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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Aug. 2, 1968 Levy and SEPOS Defined IH,) DA. enlisted personnel have lieeu selected within grade and MOS lor reassignment on a "hy name" lusis on the promise "longest in the sustaining base Confusion continue!. over tin proper use of the terms "levy" ami "SEPOS". Selected Enlisted t. for Overseas Personnel Sliip-nien- -- THESE le for oversea movement" in order to provide equity in assignments. Losing and gaining commands are notified of selection hy use of the SEPOS listing of replacement assignment TERMS aie not and dillcreiues most eligible in meaning should In recognized. A levy is a numerical merit placed on commands hy Headquarters. Department of the Army, for mandatory reassignment of enlisted personnel in specified MOS and grades to meet worldwide MOS and grade instructions. I.KM requirements are imposed oil commands, and the procedure is used only in extreme or emergency situations. account SKIRTS assignments requirements. Since the ineeption of Centralized Assignment S stein at for nearly all oversea assignments. For Summer Workers: Prompt Pay, Wort! on Paid Holidays The Civil Service has asked Federal Agencies to speed the paydays of summer employees and has announced that certain intitn Opportunity Campaign employees mav ilw paid lor Federal holulavs that occur during their terms of employment. Federal agencies were urged to expedite the payments to summer workers hy placing them mi supplemental payrolls, on a daily basis if necessary, until they eau lie worked into regular payrolls. The Treasury Department and the Defense Department are informing their disbursing officers irei"spple.7eniaT pavmlk for this purpose and have agreed to provide service, the Commission said. A supplemental payroll received bv a disbursing office at the opening of a lnisi-that day, ness day will 1 and a payroll received later in the day will be paid on the fol- lowing day. STANDING o' Ci yl . 1EAK: M I'torvo Ai r. Albertson's Swifts Premium cuts are flavorful and versatile. . . perfect for all your favorite round steak dishes. tasty-tende- roast loan, juicy tosty-taidwith prido. . . it Is out of Swift's Promium I'Sna cuff that Albertson's guarantees. V or FRESH GROUND CHUCK BONELESS BEEF STEW 3: BAR-- S 2 TOP ROUND STEAK o LEAN CUBE .Lb. a SLICED BACON Swift's Premium Boneless STEAK 1 Responding to questions on holiday payment for YOC summer employees (raid an an hour-1- , daily, or piecework basis other than those paid under postal said such laws, the Commission . made if lhe ,,,av Pa",c"t employee has a regular tour of duty which includes the holiday and if he has lieen appointed to serve for more than 90 days. For example: A YOC employee paid (Xi an hourly basis and apjxriuled Indore June 17, whose appointment will expire Septemlier 27, and who works' a Monday- - through- - Friday week. flir bHlep-.idenc- e P holiday which occurs on Thursday. July 4, and for Labor " ,,th )a 2. An Septen.lxir im1Mondav' employee ap- - w'lose aPP"- Jul also expires 0 ptemlrer 27 w'mld imt lie entitled to payment he not for a " P,nted, "t n,ect ,he Wklay relulre,nent- - .Lb. BONELESS CHUCK STEAK These delicious firm, vine ripened melons are U.S. No. 1 . . . guaranteed sweet and juicy by ear "farm Fresh" Produce department! ,, I k id ' '!iseiieei ' iz. Botit. ' e Stack si CRENSHAW HONEYDEW - near- and esiieeiCeeett e I i x . CASABA PERSIAN SANTA CLAUS a i Freedom has a price tag Quart Jar:.,-:- . This is the Liberty Bell, in Philadelphia's Independence Hall. It takes economic strength to help Uncle Sam safeguard all the freedoms America stands for. One happy way to supply it is through regular purchases of U. S. Savings Bonds. rush New Freedom Shares GAL Nuw. when you join the Payroll Saving. Plan or the h Plan, you are eligible to purchase the Shares new type U. S. Saving. when held to maturity of just that pay 4.74 4Vk years, and are redeemable alter one year. Freedom Shares are available on a basis with Series E Bonds. Get all the facts where you work or bank. Join up. America needs your help. Bond-a-Mont- Notei-Freed- TISSUE DRINKS ' K H Maiwell F1odBd? iOCKTAIL CELERY u 10 one-for-o- SANTA ROSA PLUMS CUP-TO- P CARROTS U.S. No. 1 U. S. Savings Bonds, new Freedom Sweet Tree Ripened . . . ? Ui. No. 1 crisp Yeung, tender . CANVAS SHOES pj ,1b. Your favorite Uncle asks you to buy U.S. Savings Bonds, new - 25 COSMETICS All These Budget-Saver- s Freedom Shares .59' ASST. PLASTIC WARE Plus OFF The (or how to turn $18.75 into $25 in just 7 years) ularly. Its happy habit 227 N. MAIN - TOOELE white and blue E53T a STORE IN TOWN! rich Seven-yea- r Buy U. S. Sav-ings Bonds reg- - YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALBERTSON Shares The U. 5. CutwimtMt Juts urt pay for tbn aJu'rawnt! It h pr- - AgU j KVfri di a public nr rue nr iguperaltvit uitb the 'Iruitin Pi pjnHUHt nJ The Anrtumg n BEANS THE FRIENDLIEST om and before you know it you'll have more than a few dollars tucked away in one of the safest investments there are. And as each SI 8.75 ripens and matures into $25 over seven years, you'll have a nice red. feeling from SBfi knowing you've .xi done your part to help Uncle Sam strengthen the cause of freedom. U. S. Savings Bonds, new Freedom Shares |