. 2031 Pedersen-Gib- b Real Estate. 3 bedroom brick FOR SALE MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. CRI home. Fully carpeted, draped, FRANK A. SII ARMAN, sec. landscaped and sprinkler sys5 PHONE tem. Rental unit in basement HOUSE FOR SALE - 469 West Vine. See to appreciate. for additional income. All vaAMERICAN LEGION POST 17 30 for immediate and cant ready MEETINGS 2nd and 4lh FOR RENT OR LEASE - large occupancy. A beautiful home WEDNESDAYS, 8 p.m. CRI HOME for in good residential area. Ph. TWO BEDROOM 60 ft by 100 ft cement block sale on 2 lots. 2 garages. Ph 5 or after 6 Cas, heat, air conROCKY MOUNTAIN building. 882-42after 6. ditioned. Plenty of office space. p.m. F1I.A approved. LODGE NO. 11 F&AM CRI Close in town. Inquire O. T. MEETS, 1st & 3rd BY OWNER two lied rooms, all Barrus. phone TUESDAYS, 7:30 p, large rooms, carpets, drapes, CRI PRE SCHOOL BANNER SPEand lots sprinklers, landscaping IN5K ASSUME CIALS EFFECTIVE this date July 30 of closet and storage space. HOME FOR RENT OR SALE I will not lie responsible for TEREST, 8 years paid on loan, FHA at $120 Take over 514 brick, basement. month, make offer for equity. any debts contracted by anypurchase equity and enjoy imSee at 331 Valley View. Call Mike mvself. in than other mediate one See 469 Canyon Circle. enjoyable living for appointment. 0 Roth. 16 exceptional well cared for Ilk bath, carpeting, drapes. New covered duNew MACNA WANT TO BUY chest of patio, near school. will $70 plex, drapes, carpet. drawers. Good condition. Ph PRICE REDUCED $2000 for furnish. CRI quick sale. Well insulated spacious kitchen and 2 liedroom brick DANCINGLESSONSCreativeand Lot or small acre- MACNA dinning area, den, new carpet- WANTED home. $95. Studio" drapes, carpets, tap. RaNae's Dance age, Stockton or Clover area. ing in large living room, southCRI yard. Grantsville. Register from July Write: A., Box 390, Tooele, west location. 16 to July 26. Classes lieginning Utah. 30 FURNISHED APT. MOVE FAST on this one, ownCouple. July 27. Phone er will cut price $1,000 below 343 So. Main. 2 15 chrome private REMODELING SALE appraisal. dinette, six chairs, refrigerator, FOR RENT backyard, covered patio. unfurnishEXPERT CHILD CARE Bendix washer, doors, etc. Ph ph CANT BEAT THIS ed house. 564 So. 1st West. 327 East 1st So. brick rambler, full basement, 9 after 5 p.m. CRI curtains and drapes, electric WILL TEND one or two child-i- n FOR RENT range, closed in car port, low apt. ren inv home. Mrs. Mon- tractor 3 (mint equity, low interest immediate FOR SALE Like new. 576 West 2nd South. hook-u- p tova with plows mower 6 occupancy. leveller and harrows acre lots WE ALSO have new home natural gas, cullinary water FOR RENT or well under1 construction, furnished ATTENTION! and irrigation water available custom build for you. P-- 2 apt. Will sell on contract. Call If you are seriously con5 HAINES REALTY lwsi-neafter 5 p.in. 2 TRAILER SPACES FOR RENT sidering going into 191 North Main for yourself, SEE US Large lots, reasonable rent. 4 FIRST. YVe have openings Natural gas in all spaces. 6 Evening BOAT FOR SALE in the interniniintain area. Homestead Trailer Court, 871 the in Cabin Ixiat with trailer. Call manufacture Light So. Coleman, Tooele, Utah. BUILDING LOT Doran I hint, new field of plastic. 30 8824)705 furWill investment. $3,990 LARGE building nish you with all materials, zoned for horses. equipment and supplies. 2 Work in your home or ALL garage. BPO ELKS NO. 1673 v 882-033- small j) 12-in- h MAIN STREET commercial property. A real bargain price. ( NOTICES) - jewing (5 MISC FOR SALE cross FURNISHED APARTMENTS -cut saw, new time clock, time 2 and 3 rooms. New kitchens cardruck, small frig, small stove, and appliances, including eleccement mixer, desk, 5 misc. tric ranges, automatic gas heat. 1 trucks. or Air conditioned. Large recreaCRI tion area. Rates start at $75 LADIES abate monthly tensions. headaches, with ABATE per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day, week, TABLETS. Only 9Ne. Hood month or yen. Linen service 5 Drugs. available. ' WESTERN APARTMENT cross cut-saMISC for sale 515 North Main, Tooele. new time clock, time card-rac882-473- - charge. t DEADLINE for classified ads (Graduates of Dugwav's second Defensise Driving Class are (from left) Cecil Arthur, Don Baker. (Jury Alves, Ben Alexander, Warren Ahlstriun. Don Bake, Clen Aslilev and Cary Asplund. Colonel Paul W. Shcffler, l.S. Army Hospital commander, has T1IE BIRDS AT LAST of his rank new pinned on by Mrs. Shcffler and Brigadier General Jolm G. Appel. insignia Deseret Test Center commander, during ceremonies at the Dugwav hospital, July Iff. J. - Honda "50". $125. FOR SALE Trail Sprocket. Call 884-341- 7. 882-358- C-- 2 EVEItlRE RUBS ISES III WANT ADS 5- - |