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Show 9 SALT FLAT NEWS, DECEMBER, 1970 t? of Blood OnehuvJred miles due ntermountain west of Sdt Lake City across a salt panoramic the SALT FLAT NEWS. One mOeVouthof WendSaJ lies WendoZtown over a dump, presided by deputy named Floyd Eaton. Residing in a modest establish-tn materials couected rf. rfle from his immediate environs, he is known fondly JSaus the residents ofWendover as Deputy Dump." In his colorful career, Deputy Dump has been a range detector" for a cattlemens association and man of many parts. Armed with a to prevent felonies in the area of the dump, he points with pride to his spotless record since assuming his present position; not a single felony has occurred TeCrd UtUUrpaSSed by lawmen in any part of die nation, exceeding even. Edgar How theatres, inc. L of Utah-Nevada,ho- axty-fiveyear- ld six-shoot- er Robert Redfloid Robert Redfiord Robert Redod BfeHeby fa. P faultless discharge of his responsibilities, Floyd uses his spare time writing a novel d creative, it dips liberally into his experiences of the past The SALT FLAT NEWS has obtained first serial rights to the novel, Queen Blood." of By cornering Wendovers leading vdy one), the NEWS has achieved a publishing iS coup ranking with the New Yo. TIMES publication of the William Manchester book on the Kennedy assassination or the current publication of the Khruschev memoirs in LIFE. Dont fail to follow this gripping tale of adventure and suspense in each issue of die SALT FLAT y a a c NEWS. c First of Exclusive Series Chapter 1 The thrilling ring of the phone snapped me out of the hind of dreams of days gone by. ... Picking it up, I said, Buenos dias, El Nino de Puma speaking. May I be of service to you? You can just fill the bill, came the reply. This is Phil Wilmette. How bad are you craving action, El Puma? : Being bom and reared on that wild Tex-Me- x border, I qualified in every Held. With a pair of sawed-of- f Colt 44s a 401 Winchester automatic saddle gun with a very short barrel, and an old beat up guitar, I boarded a stage for deep in the heart of the romantic land of manana. After two days and a night of miserable traveling and wishing I hadnt been such a damn fool and sold my horse and saddle, . Nothing, said 1, would suit me better. My saddle callouses are getting mighty soft sitting in this office. What goes, General? Plenty. How soon can you here? down get Three hours at full throttle if the planell hold up, said I. If not Ill be waiting to greet you on those golden shores in the sweet by and by. Come on, General, give me the low down. Too hot, said he. Ill give you the details when you get here. Till then, happy flying. With a click, the phone went dead. Caramba! Muyelmisterioso, said I to the dead phone. I said to my Catalina, charming and adorable la Call Carlos and tell him to have the Wildwood Flower ready in an hour and a half to hit that broad blue highway of Angel Country. That was Phil on the phone and he wants me at headquarters muy rapido. What goes, Colonel? I asked that question and got a click for an answer. By the way, querida, tell Samuel when he comes in to hold the fort till I get back. It was a beautiful, clear, sunny June day. With both throttles pulled all the way, those little twins sweetly purred the miles away. sec-retari- . if youre adventurous, own sixguns and rifle, with a good knowledgeof Spanish, youre worth 500 pesos monthly. Horses and ammo will be furnished. Contact Phil Wilmette, Broken Diamond Ranch, Durango. Hed gotten permission from President Cruz to organize a private police .unit to ride the outlaws down and bring them to justice or kill them off and put an end to this once and for all. The president had been delighted. Mexicos a large country around 176,000 square miles and to this day it doesnt have the law enforcement enough to thoroughly police it. Its a dangerous job, El Puma, thats why Im paying . I asked myself a thousand and one questions. Why was I needed so in Mexico City? Hard as I tried, I just couldnt come up with a suitable answer. Two years before Phil had pulled me off the trails where I had spent most of my twenty years in the organization. He transferred me from the main headquarters of the Desert and Mountain Police, Incorporated, to open and take command of a branch office in ChichuahuaCity with a crew of five men and a woman, all hard, seasoned investigators. Id been with Phil ever since hed organized in Durango to clean out the bandits preying on his ranch. The time Id first pinned on the badge a spread eagle on top of a sunburst I was only sixteen years old. I left Teuu to answer an ad in a leading Mexican newspaper. It read: c c P c c BnHaby is not Mherfc your beta Little Fans snot yourhheftheroi such high wages. Any jobs dangerous, said You can get seriously hurt or killed just sitting on your porch. I came here for the job and Im not backing out now. I dont believe anybody can shoot any straighter or faster than I can. Im willing to match guns with those bandits. With that statement, I became a Roving Policeman. To this day I still wear a badge for law and order. I lighted Durango. on the streets of Then, it was only a large cluster of adobes, a couple of stores and saloons. Nearly a third of the town consisted of a cathedral and an army post. The commanding officer spent all his time drinking tequilla and making love to the senoritas. The latter was okay by me, but when the Colonel was drunk, he became quarrelsome and insulting for some reason known only to him. He had a pet hate for Americans, as I found out. I had to teach him with a slap side the head with Judge Shorty Colt, that I was one Americano who didnt take a fancy to his insults. Afterwards he became a good friend of mine. . c c P P 0c a The Pear Green Gallery Farmington Open Noon to 6 Friday until 9 3 c o Po o I saw Phils car racing toward the little air strip as I started setting the plane down. As I lighted he ran up. El Puma, you made it with five minutes to spare! Lets go eat, I said, Im hungry enough to eat the north end of a wood kitty headed south! Well dine at the house, Phil said, Alicia has prepared your favorite meal. Continued next month Closed Sunday t P I. 867-281- Men wanted: no creed, color, or age limit required ; P outlined the job. Bandits boldly continued raiding his ranch, stealing horses and cattle and killing any cowboys that happened to be in their way.- - In one year hed lost ten men and the army couldnt or wouldnt do anything about it. o, . As I often said, a rap on the head was all that was needed to teach a man where his mistakes lay. When I arrived in Durango, I started inquiring as to the whereabouts of the ranch, and to my disappointment, I learned it was fifteen miles to the northwest. Being used to the saddle, I wasnt about to walk that distance in spike-heele- d justinos. After two hours of fruitless looking, I finally found an old peon with a horse and buggy who agreed to take me out for ten pesos. At the ranch, I received a warm welcome and a hearty dinner. With our pipes lit, Phil Michael IFbllard Michael iFblard Michael JtRJard is Little bus. c c c c c c c c c c c both shows coming to salt lake city DEC. 25th |